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Everything posted by activeviii

  1. The 687 was about the age when they started to change. Each model after that was undercut by the accountants
  2. In the box it came in, open it up take what you need to load the mag and then put box back in pocket
  3. Fallow are hard work at times, to many eyes watching and their so very transient. One day I can see a group, next day their across the valley on the slopes 10 miles away. I'm just lucky I shoot a very large area. Roe, about as easy as it gets. Bump them off, find somewhere comfortable to sit and they will do a loop and come back. Shoot to many out and they, like all deer, will go find somewhere with less pressure. As there is a shoot on one of the grounds I know where they like to be, around the feed bins so makes it a little easier. I shoot evenings only until I stop seeing them and then switch to mornings only. This way I find they are less likely to go totally nocturnal. I never shoot them off the feed bins either.
  4. I know it's on your list but it's a common fault and even though you have tested it I would look at borrowing a pump and just swap it out temporary. It was a common fault on the 24le and they suck air giving you the exspantion vessel misread
  5. Hahaha, your so rude, say it like it is why not lmao
  6. Your wearing it inside out haha
  7. Cheap grey floor paint from Aldi or Lidl when they have it, or propped job. Thin down the first cost and then two top coats
  8. Im told by all my land owners that i must shoot all the light and white before anything else. poachers deer. you can see them for miles and find one, you can bet there's a few commons that you wouldn't have seen. the land owners are starting to lighten up now that thermal is easy to get hold of as their all white in the thermal. i still shoot the bucks out but i like the does. Goats i call them
  9. lift off the tool post and put two cutters on the slide and then the post on top and bolt down. cutters just shim it up. use slips if you have them
  10. make sure the machine shot do not hammer a mandrel into the bore to use for centring. seen it done, had to recut. the one reason to put a relief or back cut in is to the mod shoulder has good meat to butt up to and square up. a good screw cut, dont to your mod and a good shoulder is paramount. you can cut the thread the other way, basically spin it all the other way, still cutting the thread right handed but having the cutter start as the shoulder end. then you can run the lathe faster and not worry about cutter crash. you only need enough relief cut to start the cut, cutter dependent. if its cnc then no need to worry, they can rattle it out, longest part is setting up. 20 minute job, just remember to clean the bore after. and make sure they crown it properly so no burr in the bore. all ready said, none pressure part. no need for proofing.
  11. Anyone have a good, easy app that will give me GPS distance traveled whilst beating please. The food step ones are no go as the step is not the same and when your sliding down a bank on your bum it don't register it GPS distance track for Android, and free lol
  12. Who said vegans don't shoot or kill. So cruel, off with his head
  13. Maize really doesn't like competing, makes week stems and poor or nil growth. Its not just a case of get some seed an put it in. loads of other factors need to be taken into account have a read of tis or at lest speck to your local seed specialist. someone like Nickersons are all over the country. have a look at this https://www.lgseeds.co.uk/uploads/J9374_Maize-Selection-Guide_LR.pdf it will give you some idea. if none of the above then look at surrounding the maize with other cover
  14. Shoot them in the atlas joint and they do not flap. Shoot them in the head and the body still gets the signals from the dieing brain. Shot more than my fair share with all sorts of rifles. Sometimes location dictates a small calibre. Favours and best for the way I need to deal with them is a 22lr subsonic. But the airgun has had to be used on occasions. 222 and 223 also used but to much flapping about and spoke the rest, I need to thin them as quick as possible and not have to have multiple visits back.
  15. You know what, I stopped posting on here a long time back because people telling other people what they think is law or they wouldn't do this that and the other because of the antis. Your sport, know the laws and stop pussy footing around and putting ideas in others heads, shooters and antis alike. Go get your air rifle, load it with what every you like and atlas joint shoot them. If others don't want to and fanny around with thier interpretation of the law then that's their problem but I do so wish they would understand the law correctly as this forum is so full of shooters that are clueless and dangerous. If you don't know the law then shut up and let the ones that have taken the time to read and understand the law and GL to pass on the correct knowledge and not some missing interpretation of what a mate said down the pub. As a shooter and gun owners it is up to each and everyone of us to read and understand the GL and firearms law, else your opening up yourselves for a whole lot of hurt. Happy new year all, catch you in probably another year
  16. Has anyone a Bantam. Preferably an fac? Been look for a while as I want a new gun for ratting but also for the squirrels. Was hoping I could use the Bantam and turn it down I'm and around the farm buildings and turn it up in the fields for knocking squirrels out the trees and from under the feeders. Inhave a s200 with multi shot adaptor at the moment. Works very well on the rats but no legs for the squirrels. But I don't have room for more guns as I could have just bought a rapid and saved money. Problem I have now is I went to order one from a shop and was put off, being told that because their basically a daystate, same factory and all that, that the shop will have no dealing due to to many being sent back for repair straight out the box. Is there any feed back in the sniper hr. And idea on shot count for one in fac .22 Are they really that bad, is there something else out there. Needs to be compact and as light as I can get away with. .22 and a fair size air tank, or one with changeable tanks so I can carry a spare when ratting. Can take 100+ shots a night so don't really want to be going back to car every 20 shots for a recharge Thanks for looking Phil
  17. One question that's been over looked, the barrel twist? I use to run a 12:1 with 40 GN blitz kings. Out to 450yards they were unreal. Very very accurate and things just blow up. However, after 450 yds I was getting the odd bullet tumbling, 500 yards and it ran out of legs and key holes. I wanted 800+ so changed it and went 8:1 twist. 40 GN bk just blow up mid air unless I run them slower, no point in that, ended loading 50 GN but their not the same, not as splatty. I have since had a 222 rebarreled I to an 8 twist, light weight short small deer gun with 65gn gamekings. Now life has changed on me I will sell the tikka 223 and have stopped the long range stuff.
  18. dont you dare ditch the &%. one of the best actions ever. you get it re-barreled with a good barrel, but a good smith. and it will out last you. .243 will still do you well. you will so regret selling and buying something like a Remington or browning after you have had all these years with quality of the sako75. cus your cars tires are worn out you dont bin the car.
  19. how i use to do it was to torches. a T20 in red LED for spotting by hand and then a T20 with doubler on the rifle, in red LED, this saves waving a rifle around when scanning or trying to mount the torch once you see a target.
  20. Colin, h414 was a very good powder. That's what John had in his 243. Now I'm switching it to n150. Rs60 is the bouble base powder and its only 20fps different than rs62 that I use for the 6.5 creedmore. Neil has a tube and half of h414. But as it's a new rifle I will start with a new powder for him.
  21. I switched to an IR last year. Just the dot. Wish I had years ago as guess where the hair is when in the woods was getting hard work. Also the night mode switch is very handy at last light. You can see the beast and its start shot but you can't find the cross hair. Flick the switch and the dot glows faintly enough not to wash out the tube like some other brands do. I went from pv 3-12x50 to z6i 3-18x50. It was the right move in my mind
  22. I have been using the Estore for the last 8 or so year for all Beretta parts. cant fault them yet. delivery is stupidly fast and the price is always right.
  23. i have been controlling deer numbers for many years, never thought i needed the DCS and use to poo poo it as a money making scheme. might well be but. i has a few £££ spare a few years back and thought why not, went off on my own, did the 3 days, think i might have known enough to pass it without doing the classroom stuff but, in all truth, i still learnt a lot. not all relevant to me but still nice to learn a few new things. i personally think we should have a competency test before you are allowed to have FAC, saw a few things on the course that was worrying, and taken people out that are also worrying. even the DSC2 would be better than nothing. if its done properly, and not in the pub, then at least people put into practise what they have learnt in the DSC1. I did mine this year as i needed it for something else but in all fairness, not that i learnt anything on it but i did met a couple of stalkers, that really do know their stuff, one gent that i have been lucky enough to be invited over to help him with culls. do i think DSC need for shooting deer? at the moment yes, as its better than nothing, but i would like to see formal training being introduced.
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