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BASC calls on shooters to lobby MPs. Press release.

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BASC calls for shooters to lobby MPs. (Press release)


9th June 2010……………………………………………………………immediate release


The UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), is calling on its members and others who shoot to lobby their MPs in advance of a parliamentary debate on firearms laws in the wake of the murders in Cumbria.


BASC has launched a campaigning website which allows people to look up their local MP by postcode, constituency name or the name of the MP. The results show whether an MP has indicated if they are supportive of, or opposed to, shooting. An email text is then made available, which can be edited and altered if desired.


BASC spokesman Simon Clarke said: “While our thoughts are very much with the people of Cumbria as they cope with the aftermath of this appalling tragedy, inevitably media and public attention has been drawn to the UK’s firearms licensing laws. Those who are opposed to the lawful use of guns have not been slow in putting their views across and shooting must make sure that its voice is heard. We urge everyone who is involved in shooting to visit the BASC website and to take a few short minutes to send a message to their local elected representative. It’s also vitally important that they send responses back to us. All the details are on the website which can also be found here.”


The email to MPs sets out the value of shooting to the countryside and to the economy, where it generates £1.6 billion pounds a year, and asks them to consider the damage that knee-jerk legislation would do to lawful and responsible shooting and the countryside. It also offers them a chance to find out more about shooting in their constituency.


Simon Clarke said: “While professional campaigning groups such as BASC have their work to do, nothing gets through to an MP more quickly than a message from one of their own constituents, so we are calling on everyone to play their part to back up the work we will be undertaking.” ENDS

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Al4x - I understand your hesitancy, and I agree it would be much better if we could afford to wait until Cumbria has had time to grieve and recover. Unfortunately, our opponents are unlikely to show any such decency. The police report is due before the end of June and the House will be debating the issue before the end of July. Questions about tighter gun control were asked in the Commons at Prime Minister's questions today, as memorial services were being held.

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Hi, Wasn't going to vote for the candidate who was always going to win anyway so I didn't check him out. Here we are in East Devon which doesn't come much more rural and he turns out to be "unknown".' Not sufficient information.......'; damn me, all he has to do is open his front door and he's surrounded by shooters. He'll go far provided he doesn't accidentally nod off and fall off the fence.

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One other thing, will BASC be contacting all its member on this subject i.e. all its members that are not on this site? Also will BASC be suggesting this to other shooting organisations such as the CPSA, NRA that their members should also follow suit.

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Done. My MP is president of a local gun club and i received a letter from him after the BASC election email campaign saying he "strongly supported shooting sports", so it'll be interesting to see if he'll put his money where his mouth is, i certainly hope so :blink:



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