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Everything posted by Minky

  1. Minky

    Sycamore Gap

    It's a shame. They say that the lad is helping the plod with their enquires... "now tell me sonny which make of saw did you feel would give you the best result.?? Husvarna or Stihl.? And did you consider which size chain to use a 3/8 or a 325.? Whats that you say sonny,?. You used a battery saw with a 12" bar fitted with 1/4 pitch chain and bio chain oil to be eco friendly.!! Oh, well thats not so bad then.." Who does // did the tree belong to.?. Whoever cut it down knows how to use a saw. Who owns the land on which it stood and on now where it is laying. I saw some bloke on the news saying that it mIght be possible to coppice it and grow a new tree out of the base. I would have thought that it would be better to grub it right out. Excavate the base and replant a replacement tree. But I don't expect anyone has got the means or the ability to get heavy enough gear up there and to be able to get a tree up there without wrecking it.
  2. Better than that, one of the son in laws was in supermarket at the meat department and two blokes arrive with a BIG trolley. They start LOADING it up.... they haven't got any other groceries in the trolley, its empty and they aren't even looking at the labels; they're just stacking it right up to overload..... not a word between them, They just walk out through the doors,....... ..( I notice that the store now has sort of one way auto gate barriers so walking out with trollies wouldn’t be possible.) Anŵay going back to the loading up bit, son in law has noticed and is sort of wondering why. Its too much for a BBQ and if it was for a business then surely they wouldn't go to Tesco, they'd go to a wholesalers. So he keeps an eye on them and when they just walk out he alerts a woman on a checkout,,,,, she presses a button to alert the security. Now the security guy is flapping about and sil points the blokes out who are out at their motor in the car park. When three of the store staff.... not the security were heading to the motor the blokes abandon the trolly and meat, get in their motor and drive off at high speed. The staff retrieved the trolley and put the meat back in the chiller. Near one.
  3. I've just read that article. It seems that the police are totally unnecessary. My older sister had xyz get over the garden fence and break in to her garden shed and take stuff. She rang plod and she was told to make a list of stuff taken and to claim on the insurance on crime report number xyz.. ! The next time it happened the perps were in the shed..... eventually she managed to get through and was told that officers were on the way. An hour later she could hear sirens in the distance . The perps left the property.! Plod said there wasn't anyone there.! SHERLOCK STRIKES AGAIN. A total waste of ratepayers money.
  4. Minky

    Bee sting

    The description sounds like a hornet and if so there will be LOT MORE OF THEM. So be careful. If I was there I would be out hunting them even though I am a bit touchy with being stung. Hunting wàp nests is good sport.... even thought it can be a bit dodgy. Got to have a plan with method. K8ll them all...take no prisoners!
  5. NO.. not somewhere else. ... IN THE UK. A few years ago they burst in on a bloke in Hastings who was naked in bed and shot him dead,!! The reason was they THOUGHT that he was armed. There was the bloke who had a chair leg tied to his crossbar... shot dead. Then there wasthe Brazilian bloke who was an electrician that they shot repeatedly in the head on the underground. Total armatures. The police aren't fit for purpose full stop and this is born out by the thousands that are going to be sacked by the metropolitan police. The vast majority of the public have no confidence in the police at and they've been warned to get it sorted or the whole organisation will be disbanded. A recent discussion with an feo revealed to me that everything was a complete shambles.
  6. Totally agree. The PERSON who was shot was boxed in by marked and unmarked police cars and he was shot in the head through the windscreen. No guns or weapons were found in the vehicle and thats why the officer has been charged with MURDER. There's been far too many people shot and killed by the police and no one gets held responsible. All this they deserved what they got is not good enough and it would be more apparent if it was your son or daughter that had been shot.
  7. Minky

    Heat pumps

    I watched a program about this a week or two ago and it was being sold as .....This WILL be the future. The way it came across to me was about the same as electric vehicles. All over hyped and unrealistic. I'm not saying it doesn't work but considering the fact that you'd have to a major engineering rebuild of your house with complete replacement of pipes, radiators, storage I can't see many people having the spare cash to afford it. How can you have a situation of houses/ families on the bread line using food banks and being penalised by ulez zones suddenly deciding to go into hock for the rest of your life with a mortgage and pcp on vehicles. Still a friend of mine has a new Hyundi hybrid for which he traded in a car for £20,000 and he pays £280 a month. When he's had the car 3 years he has options. He can pay a lump of £23,000 and the car is his or start a new deal. It's cheap when you say it quick. To me it looks like it's all being hyped up by salesmen. It's another case of people who can't or won't get a job. Suddenly they become an online influencer not that they have any practical experience to influence anyone about anything other than air heads.
  8. Everything is in a bad way. The council at Camber sands whopped car parking up to £30 !!!!. It was on TV the other day that the local businesses are all up in arms about it because no one is coming there anymore. They say that they are all being forced out of business. The upshot of this is like the high streets are like ghost towns. ANYWAY its a case of here I sit broken hearted, I spent a penny........
  9. Minky


    I don't care about what people say but every time I find or see any wasp or hornet nest I actively take steps to distroy it. They may take loads of bugs but they are bloody dangerous. Yes generally you don't threaten them they leave you alone BUT how many times have people walked into a nest. I've known two people who have died because of being stung. The other year we had two in our garden and the Mrs encountered both of them and when she was out with the spaniel they encountered another nest. And amount attacked the spaniel and were trying to burrow into the dogs fur. Luckily the Mrs rapidly moved on and beat the wasps out of the dogs fur. Neither got stung. Now enough was enough and that was enough. I knew where the ones in the garden were and as dusk approached I went to where the Mrs and dog had been attacked. It didn't take a couple of minutes watching flight lines to find the nest and I marked the hole with a long stick. I had already filled a valve spout bottle with two stroke and went back with a torch. The stick guided me and the splash of 2T did its work. Next day there were only about six hovering around the nests. One year we had six around the house and in total I took 14 nests within 100. Mts. Thats far to many to live in peace with.
  10. But the thing is a rotter. And it accused the tory front bench of trying to look up her skirt... surely they didn't,,, did they..
  11. We do seem to mirror each other. I used to task mother to get me a copy of ST when she went to the market on Thursday for 2/6 ..... l think and I was very disappointed if she came home without the copy because they had either sold out or the mags hadn't been delivered to the shops. BUT the articles became more like fairy stories rather than actual reports of days in the field.
  12. The shooting mags mirrored Jack Hargreaves's out of town. Jack used to go pigeon decoying and rabbit shooting but suddenly that wasn't acceptable. The program decended to tying flys or making a wicker basket or out in the garden. Simarly the mags used to cover stuff like making a duck pond blasting out a hole pond using sacks of nitrogen fertiliser until the use of fertiliser bombs by the ira and health & safety stopped all that sort of thing. The mags went into fairy story mode about having a lovely day watching the sun go down and friends. The prices went through the roof and they were adverts for upper market tat with the stereotype range rover with Barbours and hunter wellies brigade. It was just a one way ticket. Eley cartridges weren't Eley anymore, they were made in France and its just gotten worse. And as for the beginner learning much from the mags, the odd articles that are written are generally rehashes of old articles which were fairy stories in the first plalce. The blind leading the blind. I haven't bought a shooting mag for years. A friend sometimes hands Me a pile and it's just a flp through. A minute or two and then either in the bin or left in random waiting rooms to spread the word.
  13. I didn't mean that I would be randomly issuing liverounds to boys who would be going off of the range with them. But IF I were to find the odd dropped round the boys could shoot them on the range. Not to dissappear with liverounds, This is indoor target shooting at 25 metres
  14. Yep i follow. The problem with that is the dust that would be generated.
  15. Thanks for that. I'm not sure the best ...most efficient way to deal with this. There is a LOT of it. It's in an indoor range so it's dry and dusty and there is about 75 yards to get it to a vehicle. Then move it again. We'll have to do something with it.
  16. The bloke who used to do some of this passed away and the last I heard about the brass was that the scrappers wouldn't take it for fear of there being live rounds in amongst the brass... but who knows what went down. If I do it then it WILL ALL go back to the club. And if there is a loose round or two they can go in a box for the boys to shoot. What did you do? DrySift the tips or wash them out.?
  17. If this is how it is,, a lot of the leaders of the wagner group will probably have accidents soon. At some stage in the power struggle vladmight have an accident. Hittler nearly got wiped out by one of his inner circle. Roll on conspirators
  18. He'd have been better to go the whole hog when they were on the way to Moscow. I wonder why they stopped and what he was offered. Whatever it was its worth nothing now..... if prigozhin has gone. He was an oxygen thief but the crew were lost also.
  19. This sort of shadows how Hittlers inner circle operated in the 30s. Anyone who got out of line or above their station had accidents. It was like a circle of sharks. Ernst Röhm was one who got ahead of himself and was issued with a handgun, one round and ten minutes to do the deed. He didn't, so they came and did it for him. It accomplished two jobs with one bullet... it removed a problem and kept everyone in line. Still everyone knows how that ended. It's all great standing on top of the pyramid but it's a long way down with a bad effect at the bottom.
  20. The sand in the butt's at my rifle club is heavily overloaded with lead. And I mean heavily. I've sort of lumbered myself with doing something about it and I am experimenting with different things. Last week I took a few heavy rubble sacks in and filled three about a third up. That is about as much as is comfortable to carry. I have a small sieve and tried to separate the lead from the sand. This was semi successful but the problem is that at some stage a load of sharp sand has been added so the lead and the stonechips are a similar size. I got a plastic bucket filled with water and poured a load in. I got a border spade and stirred it around so that the lead bullets would migrate to the bottom. I removed most of the water and today I turned the bucket upside-down (sand castle) yes there was a thick layer of bullets that I can shovel off. But this is only a small scale operation. Anyone done this and got ideas. Ps I am aware of the lead aspect of this and have taken sensible precautions.
  21. Oh go on get your trusty club hammer out. You know that you want to. Do you FEEL LUCKY,..WELL DO YOU? Failing that take the crypto currency of your choice and Buy a box of fourteen shorts. You may feel pleasantly refreshed. Edit. My late brother in law gave me one which reputedly dates back to the 1920s. And collected loads of pheasants back when.
  22. Very nice. Very similar to my Browning B325 G5.
  23. Do you have a hammer available.? 🤣. Now don't be silly... if it's OLD it will be short 2.1/2. Accept it. It's a fiat panda, it isn't a Masserati. It will do what it was designed for, and that ain't having 3" magnums rammed through it. If you somehow fire 3" carts through it, the gun may blow up and maybe kill you. Ps. if it is old then it may well be proofed for black powder and even shooting modern smokeless 2.1/2 through it may overload it. 410s are a high pressure load. A 410 is a lethal weapon
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