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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. A lot will depend on how long the van has been leaking-if its fairly recent then get the van resealed by a pro-ours was about £300 a couple of years back.If resale value is around 2.5k then you can afford to spend a bit on it-you will get it back when you sell anyway.Delamination of the floor is no great problem either-it can be drilled and have glue injected into the holes-you can the fit laminate flooring to hide the repair-should be less than £100 in total if you do it yourself.In the meantime get it under cover and remove the upholstery before it gets mouldy-you can get dehumidifiers on the bay for less than £40.
  2. WOW-what a stunning looking gun-hope whoever buys it looks after it well,
  3. Jackdaws nest mainly in holes-ladders and expanding foam should do the trick.
  4. Very informative johnfromUK0 I guess the easiest way to tell is to simply push the hammer(s) with your thumb and see if they push the firing pin all the way to the breech face.I have 2 hammerguns at the moment-A 16g Baikal and a Chimbo .410 ,both are budget guns yet both are fitted with intercepting sears so its not a price thing!! I have not come across many guns that are not fitted with intercepting sears and I believe that the vast majority of all guns over the last 30-40 years are fitted with them?
  5. Quick test-If you are right handed make a pistol with your fingers on your right hand (like you did as a child) using your index finger as the barrel.Pop your "pistol" into your right pocket then stand about a rooms length away from a single item placed at about shoulder height.Standing square on to the "target" fast draw your pistol with both eyes open and shoot the target.Keep your arm completley still and close your left eye,does your barrel appear to be pointing straight at the target i.e. is your finger aligned along its length with the target? If so you are more likely than not right eye dominant-if your finger is not aligned then there may be trouble ahead
  6. Looks like a standard pre anti tamper mk1 to me-if you can get it under £225 then grab it-one of the most under rated air rifles ever built
  7. A closed certificate basically means that YOU are not eligible to decide wether any land is,or is not,suitable (i.e. safe) to use the calibre/type of firearm that you intend to use there.The land must have been previously cleared by the police for you to shoot with a closed ticket.On the other hand,an open ticket gives you the right to decide if a piece of land is suitable without the police being involved so as long as permission has been granted from the landowner you may shoot away.It is sometimes best,however,if the land is new to you and firearms,to let the police know that you are going to be there-people in the area may not be used to seeing/hearing rifle fire and can bee quick to phone the boys in blue.Using a firearm on such land as YOU have deemed safe does not mean that the land is cleared for other closed ticket holders.
  8. Just a pointer here in response to a few remarks regarding hammerguns-1st A hammergun IS normally a sidelock by design and 2nd Hitting a hammer and causing it to fall will not,on the majority of guns,cause the gun to fire-most guns are fitted with intercepting sears which prevent the hammer falling all the way unless the trigger is pulles back at the same time.I have 2 hammerguns-a 16g Baikal that I have kept for longer than any other gun that I have owned (and thats a few!) and have just bought a Smokepole s/s for a laugh.Hammerguns seem to have more character then normal guns and there is something almost romantic when you hear the hammers coming to full cock as birds approach
  9. "been too damned wet and windy"-we are talking weather here are'nt we
  10. The long term blood test is called the Hb1ac but is flawed.It takes an average type reading but your sugar level could be high/low/high/low constantly but the average would look good.If you take exercise whilst your sugar levels are high you put strain on your heart and circulation-avoid high sugar foods and aim for slow release carbohydratres such as porridge. If you are constantly still getting readings in the high teens and twenties I would pop down to A&E,you may have an infection but you might need Insulin.Good luck-type one is not as bad as you might think so long as you treat it with respect-most complications are self made but there is a world of help out there (look at the response from this forum alone)
  11. When your driving licence comes round for renewal,as long as DVLA are in possession of your application (and you get plenty of time to prepare everything) you are entitled to drive unless DVLA inform you otherwise.DO NOT go for a long walk or undertake strenuous exercise if your blood sugar is high-its high because of a lack of Insulin in your body and exercise will not produce more-if you were type 1 then high blood sugar can be reduced faster by exercise but only afterr taking Insulin.Drink plenty of water as it helps the kidneys to flush out the excess sugar.
  12. I have one of the sliding scale powder measures so I guess I am going by volume not weight?
  13. Swaps?-loads of unwanted xmas pressies here+my right arm+my Springer (he may be deceased in the near future if he drops one more under my feet)
  14. dicehorn-I can only go by my single experience when I rang them a couple of weeks ago,I am glad that you are happy with them,truely,but I will not bother contacting them again after my initial experience.
  15. EdSolomons-with respect there are several clips on youtube showing George shooting pigeons at,and over,100 yards-was watching one recently where he was hitting them over 80 yards out and then,if the bird didnt look to be dead,he was hitting them again as they fell.Unless,of course,he was fibbing?
  16. My respose was in relation to the OP's 6th reply,luckshot-the rest was just general advice
  17. So many variables on this that its impossible to answer.With luck and heavy shot it is theoretically possible to kill out to near 150 yards but in practice its not even worth attempting.Best answer I can offer is what range can you constantly hit a pigeon at?
  18. Hollow point IS expanding and you should have that option on your fac-you should also use it for vermin as it kills much more cleanly.My cz prefers Eley subs or RWS-you will not get better ammo .
  19. I have just bought some from "sitsinhedges" on this forum-he made it himself and its some of the best i have seen-you could contact him-he's a nice guy to deal with
  20. Thanks,Vince,but I cannot find any load suggestions on the site specifically for shotguns.I think I will try 80 grains of triple seven under 1 1/8 ounze of shot and see what happens.I paid £58 for 2 tubs of triple seven but they have no weight marked on them so its hard to compare the cost with BP.Besides this we have just had a posh new sink fitted and if I stain it (like BP can do) then a shotgun blowing up in my face will be a picnic compared to what the mrs will do to my dangly bits.What load do you consider normal for general pigeon shooting?
  21. One of mine lives in the downstairs loo,I have explained to my kids the amount of pain that they would experience if they should ever touch it-its worked for over 5 years so job done.
  22. Look on fleabay for a "Roll's" razor-the strop and stone are built into the case and the sharpening system is built in (it would take ages to explain how it works but about 2 minutes for you to pick it up)-I used one for years a while back.
  23. Wasted morning? You got out of the house for a few hours,enjoyed natures stage for a while and,no doubt,had a good laugh with your shooting pal sat in the car listening to the rain beat down-sometimes lifes pleasures are not so obvious but if you look thru different eyes.........Wish I was there
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