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Fisherman Mike

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Is it any wonder car insurance premiums for the young are so high when the main dealer repair centres are ripping them off like this.


Just recently my daughter was a passenger in a car being driven by her friend when she tail ended the car infront which stopped suddenly.


Obviously she was to Blame but the following ensued. She rang her insurance company who gave her a number to ring for recovery. She rang the recovery group who said they would collect the car and deliver it to the nearest repair centre for that manufacture. " They didnt tell them where it was just that it had to be within 10 miles of the accident in order to qualify for a nil recovery charge. Neither of them had a clue so I went to the local garage and the helpful gentleman gave me the information from yellow pages.


The repair centre for this make was 8.5 miles away so they were within the limit. Now obviously they have a arrangement with the Insurance company and the vehicle was picked up and I transported the driver back to her university lodgings and my daughter home. The 19 year old driver had been driving for a year and was worried about her insurance costs and also the repairs to her vehicle and the one she hit. As the damage to the other vehicle was minimal I reccommended she try and pay it direct rather than resort to her policy and therefore lose any NCB and negate the risk of the premium being increased because of any claim. I examined her car as she was also worried about the cost to repair and I told her to get a quote from the repair centre before the work was authorised.


I have some experience of repair claims thriough our large company car fleet with a local reputable repair centre so after examination I suggested she was looking at 800 - 1000.


Shock of shocks....the repair centre assuming I imagine that the insurance company would pick up the full tab quoted her nearly £3000 !!! What a rip off. I was absoultely disgusted. She managed to find a local mechanic near where she lives in Exeter to collect the car from Cheltenham, repair it, replacing the damaged parts all for £1000. I wouldnt mind wagering that he makes a better job of it.


Just shows what a racket the Repair centres are running, which in turn is forcing the premiums up for our young drivers to such a unneccessary and punative level.

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This is nothing new (although its still annoying).


If you take a car in for bodywork repairs the first question I have always been asked is, "are you paying, or is it an insurance job ?".

When you say private, the next question is usually, "Cash or card/cheque ?"


The answer to both these questions dramatically affects the estimate. :good:

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You should get her insurance company to look into them if that's the case. They're blatantly taking the rise. I had a run in with a wall in my then new van just over 3 years ago. Nothing serious, just took the passenger side wing mirror off and some damage to the passenger door (new van was a couple of inches wider than my old one so hadn't got used to it, plus it was a case of the wall or the bus that was coming up the hill). Went through the insurers recommended repairer. He came out with digital camera or camcorder thingy and was pointing atthe bits that were damaged. There was a very tiny nick in the bumper, nothing at all really. I told him to only change those bits that were noticeably damaged, which was just the door and wing mirror.


When I went to collect it after the repair I noticed that he still went ahead with all the other bits that didn't need doing (bumper, wing etc). The guy wasn't there but I told his mate to go and get me the stuff that I said didn't need replacing. After a bit of an arguement, he went off to get said bits with me following him. There really was nothing wrong them and I knew his game. He would have either sold them on or fitted them to another vehicle. As I saw it, the parts were mine as they were paid for by my insurance and my premium and I wasn't going to let some grease monkey get one over on me. As it happens I did report them to the insurers who assured me they would look into it but didn't hear what the outcome was.

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Same with buildings insurance,when i was manager of a company that did insurance loss works,we had been given all the rates on the computor NOT our rates but THEIRS,we just put as many items that were permissable,from memory i think we made about 60 percent profit although getting paid was near on like extracting blood from a stone.

As my daughter has just written off our family car i guess we will be finding out how good our insurance company are.



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You also have to watch out for an accident management outfit getting involved in insurance claims. They insist on supplying good quality hire cars to the driver who wasn't at fault at extortionate rates (I heard of £8000 for three weeks!). Obviously the management outfit takes a cut and the rest of us pay inflated premiums

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About two years ago, I had a new Isuzu Rodeo. Parked up in South Mimms Services a caravan driver tried to negotiate between two parked cars. Unfortunately he never made it and took the front off my truck. The service people had my truck for three weeks and I demanded an equivilant vehicle.


My main gripe was that the insurance company still loaded my next premium, even though it was not my fault....

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few years ago i backed my Pajero into a gate post, and managed to give it a "DEEP" scratch above the petrol filler, took it to a garage for repair and was quoted £250, go ahaead and book it in , i,ll pay cash says i,, talked to my insuarance company and found out my access was only £50 and decided to get it done as an insurance job, when the garage had finished it turned into an £800 bill !!!! :);) when i complained i got every excuse going, hard paint to trace because its an import--it,s triple skinned there--etc-etc

so yes there is a rip off in the car repair business !!!


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so much for the insurance company sending an engineer to estimate the damage.my motor was wrote of a few years back,lucky i wasn,t in it.the garage who collected the car on behalf of the insurers now send a video of the damage to save the engineer calling out.

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I know exactly what you mean. I was rear ended (ooh err!) a few weeks ago. The car is valued at around £5000. A mechanic mate had a look and reckoned around £2000 worth if damage to my car. The garage who is doing the work have had it authorised and have estimated it at £4800!!! Suerly on a cost basis the car is a write off?

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well lads i work for a major body shop and can tell you its not the garages that dicktate the repair methods(in most cases) it is all done by computers.the engineer has to list all damage on a system called auda tex and it tells them what is required. (**** i know but thats the way insurance compamys work now )then once he has done his estimate the direct line engineer comes in and reviews the job.


if he wants a panel repaired it will get it repaired even if we think it needs replaced (and half the time it will end up getting replaced because the repair is just to big or bad and would you want panels full of filler on a new car you had spent hard earned cash on.(and the have the cost of the car go down when you try to sell it because some sales man put a magnet on the panel and it wont stick) more cost to the insurers) .


they will review the whole job down to the last nut and bolt and will not fit any parts they think can be saved or repaired and even with new cars the will fit the cheapest after market bits going and we have no say in this so boys dont be to hard on the garage its the insurance companys thats that tell us what we are to do not the other way round ;):) not many body shops make big profits but you can bet your *** the insurance companys are !

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It wouldn't be an issue if your daughters mate watched what she was doing - a stupid tail ender like that could have killed someone - was it too busy gassing with your daughter or using her mobile/make up etc. Try watching what she's doing.



We can all have accidents. It's not always as simple as that!


I got exactly that attitude when I hit a woman who pulled out in front of me when I was young. I got all the usual digs of going too fast, not paying attention etc. Turns out I was doing 25 in a 30 and if I was doing 15 I couldn't have stopped. It went my way in the end but only after a great deal of fuss.


It's often the youngsters fault, but not always ;)

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standard procedure nowadays in our no win-no fee culture


easy to poke fun at. not so much fun when you are minding your own business parked in traffic and some **** drives right into the back of you.


i have had whiplash that meant no sleeping properly, not being able to turn your head and of course no shooting. :)

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People who have a genuine need of the money to cover lost earnings etc are fine in my book.


You can see why people do try to rob insurance companies though. When our roof leaked our house insurance wouldn't pay up. Supposedly it wasn't windy enough and hadn't rained hard enough? That really got my back up because one way or another, my house was full of water so something wasn't right! I've been driving for 10+ years and had several other policies. Not once had I claimed for anything (even that car accident that wasn't my fault, I paid for a new bumper myself because it wasn't worth the bother!). Then the one time I really needed them they were full of excuses and I had to pay out of my own pocket for an honest claim.


I'll tell you one thing, if I ever get hit I'll be getting whiplash! The way I see it they've diddled me out of £1700 (the cost of my roof repair) and I'll do my best to scrape it back any way I can! I hate false claims but I also hate they way they try to wriggle out of paying when an honest bloke needs some help (that they are supposedly there to offer). ;)

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:yes: The accident management companies.Yeah but no but. Missus scrunched the Honda again, this time not her fault Post man Pat reversed at speed up the pavement into her. Were fed up with previous repairs where all four of us squeezed into a three door Civic.

So as not our fault took it to dealer, Redhill Honda, to get quote and they offered a like an accident management company Prestige Hire,and we wetre called a subsiduary called Swift Rentacar.they offered a 4 x 4 similar to Honda CRV damaged. Post Office offered us £90 per day car rental max if we went with thier accident management company.


So we went with Honda recommended, and got a 3 year old Saab estate, good size, 50,000 miles, but they asked us to sign for £150 per day rental on a 4 x 4 we didnt have. looked at car rental companies, at £150 we could have hired a new BWM X5. We didnjt sign it and refused, returned the car after the repair. Guess what Post Office no pay the rental despite fault, and now the scam goes further as either side are employing solicitors... they even have the chhek to ask for another accident report...somewhat concerd we may end up in court having to pay!!!!


Stay away from accident management companies... and accept that small accident centre hire car.... my advice ;):)

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It wouldn't be an issue if your daughters mate watched what she was doing - a stupid tail ender like that could have killed someone - was it too busy gassing with your daughter or using her mobile/make up etc. Try watching what she's doing.


Don't talk ****. Everybody with anything between their ears knows that automatically blaming the driver of the car behind, irrespective of circumstances is a load of old cock.


I rear ended some tool in a 4WD pick-up during the cold spell. He stopped without warning and for no apparent reason in the middle of the city, because he was a ******* bellend. I skidded on ice and rammed him up the harris. Not my fault and I'm not interested in anybody else's opinion. He was an utter cock - end of story. They say I was supposed to be driving 25 miles behind him. When did you last see any car keep the recommended distance in city traffic? - Load of BS ;)

Edited by Chard
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Don't talk ****. Everybody with anything between their ears knows that automatically blaming the driver of the car behind, irrespective of circumstances is a load of old cock.


I rear ended some tool in a 4WD pick-up during the cold spell. He stopped without warning and for no apparent reason in the middle of the city, because he was a ******* bellend. I skidded on ice and rammed him up the harris. Not my fault and I'm not interested in anybody else's opinion. He was an utter cock - end of story. They say I was supposed to be driving 25 miles behind him. When did you last see any car keep the recommended distance in city traffic? - Load of BS ;)


Thanks, I have plenty between my ears - You caused an accident - grow some and take responsibility and stop blaming other innocent road users - you crashed into a bloke and it was your fault - if you were watching what you were doing and not driving with your head up your **** then you could have avoided the collision - it was your fault, not the other driver. You mention that it was icy so why weren't you taking the required diligence that comes with driving in dangerous conditions? With your attitude you are quite clearly a danger on the road.

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Thanks, I have plenty between my ears - You caused an accident - grow some and take responsibility and stop blaming other innocent road users - you crashed into a bloke and it was your fault - if you were watching what you were doing and not driving with your head up your **** then you could have avoided the collision - it was your fault, not the other driver. You mention that it was icy so why weren't you taking the required diligence that comes with driving in dangerous conditions? With your attitude you are quite clearly a danger on the road.


Oh, were you there? **** me, I didn't spot you either. ;)


When you get into the real world, Billericay Dicky, your views might be worth listening to. Until then, you might as well stay entrenched up your own ********.


Have you ever driven in a city? If you had, you'd know that if every car was the "required distance" behind the one in front, there'd be gridlock.


Have you got one of those Veteran Motorist Warning Triangle badges on your car? 500 years of accident-free motoring. You've caused hundreds of accidents, but never been involved in one :)

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a couple of years back i got washed into a stream in the real bad rain season we had it was like a tidal wave flushed me off the road into a dike my van filled upto waist height lloyds sent a breakdown truck to recovery me my van was deliverd to vauxhall for repaire dry out .came back 2 weeks later still wet inside and a bill of 480.00p for a change of oil ? scam

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