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Only Pet hate of mine


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I have just been in to the local village to get a few bits and bats from the shop, low and behold, shed loads of racing cycles complete with pace cars and muppets in green Hi viz vests all over the place with red flags stepping into the road to stop vehicles.


Why are they allowed to do this, you can't race cars, motorcycles or any other powered object on a public road, so why on earth are these people allowed to get away with it.




When charlie boy stepped out in front of me waving his red flag to stop my car, i wound the window down and asked him what the hell he thought he was doing, he was a bit shocked top say the least, stuttered a few words about it being exercise, and they weren't doing more than 30Mph, I darent print my reply to him.



Rant over :( :hmm::huh:

Edited by wingnut
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Last year,a cyclist was killed on the A1 dual carriageway in Cambridgeshire while doing their time trials and the woman driver was sent down for (i think) 2 years.She hadnt been drinking and neither had she been on the phone,but just didnt see him.There was a whole heap of stuff in local rags saying that despite being on a cycle they're effectivley racing on very busy public roads and that they should be made to take some degree of responsibility when accidents like this happen.

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They really grip my **** too .............. :huh: They are always out on the sunday I go clay shooting, on the back roads, riding 2 or 3 abreast :huh:




And when you give them a friendly, ''toot'', to let them know your passing (and also to tell them to get the **** out the way) they start ''fitting'' on their bikes :(


The way they carry on you'd think I just ran over their favourite pet cat :hmm:


Edit to add;


The answer to the original question.


My pet hate is,


People that chomp on their food with their gobs wide open................ Instantly winds me up :/

Edited by chrispti
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I was told a few months back that now if you hit a cyclist in your car you are automatically in the wrong until proven otherwise.


Any truth in it?


A friend of mine ran a cyclist over once...unfortunately it was on her driving test 22 years ago! Apparently it looked like a Hollywood film with the bloke bouncing off the bonnet,but it was his fault for veering off infront of them! Oh how we laugh about it now! :(

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Daughter had a set to a few years back - teenage cyclist on too small cycle with no brakes rode out from behind parked cars straight accross a side road. Hit the daughter's car smack on the passenger door. - kidteenage child who should have known better boke its leg.

Parents of kidteenage child who should have known better were insisting it went to court, so told the police fair enough just so long as the teen was done for cycling on pavement, unsafe cycle, and I think jaywalking, if they wern't I would raise it in court and sue for damage to the car................ surprise, surprise, it was all quietly dropped after the plod had a quiet word.



B************* cyclists think they are above the law!!!!!!!


Editted in defference to stour boy to avoid confrontation :( :hmm:

Edited by Yellow Bear
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In my part of the world they use the A14 and A11 for various time-trials. These races should be banned from dual carriageways because the danger they cause is incredible. I was recently driving along the A11 during one of these races and the number of accidents nearly caused because cars were having to manouvere to avoid cyclists either changing pace, overtaking or riding two or three abreast was amazing. The attitude the cyclists have towards other road users is very bad as well, using my horn for some who swerved in front of me etc got the sort of response you would expect if they'd been run off the road.


As someone who cycles a little bit myself for pleasure, it really bugs me when the lycra brigade inssist on giving all cyclists a bad name!

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People that chomp on their food with their gobs wide open................ Instantly winds me up :(



I was struggling to think of things that really bother me until I read this. I'm usually quite placid but that does really annoy me. That and talking through whatever they're chewing.


Funnily enough my mrs was never taught not to talk with her mouth full. The number of rows we've had after I've said "shut up, swallow that, then I might just listen to you"! Supposedly I'm rude to her but it makes my blood boil! Considering she comes from a family that try pretty hard to be middle class and I'm a working class kid through and through it's a strange one because it's a pretty basic etiquette thing! Her mum does it too and it drives me nuts!

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What really,really annoys me about cyclists is when they stop the traffic on a pedestrian crossing and cycle across the raod from pavement to pavement .

One of my pet hates ( and being a grumpy old man I have many ,to many for this thread ) is motorists who dont indicate ,or motorist who drive slowly across traffic lights so that nobody else can get across before the lights change . I had better stop now .


Harnser .

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I was told a few months back that now if you hit a cyclist in your car you are automatically in the wrong until proven otherwise.


Any truth in it?


Yes a frien of mine also ran over a cyclist .


The cylcist was in the middle of the road no lights on the bike and he would have been twice over the drink drive max.


He broke both of his legs and was done for dangerous driving and 9 points etc.


Chhers OTH

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Being the miserable young ****** that I am, I hate chavs on moped I hate old people driving at 40 every where I hate buissness men in bmws and audis tailgateing me i hate parcel tape I hate women in honda civics using their horn at me when im doing 30 in a 30 it may be a straight road but its 30 so they get the one fingered salute i hate people who let their dogs run all over my land I hate people who think they can walk anywhere on my land . the list really is endless :(

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They have absolutely no legal right to marshall traffic and if youreport it to your local Chief Constable they will be 'advised' :hmm::huh:


What ###### me off about cyclists is when little wife and I are strolling along the towpath with the dog on a Sundaymorning and an endless stream of bikers expect us to give way and step aside on their approach. :( In five years the only cyclist who gave due respect to pedestrians as per the Highway Code was a Swede who actually got off his bike and stood to one side. And he had Abba playing from a handlebar mounted CD player. He had honestly!

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