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Muddy Funker

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Everything posted by Muddy Funker

  1. I'm not taking the mick, grab a copy of this book. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Self-Help-Your-Nerves-overcoming/dp/0722531559/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1339104711&sr=8-2 Edit: Obviously rule out medical problems first.
  2. I'm with these guys, Great value!!
  3. Not a critisism at all but why is there a reluctance to ask an FEO yet post on this forum? If it's a query regarding law then why not just phone your FEO. EDIT: I'm not referring to you personally mate just in general.
  4. Just submitted my FAC, had SGC for 5 years. Ref 1, best mate known me 25 years plus and a pro golfer. Ref 2, wife of work colleague who's a primary school teacher known me 5 years. FEO didn't think that'd be a prob.
  5. Shooting and home brewing :o Haha, just kidding I keep the two seperate!!!
  6. I kinda shot my mate a couple of years ago The morale of the story is don't shoot golf balls with .177 air rifles. Pellet bounced back from about 40 yards and whacked his thumb lol. He forgave me but it was a lesson learned.
  7. Yes, Make sure everything that's going in the brewing vessel (demi jon?) is sterile. Make sure you use a decent yeast. You can even bang in a bit more sugar to crank up the abv. I've been doing all grain home brewed ale for a couple of years now and turbo cider is how i started, you're on a slippery slope as it's bloody great fun!!!! I go here http://www.thehomebrewforum.co.uk/ there is an absolute gold mine of info here, just search turbo cider!!! This is a brew I did a while ago in a fair amount of detail http://www.thehomebrewforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=13457&hilit=gail+porter
  8. Not that I'm an expert but I'd swap the FAC air if you had to lose something. Why can't you just use the .222?
  9. Fair play, I'm not saying it can't happen it's just not something I've ever heard of, in my force anyway. Common sense normally does prevail, shame it didn't in your case. The other thing worth bearing in mind is what the reporting person has said to the call taker, it can be very inaccurate from what I see day to day. 15 people fighting is generally 4 blokes messing around. Scary man has just pointed a shotgun at me and threatened to kill me is more like, sensible person pigeon shooting. Some people eh!!!!!
  10. I only think it's worth doing this if you're going to be shooting in a place likely to cause concern, golf club or near a built up area springs to mind. Common sense? I'm a copper and we get calls in all the time about gun shots being heard, contrary to what some people on here believe the first response isn't helicopters and armed officers, that is complete ********!! In fact in my 6 years I don't think I've ever heard a recreational shooter facing armed police (Surrey). Ops1 in the control room will make decisions based on loads of information, not just the sound of a gun shot lol,,,,,
  11. Awesome, I was bang into carp fishing around the time these came out when I was in my teens. I really regret not buying them, just looked on Ebay and it looks as though they did a re print recently, still quite dear at £25 each. The covers brought back memories sraight away, beautiful looking books. Might treat myself as I never read them. EDIT: I'm very jealous by the way!!!
  12. Without reading any other posts I'd say let nature take it's course. Edit: After reading the thread, unless you're (not you personally) a vet, how can you decide if a bird is so injured it can't recover what a load of $hite. I've walked with a limp before and I wasn't ready to be put down lol, I was right as rain a few days later.
  13. I've traded up and up and have owned a number of pcp's. HW100 in 177 now and it's the best air rifle I've ever owned, I just can't fault it for the shooting I do (bunnies)
  14. Not saying this to ruffle feathers but in my opinion Theoben guns are so, so overpriced. I'm not saying over rated just over priced. Ridiculous.
  15. I'm sure a few here will mock but I'd say good on you. I'm not saying you should weep at every rabbit shot but to think about, question and feel something means you have respect for what it is you're shooting. Anti's never seem to see this side of shooting though do they? Being out in the field, seeing nature un spoilt is often better than the shooting itself. I used to snowboard for seasons at a time and I can liken shooting to that, the act of snowboarding down a mountain as awesome as it is, is secondary to just being there, high in the mountains looking out over beautiful scenary and taking in all the sights and sounds. We're all just blood thirsty killers that want to destroy everything though right? lol
  16. I've recently got an allotment and the people on it couldn't be more helpful and frindly. Some people really have nothing better to do eh!!
  17. This thread is great some really interesting stories. The only thing that comes close is a time when I was around 17, I'm 36 now. I was on a motorbike riding down a fairly busy high st when I noticed a car in the middle of the road turning right, then another car in a junction on the left waiting to do the same. I can still see the look of panic on the first drivers face as I was riding in between the two. The thing I didn't notice was this guy was towing the other and there was a nice thick rope joining them up, now to this day I will swear this guy didn't pull forward nor did the other guy reverse, but as I've seen the rope and it's too late to do anything about it PING, it just snapped and I rode over it. Co incidence or guardian angel? A mate's gran in Italy had a bad fall down some marble steps and smashed herself up pretty bad. Not a single injury to her head though which Docs couldn't explain. When she recovered she said she could feel something cradling and protecting her head while she fell, she belives it was her husband who had died years earlier. Makes you think this stuff.
  18. I think that's awesome, and shows the difference between rugby gentlemen and footbal yobs. A few fists thrown but most restrained themselves. And then all having a laugh at the end, brilliant
  19. Look, no Gold commander will ever authorise the carriage of firearms in a riot unless there is intel to suggest rioters possess or have access to them. For use against petrol bombers get real, they didn't have the balls to deploy something that sprays water let alone bullets.
  20. Thanks for the info, it's definately something I need to look into! Other hobbies are preventing me at the moment but one day I'll start
  21. Cheers Nick Pay day soon, I'll be treating myself to a pair!
  22. I'm really interested in this too but don't have enough time at the moment. I think you'll be surprised the effort needed to keep things running as they should. I've got this book which is regarded as being a bit of a bible. See what you think http://www.amazon.co.uk/Guide-Bees-Honey-Selling-Beekeeping/dp/1904846513/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1324328761&sr=8-6
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