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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. The two problems these days are its taxation class and getting it insured. The big question "is the vehicle modified in any way?" is the killer There are companies that will insure them but its not the mainstream companies. other than that, go and have fun.
  2. are all the holes in the paper perfectly round? thats the first thing to establish, whether they are keyholing
  3. Thats like most of Africa that I have been to. But my experience in Africa was that when somebody died there would be no formal registration of the death and virtually nobody had any access to a doctor.
  4. My brother's accountant died this week, he was 59 with no known underlying problems. He ended up in hospital on a ventilator, seemed to recover but then relapsed, went back on the ventilator and died.
  5. Yes it will come in handy for the inquest Do not put weight on your back and then ride a motorbike. Even a few MPH significantly increases its inertia weight if you come off attach any weight to the frame of the bike, not your frame
  6. There has always been a high suicide rate in the farming industry, i don't really understand why except that it is a clear indication of how much pressure they must be under
  7. London ITV news at 1.30. Two girls interviewed getting off a plane from Brazil this morning. They will have to go into quarantine if they came in tomorrow but today they won't Where have you been? Brazil What were you doing there? Holiday !! what happened to essential travel only? What are the chances that these two are going to self isolate now they are here?
  8. I know from having had family North of the border there is a continual "victim" agenda that plays away in the background. Classic example is the lie that Westminster has been stealing "their" oil and gas for decades. Westminster, they say, starves their health system and education system of cash . Then when you look into it you find that actually they get more pro rata than south of the border This endless victim signalling is key to the SNP's strategy along with the implied suggestion its all a plot. Classic left wing text book stuff.
  9. There was a South African woman on Sky News yesterday saying she flew to London via Oman and nobody even questioned her about it when she got here. You would have thought a load of South Africans getting off a plane from Oman should have got somebody wondering? Plus they should quarantine all the rest of the people on the flight too, and charge the airline. Having it on the statute books does no harm at all, too many wee takers prepared to take a chance otherwise to try and save £1,750
  10. But on that fishing programme when the skipper of one of the boats points to a Spanish Trawler and says "he is allowed to catch ten times more fish than I am" that says it all about sustainability. We have got out of the habit of buying fish because its so expensive, and its expensive because its it short supply. We are a nett importer of cod and herring despite having the best stocks in Europe
  11. Its no different to calling dogfish rock salmon We can buy fish fresh on the quay side at Mevagissy
  12. One of the problems they have been having in Cornwall apparently is the bus service, or rather the lack of it, A lot of older people in the villages rely on the bus. So there is little point trying to give out appointments every ten minutes through out the day when there is only a bus every hour, or two hours. Always assuming you can get a bus directly there which is far from certain. And there is the distance, my MIL is 92, her vaccination centre was 40 miles away. Fortunately she was taken by family but not everybody has that choice So they have been getting a lot of no shows and cancellations. It calls into question the wisdom of doing the oldest first in poor rural areas
  13. Wow! thats going to get you a balanced view on life At Truro they have "standby" appointments. You can turn up at the end of the day and if there are vaccines left over its first come first served. My BIL and SIL went along and both got done
  14. souped up springers don't deliver the pressure in the right way at the right time to give consistancy. Too much air trying to get forced into a little hole against the resistance of a big spring. Springers are great in the mid range but you can't make them more than they are
  15. As I understand it the Hatsan springer as made in its original spec was only marginally above the max power for the UK market. The problem was overcome by lopping a bit off the spring for the UK. So theoretically all you need to do of fit an original spring. However, it would hardly be worth it. Although you would be creating something which is legally an FAC air rifle it wouldn't have the clout of Steve's rifle.
  16. My old propane bottle and blowtorch has come in very useful other than that a trick I learned living in USA was a couple of lengths of old carpet works most times. But over there, every year, people died in stranded cars and it was normal practice to keep a load of old newspapers under the back seat. A single sheet of newspaper is as warm as a blanket when put over you and can save your life. You can literally get buried in 4ft of snow if you get stranded somewhere over there and some people live in crazy rural locations miles from anywhere .
  17. self tapping screws should solve that, or nuts and bolts
  18. Just cut spacer wads from cereal packets to pack it out if you need to when tweaking / experimenting with the wad column height. Years ago when money was tight we made whole wad columns out of cereal packets and apart from being fiddly and producing showers of confetti they worked perfectly well.
  19. Down in Cornwall the estate agents use them, might be a bit of commercial work there if you got the hang of it
  20. We never stay in expensive hotels because the object of being on holiday is to not spend any more time in the hotel than we have to. I hate beach holidays, they are so boring ,I like getting out and about
  21. The fact that this virus first appears in the close vicinity of the Chinese high security lab that just happens to be doing research into bat viruses is far too big a coincidence to be ignored. The fact that the original Chinese reaction to the outbreak was to try and hush it up and threaten people looks an awful lot like guilt
  22. They are all freelancers and paid per drop, you wouldn't want to be doing it for what they earn
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