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Paddy Galore!

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Everything posted by Paddy Galore!

  1. a similar thing happened to a friend of mine, gutted and skinned it removed the head, everything. washed it out under the cold tap and it jumped out of his hands!!
  2. one piece of advice i was given was this, pull the gun thru the shot, bum, belly, beak, BANG. some times birds coming towards/ away from you can be tricky, the rule still stands tho, pull the gun thru, if its rising then start from the beneath the bird, if its descending then raise the gun above the bird and drop into the shot, keep the gun moving and practice practice practice, see how you get on chap.
  3. picked up a black addison wax jacket in debenhams of all places! £50 by maine, warm aswell.
  4. up to 8" forecast for friday, the cagiva beaver is coming out to play!!!
  5. my mate uses 7.5s for pigeon over deeks, never has a problem but as OTH says, "keep a tight choke". Personally, i'm a **** shot so need as much lead as possible in the air LOL..
  6. just had a lesson today, freezing cold, peeing with rain, managed to get a handle on driven pairs of all things.Used to really hate these but after the first couple of pairs it was pointed out where i was going wrong, and HEY PRESTO! Can't seem to miss 'em now. had 150 clays over 2hrs and had about 20 pick ups left. tried driven left and rights, quartering loopers, l&r crossers, the works. really chuffed! i'll post my score after sundays shoot..regards, gram. PS, really looking forward to essex crew meet up at high lodge now.
  7. is it gunked up? or just dry. i've used a pencil on zips before cos graphite it super slippery.
  8. a friend of mine made me a TRG42 style stock, would you like his number? [he's based in norwich tho]
  9. depends on cart sizes, 10x 2.5"/ 9x 2.75"/ 8x 3"
  10. Aha, shouldn't have thought it would be too long, a couple of reasons mine was late were [1] new permission and[2] new guns. they did manage to lose some of the paper work temporarily tho which didn't help. I had to go in personally to borrow the ticket to get more ammo, brought them some chocolates on the way back and hey presto got it back the following week.
  11. What does gmp stand for? mine took 9 weeks, quite a while really when you consider it took 2 weeks for them to come first time round..
  12. if you've got enough cover and the rabbits cant see you, then a silenced rifle is by far the better bet, as they wont be sure where the shot has come from so the chances of a second shot are greater. if it was my choice i'd buy the pcp. however, the cost can be prohibitive. Ultimately the choice is yours.
  13. Small world mate, i must haved moved in just after you left!
  14. depends how old the motor is, some fords have a pre heat, my van doesn't [2001 transit]. maybe the battery is going what with this time of year, running lights all the time etc, if you're anywhere near norwich i'd gladly come over and look over it for you.
  15. Hi there, a friend of mine owns this shop and he's aquired this rifle, it seems to be the full kit with 2 bottles and 2 barrels, as it's probably quite rare, now we were wondering how much it was worth, and maybe more about it's history. does anyone here know? your comments please, many thanks, gram..
  16. they're just off the fakenham rd,head out of taverham, take the last right towards felthorpe, about 3/4 mile on the right Sorry jay, when you said they killed well i kinda assumed you meant pigeons, got some rios in nelsons, 7.5's - 9's, good fast cartridge. also, if you were up that way why dont you pop into deighton hills, he stocks hull cartridge..
  17. A falcon would be your best bet for hunting, the hw80 is a great gun but too noisy and it'll scare off any rabbits after the first shot. You should be able to get at least 70 full power shots from the falcon before it needs recharging, but you'll also need a stirrup pump or bottle to fill up with. Is this falcon a multi shot? might be handy..
  18. guess who fell asleep on the sofa then?
  19. for cartridges i use either 30g or 32g6's, usually do the trick.. As for roost shooting, the bag can vary from zilch up!
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