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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. It certainly looks that way doesn't it?
  2. There is always the club at Penrhiwpal, near Cardigan. That's a centrefire range. Its a bit of a drive but not unbearable and its a nice little club with good facilities.
  3. If the publicity is to be believed, polymer coated lead bullets are the next big thing. Certainly for carbines and the pistol calibres they seem to work and eliminate leading without paying FMJ bullet prices. Good things too for some rifle calibres at the lower velocities. .45-70 loves it apparently. My mate has started using them for .303, its early days yet but initial results are good I am told. Has anybody else any input? I'm wondering how fast we can go with these bullets
  4. German steel illegally subsidised has killed off the British Steel Industry, Polish coal, illegally subsidised, killed off the British coal industry. Tell me again how this EU is worth remaining in???? I keep forgetting
  5. Well she's gone, now the fun begins...….
  6. I can't really say it bothers me one teeny bit.
  7. But you could put an additional ten totally ficticious names down on the form and nobody would be any the wiser. Then apply for postal votes for all the ficticious names and behave like a lot of labour voters do rigging votes . Electoral fraud is rife, don't be in any doubt about that
  8. I have noticed this in a number of elections, when you go up to the desk and give your name the lady calls out your voter number ABC123 to the other official and he/she writes your number onto the list of ballot papers next to the number on the ballot paper that he/she hands to you. Every ballot paper is numbered. So, no way is it a secret ballot, "they" know how everybody has voted. Are we nieve enough to believe that information doesn't get processed? If I voted BNP would that affect my ability to get a job as a magistrate for example? Or a copper? or a social worker? Now what ever you think of the BNP (for example) they are a legal and legitimate political party but I know that they have complained in the past that their supporters have repeatedly been turned down for public sector jobs they should have been easily qualified to get. Just for the record, I am not a supporter of the BNP, I have never voted BNP and I never will but I am interested to know how my local council appears to be staffed almost entirely by people who give every indication of holding strong left of centre views and do everything to thwart the policies of their conservative led council. Is that just coincidence or is it something more sinister?
  9. Its not just guns, boats are virtually impossible to even give away.
  10. People will die, there will be suicides, depression, family breakups, repossessions, falling house prices, bankruptcy, increased alcohol and drug problems if South Wales is anything to go by. What's more it carries on for decades and gets passed on to future generations People try to maintain appearances but behind the scenes it tears the heart out of a community. Not everybody copes; not everybody has the ability to find a way out
  11. Its more than that, what about all the jobs in the companies that supply the industry, the shop keepers that rely on the workers, etc ,
  12. Germany illegally subsidises its own steel industry, so why can't we? That would at least level the playing field. One of the many reasons we have to get out of this corrupt EU
  13. In a competition you are entitled to see a pair before commencing (if you wish). It puts everyone on an even footing then and nobody can claim unfair advantage or disadvantage.
  14. Oh yes, they all smoked and the cigarette companies were the major sponsors of F1 at that time
  15. It is pointless TV. Years ago when TV was in its very infancy they wanted to do a ground breaking Europe wide TV programme linking up a number of countries just to prove that it was possible technically. Very cutting edge stuff in its day The trouble was they needed an excuse to do it so a song from each country seemed a good 5 minute participation event. It was only intended as a test broadcast I don't think the technology needs testing anymore, so what purpose is now being served?
  16. Ultimately it was the accident that finally killed him all these years later. He looked well but the damage to his lungs was more extensive than it appeared on the outside and he suffered more as they deteriorated. He underwent a lung transplant but it was not totally successful
  17. The real truth is we do not need the people, years ago simple Darwinism kept down the numbers of people unable to take care of themselves. Harsh reality but it fulfilled a biological purpose. The welfare state etc is distorting what would have been natural selection. Now because of free movement and migration we have created a honey pot effect as well
  18. There was a lot of talk about copper shot a few years back and then it dropped off the radar.
  19. Its only the same as the street 'gangstas' do by wearing a big baseball cap with a hoodie pulled over the top to avoid the cameras. Nicking them would be a good idea
  20. Very fussy on loads , performance +++ when you get it right, but trying to find tight consistant groups at top end velocities is like the search for the holy grail . On the other hand you may just get lucky early on. What is life if not a challenge?
  21. The best advice with bees and wasps is just leave them alone. People think they have to go on the offensive and "do something" but nothing is by far the best option. I know of somebody last year who paid £160 to have a pest controller come and spray a wasp nest. Why? its paranoia
  22. Not true, the National Debt grows and grows
  23. My weather station thingy could tell me, if I could remember how to access the history...….
  24. OK in high usage vehicles like taxis than run every day and keep it circulating. Not so good for cars that could be used on high days and holiday because it could sludge out like moly slip did.
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