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Everything posted by figgy

  1. Put some mother of pearl in the holes or brass rod anything that will polish to shine should look ok.
  2. A fella I know bought a double barrel moderated 20bore and says its that good he don't need to use subsonic cartridges. I think the pump gun is the best of them.
  3. Tax office told me when I had my van. That if bought I could claim 40% of its value in depreciation each year against my tax bill. Or if Hp lease etc the monthly payments against tax. Hence the reason a lot of people change vehicles after a few year as they have next to nothing left to offset. My van was say ten k so could offset four k first year. Second year I could offset 40% of six k so by year three the offsetting amount was small. Not sure if things have changed in the last few years.
  4. CT1 is great stuff most painted furniture is either MDF or Chipboard. Look good when painted.
  5. AVB you have owned both a Ferarri and an Aston and you have a Defender on your bucket list for most that would be the other way round. Since you've moved to Norfolk you have an excuse to buy one, being rural.
  6. Marmots are you sure the spare pad makes it 15.1/2" the spare pad is usually only 1/4" longer than the shorter one so would make the gun 14 3/4" lop. You may have got a extra long pad in the box but unusual.
  7. figgy

    Which axe?

    The Fiskars X27 or X21 if all ringed. I have a couple a X27 and a X15 I think the smaller one is. My dad has the X21. Great splitting axes, I sometimes use a large mallet on mine if it gets stuck on a knot,along with a twisted log splitting thing and a wood grenade. Hard work but enjoyable. Get a old car tyre and put your rounds in to split, have a look online.
  8. I was shooting the other week in gale force winds, my mate and me kept missing a clay that stalled in the wind just hanging there that other times just needed shooting at. This day it got the better of me so I kept moving the barrels further into the wind to the point I was a meter past the clay into the wind to break the clay. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I don't think id have believed it. In slower breezes I don't think it makes much if any difference but this day you could barely stand up with out being blown around.
  9. Nice wood for a No2, best of luck with the sale. Shame you didn't advertise it in October at the beginning of the Game season rather than near the end.
  10. The shoot Sheeps on Hillbilly Heroin, Oxy Contin is supposed to be highly addictive. Watched a programme about the effects Oxy Cotton as its nick named in the states. Showed a real bad problem. I was prescribed it under the name Oxy codone iirc can't say it worked any better than Ibuprofen and Paracetamol together. Never took the full course I stopped taking them as soon as I found out what it was.
  11. Might help if you said what Kicks chokes they are.
  12. My local grounds gun room has one in and it's a nice looking gun. Even though it's a tarp gun it can be set up for sporting clays. I just find all high rib guns can be canted slightly throwing the barrels off target. Nice grade of wood on the ones I've seen.
  13. figgy

    oak floor

    Might be worth looking to see if faded area needs staining after sanding to blend back in, before applying the finish.
  14. If fools who made them calls got billed for wasting time and resources there would be a lot less of it. The question is did you change the odd socks pick up the remote, close the window and blow on the hot soup
  15. I have had a leather man micro on my key ring for around ten years. Great little tool with scissors and a non locking blade.
  16. I can't take the hangovers anymore. Still enjoy a drink but not to the point of pain the next day. Dean Martin had a good quote on the morning after drinking. I feel sorry for the people who don't drink, when they wake up that's the best they will feel all day.
  17. Wouldn't have thought it would be too difficult from within Europe. Surely a quick check with your feo will tell you all that has to be adhered to.
  18. Shoot some other make fiber wads through the gun and let them remove the fouling for you,it's what I done now my gun is easy to clean again.
  19. figgy

    Extending WiFi

    You can use a digital sender to send the signal along the mains cables. It's a simple plug in at both ends, around £30.00 for a decent one.
  20. Miss Hopper from the first series has quite a following and is booked up for long time. Jay has done some very good ones.
  21. pattern the original chokes with your cartridges before buying after market.
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