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Everything posted by KFC

  1. I have a knot tying tool for fly fishing that I love. It holds the fly in a magnetic groove so that I can feed the leader through the eye of the hook then tie a tucked cinch knot. Invaluable now my eyes ain't so good without glasses.
  2. Saw La La Land last week. Most boring film I've seen in ages. Was billed as a 'feel good musical'. The songs were like dirges. Boy and girl meet, go their seperate ways to follow their dreams. That's it. Several people walked out of the cinema after the first hour and if I'd had anywhere else to go then I would have too. I have no idea how it could have been worth 5 BAFTA's. More like 5 barfs Watched Hacksaw Ridge last night. Stunning film which made me feel really humble. Brilliant acting of a true story and the special effects were incredible. Now that's a film that deserves recognition
  3. KFC

    Same sex marriage

    Recently attended the wedding of a niece of mine and her wife. There was no mention whatsoever of the fact that they were the same sex, only that they were two people who love each other very much and were good for each other. The father of her wife said that his daughter had really come alive and had never been so happy since she came into her life. Love, that's all that matters.
  4. KFC

    Manuka Honey?

    I don't use Manuka honey but daily, with breakfast I take a dessert spoon of cider vinegar in warm water and a teaspoon of cheapo runny honey and one 500mg Green Lipped Mussel capsule. A couple of years ago I had severe pain in my thumb joints because of osteo-arthritis. My wife took hold of my hand and I nearly went through the roof because of the pain. Now I have no pain at all and it doesn't bother me if my thumbs get touched. The worst pain was in my left thumb but now I play Ukulele and guitar daily for practice and in a band once a week which I could never have done a couple of years ago. If I don't take it then, after a few days, the pain returns but disappears once I start dosing myself again. Maybe it is placebo effect and I haven't tried each element individually to see if it's the vinegar, honey or Mussel that has the best effect but I don't care. It doesn't hurt when I take it and it hurts if I don't.
  5. It could take off here, especially in blocks of flats where the lift is always broken, To get into it you'd obviously have to start on the bottom rung.
  6. There was a programme on TV recently about this, I think it was called Life Fixers or similar. They fixed up a small village with broadband for something like £100 per household plus £20 pa and everyone was over the moon with it. Seems the way to go.
  7. Fail to plan, plan to fail. It doesn't have to be complicated, assuming you're not going to a bank or venture capitalist. Imagine you're taking a journey and you'll have a start point and a destination. Then you'll need to plan your route and how you are going to get there. Make an inventory of what you have to start off with. Work out how much you need to make in the first year to live on and then work out how much you need to turn over to generate the mount of income that you want. I.e you want to make £30k profit and you have a 30% profit margin then you'll need to turn over £100K to make the £30k. That will give you an idea of what you should end up with after the first year and you'll also have an idea of what profit you need to make on each job right from the start. one page of A4, or a fag packet, but have something to aim at in order to achieve what you want and stay focussed on that and how you want to do it. There'll be plenty of people who'll ask you to do all kind of jobs and, at the idea of just 'making money' you'll take on all of it for fear of missing out but you'll quickly become resentfull and end up working all hours for not much money and often making a loss. Even if it is 'just in your head' at least have an idea of what you want to achieve and jotting it down on a bit of paper can help, especially six months down the line. Are you where you wanted to be or are you ahead or behind? Then celebrate or adjust accordingly. Best wishes
  8. Self-employed clock patience used to be an annual game with me until I got a grip of it and started using Simplex D books which set it all out on a daily, weekly, monthly, annual basis. SE clock patience is where you gather up all the receipts and invoices for the year, you then sit on the floor in the middle and arrange them all in twelve piles around you, as in a clock face, then enter the details, one pile at a time knowing that there may be evidence of income missing but also evidence of expenses that could have been claimed if only you could find the receipt. Hundreds of fun PS. I don't know if Simplex D is available any more. Update, just did a search and, yes, they are available Amazon WH Smith etc. Well worth it.
  9. If you are a sole trader then you are trading in your own name i.e winnie&bezza trading as Winbez Carpentry and personally liable for assets and liablities. As a Ltd company you are a director of the company and, therefore an employee of the company i.e Winbez Carpentry Ltd and, as the company is the legal entity, the liabilities are limited to the company. If the company went bust then you may not be personally liable for the debts. Another entity, is Limited Liability Partnership, or LLP, but that is more to do with shifting money off-shore and avoiding tax.
  10. You can be self-employed and PAYE at the same time, I was for several years.
  11. Beater's day on Saturday ruined by Hare coursers going round shoot early morning. 1 pheasant 2 partridge. Tues took Dutch group for walk-up. Three chaps and their wives, never seen Harkila looking so good 2 pheasant 2 partridge. Weds did a walk up with a couple of the guns and got a cock pheasant each . Nice end to the season.
  12. Written details of all work to be done. Always take a deposit because cashflow is king. Do take a wage. Many SE's learn the hard way, including me. that the business must work for you. Too often I've said that I'll wait until the business is making a profit then I'll draw a wage. If the business is not making enough money to pay me a wage then it means I'm working for the business and I'll never make anything. This includes paying for holidays. When you take a holiday, or are off sick, then it costs you double because A) you're not working so not earning and B) spending what you have earned previously. Most customers think they're just paying for the time you're there but they also have to pay for the time you're not there. A bank manager once asked me how many of the contracts I quoted for did I get. When I told him I got most of them then he said I was too cheap and that I should get half of the contracts that I bid for. I must quote the amount that I need and not the amount that I think the customer wants to pay. If the customer tries to beat you down too much then don't be afraid to walk away. Good luck with it and wish you prosperity and good fortune.
  13. If the US stopped blowing ten shades out of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in order to destabilise all the countries they can to create a buffer zone and forcing Russia and China into taking actions in order to maintain their rights of passage under international law and then brainwashing us into thinking it is Russian and Chinese aggression then perhaps we'd have fewer refugees and terrorists avowed to take revenge on the west because of imperialist expansion.
  14. I'm hacked off because my real interest is bike racing on Eurosport, especially British Superbikes. World Superbike is not too bad and Motogp is like watching paint dry. It looks like BSB may be going to Quest which is a Freeview Channel so I'm thinking of ditching sky and going Freeview cos I don't see the point of paying for what I can watch for free. From what I'm understanding at the moment Eurosport is offering online TV for £5.99 pm for WSB coverage and Motogp went to BTsport sometime ago at £12.99pm but I usually watch highlights free on itv4. Haven't seen if Sky are going to reduce their price yet, seeing as I pay for an extra bundle to get Eurosport I should hope so. Interested to see what others will be doing.
  15. The thing about it that is simply daft to me is that in insisting that it gets voted on by the House of Lords and the Commons in order to maintain Parliamentary democracy is the remainers would be voting to continue to governed by an unelected European Commission in Brussels over which the Lords and Commons have no say
  16. KFC

    Haunted firewood

    Had my best fishing there too. There used to be a few people living in campervans on the car terrace. Got talking to one of them and realised he was one of my old RAF mates. Had a cuppa with him in his van and he showed photos that he'd scanned to his laptop of us from back in the seventies including some really tough detachments to Hawaii
  17. KFC

    Haunted firewood

    Dinoflagellates. A buddy and I were fishing on Huttoft beach in Lincolnshire. I thought I saw some green sparkles in the sand. I shifted some sand with my foot and the sand really sparkled. When I reeled in then the weed on my line and on my rig were sparkling too. They store light during the day and release it at night. Quite enchanting
  18. The NHS used to be a single entity. Then it was split up into separate trusts each with their own management structures and the idea of creating an internal market along with an American style insurance driven business model. Many trusts are now joining back together because it's more economical to scale up. Couple this with the insane government policy, both parties that is, of keeping borrowing 'off books' to doctor the economy which is costing us millions in interest payments on PFI contracts that cost double what it would have cost had we used normal public borrowing channels. Doctors are asked to do consultants work on a Doctor's pay, Nurses are asked to do Doctor's work on a Nurse's pay and Nurses are now trained by Universities instead of the NHS so the HCA's do the student nurses jobs on an HCA pay. Now, factor in the persistent government policy, again both parties, of failing to get support for privatisation so they starve all our services, road, rail, post offices, Royal Mail, benefit, social services and pensions, HMRC, Armed Forces etc to the point that the only way they can be kept running is, apparently, private contracts which means service cost plus profit. No joined up planning so bed- blocking at one end and lack of GP services and poor NHS direct advice squeezing A&E at the other. The revolving door policy of ministers lobbying government to privatise services and then jumping ship to serve on the board of the company that gets the contract. I've got no qualifications, apart from Trumpet Grade 3 with distinction, but even I can see that we're bankrupt many times over, the government is no longer in a position to do anything about it and it's only a matter of time before the whole lot crumbles round our ears and our foreign owners walk in and take over.
  19. KFC

    Acoustic guitar

    Well I adjust the action myself but it needed very little doing to it. I just dropped the bridge a mil or so. If you have a search for reviews on it then one of the things that attracted me to it is that most say that it has one of the best 'out of the box' actions that there is. It was perfectly playable out of the box, I did also put some lighter 11-52 strings on it instead of the 12-53 that it comes with but, again, nothing wrong with the strings it came with.
  20. KFC

    Acoustic guitar

    I bought one of these from this company recently. Superb guitar with slim body but great sound and holds tune perfectly. https://www.gak.co.uk/en/ibanez-tcm50e-vbs-vintage-brown-sunburst/3486
  21. In the town where I live, and throughout the Fens, Molly Dancing is a long held tradition. The local school children and various Molly Dance groups perform Molly Dances through the town at varies festivities but particularly on Plough Monday. They always black up their faces but this is to symbolise the faces of the ploughmen being blackened by the Fen soil. Last year when the children performed I saw that they now only had a single stripe of black down their noses. I assumed that this was because they now had a black/*****/coloured/ethnic/Afro/non-white*** child in the class. Seems like we have to subjugate all of our cultures these days ***please delete so as to cause least offence. Blimey, the swear filter has deleted a perfectly acceptable alternative to the word black and yes, it did begin with N but not THE N word.
  22. but our trains are nationalised, by foreign governments http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/08/18/foreign-state-owned-railway-british-train-companies-revenue_n_8003970.html
  23. BBC1 one TV station? Blimey, that was luxury!!! We just had a cardboard box with a hole cut in it and Dad would stick his head in the box, tell us the story about the three little Pigs then tell us to get to bed or the Wolf would eat us up!!! If it was a weekend then he'd give us the little blue bag of salt out of his crisps for us to lick as a special treat.
  24. KFC

    Shooting star

    Every August there's a meteor shower called the Perseids. Try and find a place without too much light pollution and look straight up. We sometimes have a bbq and lay on sun loungers for a meteor shower party. https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/meteor-shower/perseid.html
  25. All money is debt so just having more mugs to shuffle the numbers around then the better.
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