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Everything posted by smokinggun

  1. My feo said it didn't need to be the respected member of society bit anymore and a friend doing any job is fine, I used my mate who is a groundsman who also holds a sgc and firearms cert.
  2. They are ridiculous prices already, if they have gone up its getting silly now. Mind you a cost of living increase at work would be nice seeing as the last one was five years ago.
  3. There is a cambridgeshire beekeepers association called cbka if you google that it will come up, they run a beekeepers course each year at the college I work at. They also have stalls etc come in to sell all the gear, its always very popular and normally packed.
  4. smokinggun


    I'm still learning to ride properly, got a Honda cbf125 riding on a cbt but getting there slowly, had it a couple of months, Take it out more when im working a late shift so roads are empty on my way home so I can take my time and practice.
  5. so disabled people don't deserve to be treated with respect then do they just because they are using the benefit to lease a car, you sir are a moron. My wife was treated like the op states at vindis Vauxhall in Cambridge but the best garage and by far the friendliest was VW. I bought a car years ago at Marshalls Cambridge and they are the worst for customer service I have ever seen. Also we had to put in a deposit of 300 on the wifes vw.
  6. As has already been said you lease the motability car for the cost of your higher rate disability benefit then after the leasing period it goes back and you can either lease another or have the benefit back, You have a choice of a few cars from most manufacturers, my wife has a 1.4 vw golf to get about in, She would give the car back in a heart beat if she didn't have POTS a heart problem and the inability to breathe without problems and walk upstairs without it taking so long and dropping for breaks. My wife would love a normal life and to work, in fact shr did try work first with this condition but gave it up as she kept passing out.
  7. I have to agree that if you are doing 70 it shouldn't matter, there is another lane for the morons to use if they have to come past, people bang on about how dangerous to use mobile phones but are more than happy to race past you speeding or if they are really idiots then flash the lights to try and get you to move when you are already doing the maximum speed limit. Sorry to hear about your crash but glad you are uninjured peskyfoxs.
  8. Just ordered a black size large, still wear my last two shirts they are great quality and still look perfect. Cheers for sorting them again teal.
  9. Walking dead comes back near Xmas as it did last year then after a few episodes they stop for Xmas break. I stream through 1channel.ch has been fine for me for couple of years.
  10. Yes please pm on the way
  11. the judge dredd lawgiver was a good weapon, pistol with single or full auto and grenade launcher etc think that would be a good choice and a good knife maybe the one used by dutch in predator or the double kukri set used by alice in resident evil.
  12. I did similar when I was 17, I pulled into a local garden centre to see my mate who worked there, as I thought I was cool back then I had the music pumping out bloody loud, I pulled up and spotted my mate so jumped out and without thinking pushed in the handle and slammed the door, it was locked with engine running and music still blaring out, I borrowed my mates car to drive home and get the spares but he said there was people giving it a few funny looks while I was gone, I never felt so stupid.
  13. Nice write up mate I enjoyed reading that, sounds like you put a lot of effort in that paid off in the end, I bet its you who will be called on when they need a shooter from now on.
  14. Beautiful cat, I have always had black and white cats myself currently have two females from a animal shelter one of whom had been starved and locked in a room until the neighbours called the rspca from its crying, now she's very friendly and loving, I have always prefered cats to dogs. My last one had to be put down after 14 years as he had fluid on his chest, I grew up with him and cried my eyes out that night, im very sorry for your loss. 19 years old is very good he sounds very special, at least you have all the good memories mate.
  15. I was caught speeding back in 2008 by a policeman on the side of the road with a hand held gun that still took a picture, they do exist as I was offered the chance to see the picture if I went to court but I was speeding so I just accepted my points and fine, they came off after 4 years but I still have a few months left until 5 years has past so I don't need to declare them to the insurance.
  16. Ah but the extra inch gained when finished makes it all worth while
  17. The cambridge gun club used to be accessed from the A1O but the entrance has changed to the Twenty Pence Road between cottenham and wilburton, i was told by my FEO when i applied that the last owners ran it into the ground and it was a dump but the new owners have since turned it into a brilliant place and it is now well worth a visit.
  18. Must of seen you around the gun club and not known it Matty, I come up with my dad now and again for a bit of time together and to catch up, was there Sunday before last when it was packed as it was the first nice day in ages, ended up having one of the blinding big breakfasts instead as it was very busy. Its a great club I always enjoy going.
  19. apparently not , i dont try many curry places as i have a good takeaway one close to home but the a10 one is good if you dont wanna fork out for the booze and take your own which i like, my wife and our pals like the Indian Ocean in Histon alot and we get takeaways from there quite often and they eat in once in a while. I know of the one you mentioned as my workmate knows the owner and told me it is very good but as of yet i havent been. Chinese is more my thing to be honest i would pick that over just about anything with cod and chips coming second
  20. I'm a fan of spice world on the a10 near stretham, all you can eat buffet and either buy their alcohol or take your own with no corkage charge.
  21. we get keys cut for lock barrels all the time at work so it is no problem for a decent locksmith, the only problem i would have thought will be if he can get the blank keys.
  22. smokinggun


    ill take the kukri please mate, pm on the way.
  23. +1 or if you dont have a hose keep a bucket of water ready, the owners will soon get fed up of the dog coming in wet and dirty.
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