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Everything posted by NatureBoy

  1. Great report and well done! My outings this winter have been a bit like that, but I've been happy with a dozen before moving on or going roost shooting or packing in. NB
  2. Really!!!? To many "pest controllers" wildlife charities doing that all ready! And not just the odd one! Really need to stop and consider there actions!!! Just making it someone else's problem and causing havoc/imbalance to local wildlife and take livestock. Most can't hunt/ den/survive and a lot have mange. Quickly end up dieing, attacked, shot or road kill. NB RSPB shot 40 plus foxes at Minsmere alone last year! Bet that doesn't come out! NB
  3. Good news indeed! All makes an interesting read! So it was worth us doing our bit and sending our info in! Lets hope DEFRA listen to us practitioners more now going forward! Looks like releasing birds going to be ok for a while to! No wonder Avery's been rattled more lately! 😉 Never realised DEFRA's funding to monitor SSSI's etc had been slashed by so much! Well done all who submitted evidence and BASC GWCT NGO etc! United We Stand! NB
  4. Great stuff OB! Land still waterlogged round there. What rape there is looking very poor! If you in to fishing, there's loads of fish get in in Beccles cut this time of year if you are that way. NB
  5. Good read and great result! Well done. Cold in that wind! NB
  6. NatureBoy

    Top Gear

    Same here JDog. Proper petrol and great presenter! Amazing collection and knowledge. " Harry's Farm" even better! A lot could learn about all aspects of farming and land use from it.Certainly knows his stuff and how to get it across to others. Think him and clarkson know each other and were biding for same farm equipment in one episode. NB
  7. Nice! Liking the 3rd shot GG. NB
  8. Forever Spartacus! RIP
  9. 10% o profits n it's yus boi! But don't forget the Yare water has to be collected by a one eyed, webb footed Langley virgin. On a spring tide under a Woolf moon in in beet factory bay and fermented in a unicorns bladder! NB
  10. No! didn't see it. Where does her funding come from? come from? Got a link? NB
  11. Or ebb n flow. Yare water filtered thro Fat Sarah's thong? NB
  12. Should i have got her permission to write that!? 😛 Crazey! NB
  13. Are Wild Justice and other orgs in the same meetings with DEFRA as BASC David? Do you have these meetings together or individually? Avery is saying it's DEFRA and the shooting communities fault that they have had to threaten another challenge. Says the shooting community if pulling DEFRA's strings. Do you know what they want? I read it they want more species off the list and individual licenses for different situation/sites? NB
  14. Very true mice! Hair on the back of ya neck moments as some court or attempted to at about 25yrds. Mainly young 1st and second year birds. No fear. Some stayed a week or so feeding up. NB Ted on the beach in his bare feet sharing his knowledge! Great stuff. NB
  15. Found these 3 on youtube. Great viewing and proper Natural history. Point of departure. 1982. . . . . Ted Eales on Blakney Point. Different time. Same problems. Listen to what he says about predators and public from a true conservationist. Not many terns on the coast now. Gamekeeper 1975. . . . . . Showing the life and times of a keeper on the Blois estate and Alde estuary in Suffolk. Saw my first osprey there as a boy with my dad around the time this film was made. Not sure who was more excited! The piper of Nacton . . . . . . . . .Showing how one if not the last duck decoy lakes worked on the Orwell Park estate in Suffolk. Interesting that he was doing it for science/research back then. . . Used to fish there in the 80s/90s. Great natural valley stream/spring fed fishery in an amazing setting. Water the colour of tea as it came off the heath. One of the few lakes back then where you could catch natural chubb to 3lb in mixed bags to 40lb plus. It had a small stock of true wild carp that had been in there many years. Not big (12lb was a big one) but lean,solid, strong and almost black. Sadly it all got ******** up when a syndicate got it and "restocked it". They the chub, big bream and huge rudd disappeared. Migrating osperys would also visit here and fish there while you were fishing as it was close to the river Orwell. Was a special place! Good times and great memories. NB
  16. I bow to your judgement and knowledge Ditchy! I did like the clever way it was filmed tho! Intresting place.Had that revolver on the wall just been hammered flat? NB
  17. WJ's legal lot have set a letter today to DEFRA say they will be challenging the reissue of the current GL and reminding them the review and consultation period is up! They saying the current GL is still unlawful? Reads like they pushing for individual licenses and want more birds taken off the list! Hope DEFRA sort it out properly this time and don't let us down again! Not like they didn't know it was coming! They know how we feel and what we do and need now! We have now given them a load of information! WJ have offered to continue to be involved in any consultation process! Why are they still speaking to these activists!!???? NB 😡
  18. Sadly not live from Norwich anymore. RIP
  19. Funny!😃 Same here Vultrure! Many many times and more out of necessity! Still got well thumbed oily copy and workshop manual. Mine was 81 reg and one of the last/few Meriden T140 ES's. Built from the parts bin by then i think! Ended up scraping the electric start and that temperamental quirky borge warner sprag clutch. To much top end tuning (compression) and to many rebuilds without sorting the bottom end properly. All the Les Harris parts were ****! The joys of youth! Didn't learn tho. Moved on to Harleys. First a old iron head sportster shovel heads, evo's then twin cam. One of the carbed FXDX's 1450's ( stage 2 and very quick! For a Harley ) before they all went fuel injection. Yet more manuals, but least you could work on and tune em! 😉 NB
  20. I would like to know if BASC GWCT NGO etc are involved in the same meetings and consolation on policy that WJ say they are in there social media? Are they all sitting at/round the same table as stake holders? Maybe David could tell us? We seem to hear very little or get positive updates and i think that what frustrates folk/members. WJ are good at this to try and keep there followers on board. Even if it means using false information to keep them in the media and they need public donations to fund there challenges and negative agenda! NB
  21. Lets not get carried away and into a BASC slagging match hey! Division is what the antis want! Remember this thread started with just a link to an idle threat/quote from Avery in a tabloid that is anti! Nothing more! Whats the big deal!? Just more of the hollow threats and miss information they so clever at! Do you think DEFRA really would of issued the general licenses they did last year if they wouldn't stand up to legal scrutiny and be lawful now they are in the spot light? Would like to now how many replied and hear the results of there consultation call for evidence? This information has got to be a big positive influence on any new licenses issued!? GWCT's one had 3000 respond. Itread and came across very positive with plenty of good evidence and facts that they submitted. Surely more must of replied to DEFRA's request? They must realise more now how important pest control is! How many other Pigeonwatch members responded? NB
  22. Coomb sacks/measure seemed to be mainly a Suffolk/Norfolk thing? Different mills and farms had there own sacks printed up with there name and logo on them. Coomb of barley 16st, wheat 18st. My ol dad Worked in and drove for a flour then animal feeds mill all his life. He often talked of humping these sacks around all day and sometimes having to climb well woren stairs carrying them to. He weren't a big man 5'9" and 12st. Rounded shoulders and barrel chest to show for it. Strong hard men indeed! Great memories of traveling with him and helping as a kid. The excitement of going to Ipswich, Yarmouth and Rowhedge docks and getting loaded straight off the boat. Those dockers were proper hard men! I was humping 25kg sacks at 12 and 50kg at 14. But i was 6ft plus and strong as by then. I found those big ol sacks of midlins the hardest and dirtist to shift. Remember showing/telling folk what a manual sack lift was at a farm sale once and they found it hard to believe my dad and others could/had to carry such weights on there back. Ramsomes was a major employer in Ipswich for many years. Invented made and exported agri related stuff all over the world. Famous for there ploughs. NB
  23. First Neil this month now Terry! RIP! NB
  24. NatureBoy


    Or doing the OKey wokey! NB
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