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cabinet keys


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Hi all

Here"s one for ya, Recently near my area, some scrotes forced their way into a property and forced the lady occupier to hand over the keys to her husbands gun cabinet! they stole gun ammo etc. understandably she was terrified!! cops are onto it. what do you do. Hide them, carry them on you, does another member of family know where they are in case of emergencies, interesting!! never tell anyone you dont trust you have guns kept at your property!

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Mine live in the house and my gf know's where, we are both SGC holders and share a set and the spares are hidden well!


I have a separate key for the top ammo box as my gf isn't supposed to go in there (no FAC).


If someone breaks in and threatens me girlfriend I hope she gives them the sodding guns. Not worth being brave.

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my missus knows where they are but she does the cleaning and putting of stuff in draws so she gets to see them, the kids dont (i think), when we go away i put them round my mums house, she doesnt even know this, and collect them when i pop round to see her





Hate to say it but I know of one revoke from someone that used to attend my rifle club because his wife, when asked by the feo, knew where his keys were kept.

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Only the certificate owner should have knowledge of the whereabouts of the keys. Full stop... <_<

If you share the storage cabinet with a shotgun certificate holder, and you have a FAC :yes: Don't.. It'll only cost a few quid for another cabinet.

And that'll make shure that they dont have access to your ammo or gun / guns. :good:


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I keep my keys on me all the time. The spares are hidden away and the safe is digital and only I know the combination. One piece of advice though, after the recent death of my father (a year ago) leave instructions in your (sealed) will as to where the keys are!! I knew where his keys were only because he told me just before he died and I was able to get a temporary certificate to remove the firearms from the house and put them in storage until I got my full certificate through. Just something more for people to think about. :good:

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Only the certificate owner should have knowledge of the whereabouts of the keys. Full stop... :good:

If you share the storage cabinet with a shotgun certificate holder, and you have a FAC ;) Don't.. It'll only cost a few quid for another cabinet.

And that'll make shure that they dont have access to your ammo or gun / guns. :hmm:


If this was directed at me - the Police are happy with the arrangement. Shared shotguns and Firearm in top locker - only I have key to locker. :good:


Know a chap who shares a cabinet with wife who doesn't hold a FAC and all he had to do was fit a bolted eye into the cabinet and wire a chain through the rifle trigger with a padlock..

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Only I know where the keys are, and was also advised by my fao to get a digital safe for the cartridges and keep keys in there too .. Only just had my visit for ticket..

I also bought a digital safe to keep my spare keys in but my FEO said he would prefer if my keys were hidden as the safe would probably be the first place any naughty boys would try to get into. I can see his point, it means your digital safe is the strong point in the link and I'm not sure what is the strongest ...... the safe or the gun cabinet. :blink:

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I keep my keys on me all the time. The spares are hidden away and the safe is digital and only I know the combination. One piece of advice though, after the recent death of my father (a year ago) leave instructions in your (sealed) will as to where the keys are!! I knew where his keys were only because he told me just before he died and I was able to get a temporary certificate to remove the firearms from the house and put them in storage until I got my full certificate through. Just something more for people to think about. ???



Could lodge the spares with your bank, I considerd doing this as the one sorting out your estate will have authorisation to get them back.


if i lost them hard luck on me,i still tell no one where they are,but i know where the spare set is.


As long as no one nicks them or can tell where you live otherwise they have your front door keys as well!


My idea when I first got the cabinet was, Top key 1 on my key ring, Bottom key 1 and 2 hidden at home, Top key 2 lodged in bank. That way even if you lose your keys or someone at home like a child finds the key they only have top or bottom never both.


Ps I don't practice what I preach as mine are on my keyring.



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