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Everything posted by Bobba

  1. Would like to but it's a typical he said she said situation!!!!!!
  2. Anyone know a cheap source for replacement .22 magazines please. Took my AA to local dealer for some work. On return I noticed no magazine. A quick call response was that these are always given back to the client for this very reason i.e. it's lost Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Thanks Bob
  3. Bobba

    Abandoned boat?

    I owned a dive RIB for many years. Based on that experience I can assure you that there will be only two occasions when you will you will feel really happy about your boat. The first time is when you buy it. The second time is when you sell it!! In between it's a big hole into which you will pour money having a great time!!
  4. Bobba


    Talk with the main importers Entwistle Guns in Preston.
  5. How about a shock absorber recoil pad? Two jobs in one. Extends the stock and. Softens the shooting.
  6. Hi Dave Many thanks for info. As it so happens I joined that forum to read up on the subject Bob
  7. Greatly appreciated FalconFN. Time to start sourcing. If Dave G reads the above a source for the adapter would be welcomed. Regards Bob
  8. A humungous amount of generous help on here for NV Add-on's. But I would like to build my own NV spotter and I am thoroughly confused (not being techie minded) from this and other NV threads as to what bits and bobs are for add-ons and what are for Spotters. Could some kind soul separate things out for me and let me have a NV spotter only parts list and wiring info please? Thanks. PS I do have an add-on made for me by Pete at Nightvision UK but would now like to dabble on my own.
  9. Gosh. At that price level it's worth taking the spouse for a day out drive via a point of interest eg National Trust property and meal on the way home and do a cash face to face
  10. Let's not be too condemning of all Scots. My understanding at the time of the vote of an issue deliberately avoided by Salmond is the question of the Islanders. The Orkneys, Shetlands and Hebrides did not want to be part of an Independant Scotland and implied UDI or, perhaps, stay with what remained of the UK. And the oils and has fields are closer to their territorial waters than they are to Scotland.
  11. Currently, under "pigeon shooting tips" there is a thread on "lofting Dilemma" to which I have added a word of caution when using interlocking lofting poles.
  12. Word of caution if you use interlocking poles. Make sure they are solidly locked together!! Last year my pal was retrieving decoys and one stuck in the branches so he jogged the poles in an up and down movement to knock the decoy out of the tree. Five poles high. The top pole was not properly locked into the second pole. It released and came down vertically from some 20 ft hitting my mate in the top lip. The wound required micro stitching at the local hospital. Very lucky it wasn't his eye.
  13. You have not said whether or not you've spoken to A1 decoys to get he benefit of their advice!
  14. Is there a directory of mobile phone numbers? Or a way of identifying the owner of a particular number? The reason is that I have received text greetings over xmas and new year ( with xxxx's )from a number not recognised by any phone list on my, my wife's or sons phones. The easy way is to ring it. But my concern is that it could be like some type of junk email which, when opened, confirms mine is a real number and I'm added to some data base and I begin getting unwanted calls like on my landline. Thanks for any ideas.
  15. Bobba

    architect needed

    We had a loft conversion last year. Based on this, permit me the following observations. Firstly, tour the area and get an external view of existing conversions and see what works for you and your property. If you're not doing the work yourself then, based on our experience, I would get quotes from loft conversion companies rather than just builders who also build lofts. We invited three loft companies and a builder and there was a £10k difference between them. With the loft companies the architect, building regs and party wall act work came as part of the package. Ask each to provide you details of former clients and their work and to arrange site visits so you can see first hand the quality of what they do and if other clients were happy with everything. Our selected company does about 40 lofts per year. Base upon this experience they have seen many of the wrinkles and have work round solutions. One example was optimum use of space with stair designs which was critical for us. The builder wanted to use part of our bathroom to take in the stairs. The selected company designed climb as they turn stairs without affecting other rooms. Also, create as much space and light as possible (& money will allow). It's a complete waste of money to end up with a glorified attic. We created a side dormer to take the stairs and en-suite; a three windowed dormer overlooking the garden at the rear; and, two velux windows at the front (road side). Both dormers were pitched roofed and let into the existing ridge line to get height in the loft and not ending up looking like sheds parked on the roof. All of this work gave the result we wanted. We managed to utilise all of the existing roof space, ending up with a roof room some 22 ft x 12 ft x 8 ft high. A lot of work but worth is as we intend staying here at chez nous.
  16. Well, 24 hrs on from your opening post, and with plenty of good PW advice (sic), what did you do?
  17. Think positive vibes. Avon and Somerset firearms licensing team have a good reputation on here for their timeliness and efficiency. Mine and my shooting friends experience of them is faultless. Good luck.
  18. My late mother had dementia occasioned by Transient ischemic attacks (TIA's). My then experience of NHS managers and Social Services was not good. Finding someone to put their hand up and say that they were responsible for my mothers care plan was like WWIII. And her entitlement to financial assistance with care home costs seemingly changed with every change in Social Services staff turnover. It didn't really change. It was that their knowledge on what the rules were was inconsistent. Management and staff at her care home were brilliant and their finance staff knew the rules and helped enormously. But I shouldn't have had to rely on them. Some years later The Court of Protection appointed me guardian of my late MIL when she had dementia. This responsibility was for both her care and finances. Dealing with the Dept of works and pensions was a nightmare. Her pension was dealt with by Swansea office and her Attendance Allowance by Blackpool and ne'er the twain shall meet. It ended in Ministers Correspondence where I identified the Minister concerned with these matters; identified their mission statement; demonstrated how their actions and practices differed in so many ways; and asked the question "as your staff are incapable of managing their affairs, will you?" Things changed for the better after that. Social Workers created more obstacles than an assault course. The only sensible assistance came from Bristol Social Services Finance Dept. Knowledgeable, caring and helpful. So, already a pattern is forming where PW members report on their bad experiences and we are but a small section of society. Is there anyone out there who can actually report good and helpful experiences and support from the NHS and Social Services? Or, is that a lost cause?
  19. Good thinking. Similarly, I have a good buddy, about 20 yrs younger than me, who lives about 800 yds away. He has a SGC and FAC. My wife and I have an agreement with him that at the first signs of any dementia type issues he collects my guns and holds them until the matter is clarified. My wife does not know where my cabinet keys are but he holds a copy.
  20. In too many instances the NHS are quite unhelpful with regard to meeting the costs of continuing patient care for those with the illnesses of Dementia or Alzheimer's who have to go in to care. Regularly there are press articles where, after appealing to the ombudsman, families are retrospectively refunded many tens of thousands pounds because the NHS decision not to fund continuing patient care was quite simply wrong. And, sadly, during the decision, appeal and ombudsman processes the families are having to deal with the stress and fund the continuing patient care costs. Whilst there should be criterea against which to judge how tax payers money is spent, it seems to me that there is a reluctance to recognise Dementia and Alzeimers as illnesses to be funded by continuing patient care. Probably because with an ageing population and an increase in the numbers with these illnesses the overall costs will be rising. And, in a cost cutting environment, not spending money has the same budgetary effect!
  21. well, it's now boxing day. The truth or tell moment. Did you find it?????????????
  22. Good of you to help your brother in law who is down in the dumps and, as a bonus, to deter a break in. But, based on many threads on here, permit me a well intended observation. You say you taught him to fire your HMR as he usually uses an air rifle. Does he have a FAC? If so, then the tutorial was fine. If he does not hold a FAC and you are not the occupier of the land over which you shot then there is the risk that you would be allowing someone the possession of a firearm when they are not licensed to use one, with obvious consequences for you if a goody two shoes filed a report. Just an observation. No malice intended.
  23. There's plenty of reviews on the www
  24. Bobba

    60s music

    Together they were great in Steampacket along with Long John Baldry and Rod Stewart
  25. In a crowded bar in Texas a cowgirl was choking on a peanut. Quick as a flash cowboy Joe bent her over a chair, dropped her knickers and stuck his tongue up her bum. The cowgirl immediately coughed up the peanut. Thanks, she said gratefully. What do you call that trick? Oh, said Joe, it was a hind lick manoeuvre! Sorry, couldn't resist the moment Hope you improve soon
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