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Dark day for cider drinkers


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Cheers Alastair Darling for pushing the tax on cider to 10% above the rate of inflation. Just to bring it in line with other alcohol.


I went for a quiet drink the other night and it cost me £20. I seriously can't believe how unfair the government are



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really irritates me this one how come Ican go to tescos and buy 24 cans of strongbow for £12 yet that would buy less than 4 pints in my local :)

this is why the government is destroying the pub trade and people are losing social skills because everyone sits at home drinking as its so uch cheaper

Edited by bi9johnny
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apple juice is just cider that hasn't happened yet


The words 'turbo cider' come to mind :)


More and more pubs are closing down. I've seen a few that are now Indian restaurants


It says it all about the English way of life and the pub


They don't get any of my money and never will


Agreed, real old Pubs used to be at the heart of all things English.

Back when Pubs had character.. now they are just empty cases of our history, smoking ban was the nail in the coffin.

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I bought a few kegs for a wedding a year back, about £90 for a 80 pint keg from memory. From my local yet they retail it at £3 a pint, to me that says a fair bit about where the money is going and of course they have to pay for the pub etc but they'll happily charge £3 a pint with it empty most of the week rather than sell cheaper and sell more of it, so I'm not entirely sure duty is to blame. As MPT says weatherspoons seem able to sell it in volume cheaper, so personally a fair few are shooting themselves in the foot

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Back when Pubs had character.. now they are just empty cases of our history, smoking ban was the nail in the coffin.

Any non smoker will tell you that was one of the best decisions ever made.

Most decent pubs are riding out the storm <generally speaking> the ones going under weren't that popular anyway.

But I agree with that some decent pubs have been replaced by characterless holes.

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Any non smoker will tell you that was one of the best decisions ever made.

Most decent pubs are riding out the storm <generally speaking> the ones going under weren't that popular anyway.

But I agree with that some decent pubs have been replaced by characterless holes.


:good: I'm also non-smoker and I still think that it all added to the atmosphere and consequently the Pub's character. Are you a smoker?

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No, but I remember coming home form the pub getting undressed downstairs and chucking all the clothes I had worn for a few hours in the conservatory, creeping upstairs to get into bed and my wife waking up and saying 'god you stink of smoke'


If that is what you call atmosphere - no I don't miss it at all thanks.

Call me picky, but I probably won't miss getting lung cancer through passive smoking either.

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High beer prices are solely down to the pub co's, like admiral, and punch. They bought up as many pubs as they could and tennant them off, then force the tennant to pay them inflated prices for beer cos they're tied in. The cost gets passed to you and the pub co's reap the huge profit. Wetherspoons dont work like this, good on 'em!!

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I don't clasify a Weatherspoons as a good pub - I have only ever been there of a start of an evening to get tanked up on cheap booze and to then move onto somewhere better. These pubs are based on volume trade and are generally poo holes - it's not like a traditional pub - come 7 p.m. they turf out all the tramps and alchos that reside in there during daylight hours and then remove all the tables and chairs to cram in as many punters as possible. It's not like anyone sits down for a conversation, something nice to eat or a game of darts.


I think the government should offer a reduced duty to pubs that have non removable tables, chairs and dartboard, and undertake not to microwave any of the food served.


I would rather eat my own poo than in a Weatherspoons or a Harvester.


Bah humbug etc.

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I bought a few kegs for a wedding a year back, about £90 for a 80 pint keg from memory. From my local yet they retail it at £3 a pint, to me that says a fair bit about where the money is going and of course they have to pay for the pub etc but they'll happily charge £3 a pint with it empty most of the week rather than sell cheaper and sell more of it, so I'm not entirely sure duty is to blame. As MPT says weatherspoons seem able to sell it in volume cheaper, so personally a fair few are shooting themselves in the foot



I was told a while ago that weatherspoons buys short date beer which is why they can sell it at the prices they do



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I don't clasify a Weatherspoons as a good pub - I have only ever been there of a start of an evening to get tanked up on cheap booze and to then move onto somewhere better..........


Perhaps that`s the problem, too many people thinking of pubs as somewhere to get mullah`d rather than converse with the people there.


Personally I like my nearest `spoons as it sells local real ales/beers as well as the CAMRA brews and the usual p!sh.

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Perhaps that`s the problem, too many people thinking of pubs as somewhere to get mullah`d rather than converse with the people there.


Personally I like my nearest `spoons as it sells local real ales/beers as well as the CAMRA brews and the usual p!sh.


Ours does too but from 9 in the morning the same people go in there day after day.....dunno where they get the money from


And to be honest the foods very reasonably priced and edible as well...lol



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