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What is the stupidest thing you did in your teens.

Jim Sarakun

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I'm sure we have all done lots of stupid things in our teens. Maybe the youngsters today are not a lot different now, to how we were then. To start the ball rolling here are a few of mine and some of my friends. I was bought up on a dairy farm, and there was a lot of small industry in the village, just to give you some back ground.


I first met Andy at about age 14. He was in his Sea Cadets uniform and I thought he looked quite cool. I told him he looked like a big girl in his silly flared girlie trousers with the mumsy 7 creases on the leg and a blue and white table cloth on his shoulders. After the fight that followed, we became the best of friends. We were inseparable. That wasn't such a stupid thing to say then.


There were two rows of haystacks behind the houses that were the council estate, where Andy and I experimented with smoking. We thought we looked so cool and commented how clever we where to be able to flick the lit match away to put it out. When we looked back as we walked back to the farm, the flames were already about 30ft high. The fireman stayed for two days putting it out, and a lot of the windows blistered on the houses from the heat. Some of the garden sheds caught fire too. We got into a lot of trouble for that one. We were so stupid.


Our Dads kept encouraging us to get a job at the industrial estate in the school holidays, as we would be wanting cars soon. We got a job in a car body shop for a week. The manager was a super guy, and told us to come and see him when we were ready for a car. His neighbour made office furniture, and was really horrible to our manager and kept parking his car on his forecourt.We snuk into his factory and took out all the brass pump type fire extinguishers he had and filled them with dirty thinners and waste oil before we left. That was very stupid.


As we walked through the industrial estate one evening, we thought that the box full of two way radios in the back of the open van looked really cool, and would be great to mess with around the village. When the local Bobby finally caught up with us, he had us in his station for ages but let us off in the end explaining we were juveniles, but next time we took any Police equipment, we would be for the high jump.I would never be so stupid to leave a van open with valuable equipment in the back, whilst feral kids are on the loose.


Andy's dad taught us down some fen roads, how to drive in his Vauxhall Cresta. One night when his mum and dad were away, Andy drove it to Ely and I drove it back. We never heard a thing about it but it was such a stupid thing to do without a licence and under age.


Erica nearly drowned when she fell through the ice on the frozen pits we were walking across in the village, after insisting she should come. That was a very scary time and just goes to show how stupid it is to take girls on a boys jaunt.


I had a Harley chop before you could buy them on any street corner. It was in Candy Apple red, with smoke grey flames up the frame and on the tank and fender ends, which you could see if the light was right. When we walked out the pub there were quite a few people round it, not round my mates rice burners. I prayed the Shovel would start with first kick, which it did. I gave my audience a couple of blips on the throttle to impress them with my slash cut drags as I sat there holding the Easy Rider style apes I had recently added. As it spat me over the handle bars and slid up the road in a shower of sparks, I thought how stupid it was not to take the disc lock off first. I'm sure a lot of you have done that one.


I shan't go into what we were up to, but when the Police chased us through the village we headed for the pits which were surrounded by good hiding places. David was lagging behind and we could see the wobbling torch light in the dark, as the Policemen came running across the field. David jumped in the Pit. After the event, he explained how the Police had asked him if he had seen some youths running this way. Naturally David said yes and pointed them in the opposite direction. They asked David if he often goes swimming in the dark, to which he hastily said yes and must carry on with his laps, hoping they would go because he thought he was going to drown and could barely touch the bottom as he feigned swimming. How very very stupid to jump into deep water, in the dark, when you can't swim.


When the owner of the Scaffolding company found out it was us who were taking his boards at night, to build a tree house, he said that if ALL of us didn't show up at the week end to tidy his yard and wash his three lorries, before he drove them to the woods, where he would watch us take them down and load them up, he would report us to the Police. It was hard work and he was a hard task master. He let us keep the boards and he gave us a pot bellied stove to put in the tree house. How stupid we were not to ask him if we could wash his lorries and tidy his yard in exchange for some boards.


It is very very stupid, not to make sure a pot bellied stove has been properly put out before you leave a tree house.

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"Evening all"

Now then son you do realise the fuzz are taking DNA evidence back over 30 years now for convictions?

A full blown confession or ten in writing shouldn't be too difficult to get past the CPA!


Are you sure that you didn't mean to mention your "mate" told you about his "mates" antics?


Me I never did anything wrong honeys Guv!


Love the image of your bike and you being cool all over the road! Lol

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Hmm. Now how much should I mention on here? :good:


Age 5...

My earliest bad idea that I can remember was one day when I was out playing with my cap gun. It was the old paper cap type that held reels of 100 caps. I've always liked things that go bang and wanted to make more noise. Well in my wisdom, I looked at the gun and thought "if that little hammer on the gun will set off one cap then I could put a whole reel on the kerb and hit it with dads lump hammer. That could make a bigger bang?!" Well it did, and gave me quite nasty powder burns on my hand too!


Age ten?...

A few years passed, then I found bird bangers. Much better than caps these. I'd generally run around the countryside letting them off in old beer cans and milk bottles. Then I realised the potential power they had and used them to make a really basic (and rather dangerous) musket. I found a length of blue plastic water pipe on a building site, a very large bolt and some jubilee clips. I secured the bolt in one end of the pipe and duck taped it to a piece of 4x2. Then I taped a marble on the end of each of my bangers. To fire it I'd hold the contraption facing the sky, light the banger and drop it down the tube, then shoulder it and aim! The power of that thing had to be over that of a .22lr and it accounted for several sitting Crows in the copse by my house. Ok, I missed over half of what I shot at, but it was fun. Just think though, a marble at terminal velocity could kill someone on landing! In the end the pipe melted through and scared me enough to stop me from making another! Luckily I was unharmed. I still carried on blowing up bottles and cans though!


Age 14...

I learned how to make my own explosives. With this came a new level of power. Where as before I could blow up a Beer can, now I could blow up old beer kegs, empty gas bottles and fire extinguishers! There were plenty of these around on an old disused industrial estate near my house and the charges I used to use were nothing short of stupid. Any one of them could have killed me and easily had the power to destroy virtually anything. There were thoughts of old cars, phone boxes, post boxes etc but luckily although I had the interest in wrecking things I was starting to gain the morals that would stop me from damaging anything other than scrap and old junk. It got to the point where nearly every charge would resuly in a police call out. They were loud, very loud!


Age 17.9...

My last bomb. I was turning 18 next week and I knew that if I was caught letting one of these things off that would be it. So I planned the pre adulthood party. The big one. This was a mix I was very fond of, and quite potent and would make a lot of smoke. I spent about £50 (a weeks wages) putting it together and myself and a mate would carry it back to the estate I'd moved away from a few years after I'd first learned how to make these things. My childhood playground you might say. We thought long and hard about how to make it the best ever and then it came to us. The hotel grounds!...


We used to play there as kids. They had great Horse Chestnut trees and it was conker heaven. Lots of crates of empty bottles for our bangers and general fun stuff. We'd always behaved on site but the waiters would always come out and chase us away. They didn't want kids there. They also used to hold big parties and keep us all awake at night. I had a grudge. So, the main lawn out the back. Far enough away that it wouldn't be a danger to the guests but close enough to create merry hell for them for the evening. Our master plan was set.


On the weekend before my birthday it rained, hard. We decided it best not to take ourselves there in the car and maybe offer up a good form of ID to be spotted in, and it was a good mile walk with a 20kg box. We left it for next week. Just the one time, it'll be ok.


It got to the night. The night after my 18th party. Me and my mate got all the kit together, waited for dark and set off. It was about 9pm in March. Cold but dry with a good moon to work by. We carried the box between us all the way to the hotel. Heaved it over the wall so as not to be spotted at the main enterance. Something big was going on tonight, a huge party, and there were waiters and guests everywhere out the front. We scouted the back garden. All clear, not even a smoker after a bit of air. Great! It's at least safe. We dragged the box out of the bushes and onto the lawn. My friend backed off behind a large Lime tree and I lit the fuse. We ran!...


BOOM! The box went off. There was turf flying in all directions and a hole the size of a large TV in the ground. "Have some of that" I thought to myself as we backed off to spectate from the far corner of the grounds. We were trying hard not to laugh and get spotted. The fire engines and police arrived, the guests evacuated. We thought it would be a good time to go somewhere that was away! As we walked back up the road a convoy of land rovers with red wings turned into the hotel driveway at mach 1. "S***" I thought, IT'S THE EOD! The EOD are the army Explosives Ordinance Disposal... Bomb disposal!


We went home to hide. By morning nobody had mentioned anything to us but it was on the nine o'clock news the next evening. "Oh my god" I thought, "national news"!!


The next week I was away working in London. Unknown to me all hell had broken loose at home. Mine and my friends houses had been raided by the police, out parents arrested. All sorts of things were seized as evidence.


I got back from London late Friday night. I got in the car and headed home. Little did I know that my bosses house was full of police who had searched the car in preparation for my arrest. As I drove along the road an unmarked Mondeo swerved in front of me and a guy in a suit jumped out. "Stay in the car with your hands where I can see them" he shouted. Then the riot van screeched up behind me. That was it! I was out and arrested for "causing an explosion with intent to endanger life", bundled into the van and taken to the station where my mate had been since 6am! He wasn't playing ball, stupid t***! I confessed everything from the off. They knew the score.


After a great deal of talking I was allowed home. In the next year I went to magistrates court about six times then crown twice as the nature of my offence was too serious to be dealt with by the magistrate. Due to the lack of evidence of intent I was charged with "possession of an explosive substance" and given 120 hours of community service on the advice of an ex prison governor who had given me a reference. He was a family friend and didn't want to see me do time. As he said in his letter, "I don't believe a custodial sentence will help Neil, but this is not to say that he shouldn't be serverely punished". Cheers Gov!


I've never posted the whole story anywhere before but it's long in the past and in the open to all that matter so why not. It's a pretty firm lesson to anyone who thinks that "the right chemicals in the proper proportions" is just a bit of fun. Believe me, it's not! :drinks:

Edited by njc110381
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The most dangerous was the chain of events that lead to a car load of us hurtling over the side of a mountain pass . Long time ago.

Also,realizing we had got on the Wrong bus on Park Lane my mates hopped off .When I saw I was alone I too hopped off but by then it was doing 30 mph. I tried to compensate by imitating Eusane Bolt taking about 3 steps before skidding on knees and face. Ruined my Levis and nearly died but amused my mates.

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I drew the line at man love but have tried and done most of the good (and bad) stuff. I wont however be writing a detailed list :P


I have survived through many close calls and still retained my boyish good looks :good::drinks:

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Hmm. Now how much should I mention on here? :good:


Age 5...

My earliest bad idea that I can remember was one day when I was out playing with my cap gun. It was the old paper cap type that held reels of 100 caps. I've always liked things that go bang and wanted to make more noise. Well in my wisdom, I looked at the gun and thought "if that little hammer on the gun will set off one cap then I could put a whole reel on the kerb and hit it with dads lump hammer. That could make a bigger bang?!" Well it did, and gave me quite nasty powder burns on my hand too!


Age ten?...

A few years passed, then I found bird bangers. Much better than caps these. I'd generally run around the countryside letting them off in old beer cans and milk bottles. Then I realised the potential power they had and used them to make a really basic (and rather dangerous) musket. I found a length of blue plastic water pipe on a building site, a very large bolt and some jubilee clips. I secured the bolt in one end of the pipe and duck taped it to a piece of 4x2. Then I taped a marble on the end of each of my bangers. To fire it I'd hold the contraption facing the sky, light the banger and drop it down the tube, then shoulder it and aim! The power of that thing had to be over that of a .22lr and it accounted for several sitting Crows in the copse by my house. Ok, I missed over half of what I shot at, but it was fun. Just think though, a marble at terminal velocity could kill someone on landing! In the end the pipe melted through and scared me enough to stop me from making another! Luckily I was unharmed. I still carried on blowing up bottles and cans though!


Age 14...

I learned how to make my own explosives. With this came a new level of power. Where as before I could blow up a Beer can, now I could blow up old beer kegs, empty gas bottles and fire extinguishers! There were plenty of these around on an old disused industrial estate near my house and the charges I used to use were nothing short of stupid. Any one of them could have killed me and easily had the power to destroy virtually anything. There were thoughts of old cars, phone boxes, post boxes etc but luckily although I had the interest in wrecking things I was starting to gain the morals that would stop me from damaging anything other than scrap and old junk. It got to the point where nearly every charge would resuly in a police call out. They were loud, very loud!


Age 17.9...

My last bomb. I was turning 18 next week and I knew that if I was caught letting one of these things off that would be it. So I planned the pre adulthood party. The big one. This was a mix I was very fond of, and quite potent and would make a lot of smoke. I spent about £50 (a weeks wages) putting it together and myself and a mate would carry it back to the estate I'd moved away from a few years after I'd first learned how to make these things. My childhood playground you might say. We thought long and hard about how to make it the best ever and then it came to us. The hotel grounds!...


We used to play there as kids. They had great Horse Chestnut trees and it was conker heaven. Lots of crates of empty bottles for our bangers and general fun stuff. We'd always behaved on site but the waiters would always come out and chase us away. They didn't want kids there. They also used to hold big parties and keep us all awake at night. I had a grudge. So, the main lawn out the back. Far enough away that it wouldn't be a danger to the guests but close enough to create merry hell for them for the evening. Our master plan was set.


On the weekend before my birthday it rained, hard. We decided it best not to take ourselves there in the car and maybe offer up a good form of ID to be spotted in, and it was a good mile walk with a 20kg box. We left it for next week. Just the one time, it'll be ok.


It got to the night. The night after my 18th party. Me and my mate got all the kit together, waited for dark and set off. It was about 9pm in March. Cold but dry with a good moon to work by. We carried the box between us all the way to the hotel. Heaved it over the wall so as not to be spotted at the main enterance. Something big was going on tonight, a huge party, and there were waiters and guests everywhere out the front. We scouted the back garden. All clear, not even a smoker after a bit of air. Great! It's at least safe. We dragged the box out of the bushes and onto the lawn. My friend backed off behind a large Lime tree and I lit the fuse. We ran!...


BOOM! The box went off. There was turf flying in all directions and a hole the size of a large TV in the ground. "Have some of that" I thought to myself as we backed off to spectate from the far corner of the grounds. We were trying hard not to laugh and get spotted. The fire engines and police arrived, the guests evacuated. We thought it would be a good time to go somewhere that was away! As we walked back up the road a convoy of land rovers with red wings turned into the hotel driveway at mach 1. "S***" I thought, IT'S THE EOD! The EOD are the army Explosives Ordinance Disposal... Bomb disposal!


We went home to hide. By morning nobody had mentioned anything to us but it was on the nine o'clock news the next evening. "Oh my god" I thought, "national news"!!


The next week I was away working in London. Unknown to me all hell had broken loose at home. Mine and my friends houses had been raided by the police, out parents arrested. All sorts of things were seized as evidence.


I got back from London late Friday night. I got in the car and headed home. Little did I know that my bosses house was full of police who had searched the car in preparation for my arrest. As I drove along the road an unmarked Mondeo swerved in front of me and a guy in a suit jumped out. "Stay in the car with your hands where I can see them" he shouted. Then the riot van screeched up behind me. That was it! I was out and arrested for "causing an explosion with intent to endanger life", bundled into the van and taken to the station where my mate had been since 6am! He wasn't playing ball, stupid t***! I confessed everything from the off. They knew the score.


After a great deal of talking I was allowed home. In the next year I went to magistrates court about six times then crown twice as the nature of my offence was too serious to be dealt with by the magistrate. Due to the lack of evidence of intent I was charged with "possession of an explosive substance" and given 120 hours of community service on the advice of an ex prison governor who had given me a reference. He was a family friend and didn't want to see me do time. As he said in his letter, "I don't believe a custodial sentence will help Neil, but this is not to say that he shouldn't be serverely punished". Cheers Gov!


I've never posted the whole story anywhere before but it's long in the past and in the open to all that matter so why not. It's a pretty firm lesson to anyone who thinks that "the right chemicals in the proper proportions" is just a bit of fun. Believe me, it's not! :lol:


you would of been in big demand if you would of lived in northern ireland in your youth days :yes::drinks::P

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We used to have airgun "battles", shooting at each other with .177s from longish range and in cover of banks, trees or old buildings :yes:

We must have been barking mad, we all got hit, I'm just thankful nobody lost an eye :)


When we were teenagers in Kent, we had fishing boats, usually a motley collection of semi-seaworthy deathtraps with Seagull outboards. :good:

We decided that we'd try fishing all night over the sand and shingle banks off Herne Bay/Whitstable for Bass. Very effective, we used to get loads, especially at dawn for some reason. One night we went off and it was quite calm, but during the night the wind got up to quite a nasty Northerly :P Big waves, 6-8 feet high, breaking on the crests and we were out there with a paraffin pressure lamp sliding around in the bottom of the boat. We couldn't come in, because the waves breaking on the beach would be massive, so we had to sit it out till low tide :lol: As the tide dropped towards low water, the wind moderated, which we hoped it would and we got in OK. We got loads of Bass :P


When I got my first car (an 850 Mini) I used to drive on my own, though I hadn't passed my test. I somehow thought that my parents didn't realise that I was doing this, so I continued to keep it quiet. In those days, drink-driving was rife and one time I came home just after midnight, rather the worse for wear. :P

My parents lived on a hill and when being "covert" I would stop the car uphill and coast down, so they wouldn't hear me come home :drinks: On this occasion, I managed to hit the kerb with the front wheel, so the car wouldn't roll downhill, so I got out to push it, holding onto the door and steering wheel. Anyway, being slightly the worse for wear, I tripped over my own feet and fell. As I fell, I still had hold of the steering wheel and I pulled it down hard, so the car turned right. It drifted acrosss the road (without me) and mounted the kerb and smashed through this bloke's wooden fence and ended up on his lawn. :o :o :o :o :o

I got in quick, started the engine and ****** off quick, there were lights going on all up and down the street. I disappeared for a couple of hours, till the coast was clear. Nothing was ever said, but that blokes fence was in bits for months :lol:


There was a fair bit of worse stuff, too, but I don't think I'll go there :P

Edited by Chard
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growing up we lived on a road with a park and lake opposite - i spent many days fishing it, but for two or three winters from the age of around 10, when the lake froze, me and a couple of mates used to dare each other to ride our BMX's accross it, it was deep (15ft -20ft in places) 200 yards wide, it often used to creak and we would see cracks appear - looking back now it was total madness, it could so easily have been a fatality. i remember having a road to damascus moment when i was 13ish and realising what a mounmentally stupid idea it was.

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Like Chard,we too had firefights with air rifles .Thought I had escaped once be crossing a river but got leg shot by an Airsporter. Freezing cold legs and a big smack on the thigh smarted a bit. Never went through my Wranglers but left a hole and massive bruise.

We had a den right in the middle of a haystack in the barn with a tunnel to it you could just squeeze down. Some of the lads lit fags even though the air was thick with hay dust which can ignite.

Roof riding . Climbing out of the window and surfing on the car roof going at crazily high speeds. Dumb.

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rode a motor bike across a frozen lake - forgot to tell the guy following me it started to crack :oops:

He got half way across when the back wheel started to drop through the ice - but made it across to much cheering :lol:


I was an apprentice in a large factory - that's a confession in itself :hmm: I'm not giving out all the detail but one little incident was typical, not that I was there. The safety officer gave us training on how to enter the 'mustard gas' store (used industrially) as there were always leaks he showed the guys how to use breathing apparatus - but as he entered the pit one guy turned off his air tank and slammed the door behind him - he couldn't take off his mask or reach the valve. They let him out before going blue :oops:


In general all the apprentice antics taught us alot on how to work and live safely - used it ever since :good:

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Roof riding . Climbing out of the window and surfing on the car roof going at crazily high speeds. Dumb.



I had a mate that used to do this :lol::oops: :oops:


He had a pick-up with a big bench seat in the cab. We would be belting down the Thanet Way in Kent and he would suddenly say "Take over the wheel". He would shuffle out of his window and into the back of the pick-up and I would shuffle into the drivers seat and take over the wheel and pedals :good:


He would then get onto the cab roof and stare in through the windscreen and all sorts of stupid stuff. Sometimes it was about -9 degrees outside when we were going Cod fishing in winter and we wouldn't let him back in. We'd accelerate to about 90 mph and he'd freeze his ******** off :hmm:



Laaaaarf, I nearly ****. Oh to be young and totally dense :P

Edited by Chard
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Well done Chard


My brother & I tried 'car - sailing' using an old Austin Cambridge - I drove around a eft hander too fast and to stop it rolling over he would open the passenger door and hang out as if in a sailing boat.


He also went roof surfing on his mates old mini - by sitting on the roof, holding on to the wipers with his feet over the screen to block the drivers view while his mate bombed around the village.


I rode my 650 super rocket motor bike around the village with my girlfried on the back - not on the seat on my shoulders. In a field we tried to ride my Super rocket with 10 people on - 4 in line with 4 more on there shoulders and one more either side (got a picture) let the clutch out and lost about 7 :lol:


Went for a bike ride with my mate on the back - came into a bend far too fast. So with one leg over the tank I was off - I always remember seeing him still sitting on the back of the bike after it hit the kerb, turning it up-side down and flying through a hedge - bike was fine :good:

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Nicked a moped, fell off and broke my ankle.


Made some Napalm in my garage, set it alight on the floor and when i got bored stamped it out with my foot, which it just stuck to........set alight to my trainers and my shellsuit bottoms and most of the garage. Managed to get them off. Dad discovered me.........large belt was involved........end of.

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:lol::oops: :oops:


Any old farts remember these? :




Around November 5th, we used to get huge ones, much bigger than this one. They're illegal now, of course.

When you let one off, they would keep banging and exploding and each time it banged, it would jump randomly and go off over and over again, effectively chasing you round the place. My mate had a small and very cluttered garden shed, full of old **** and mowers. We used to shut ourselves inside it and let one of these ****ers off in there :hmm:

:P:lol: :lol: It used to go on for several minutes, by which time you couldn't breathe for the smoke and somebody would have got his harris burned :good:


We also had firefights with rockets, firing them off at each other on a low trajectory, by propping them up on something. The fancy expensive ones are a bit loud when they go off next to your earhole :lol::P:lol:

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I managed to crush my thumb and rip the tip off whilst messing around with boulders, I now have to live with a completely useless thumb (no nail so cant pick anything up!).


Just gone 18 and bought a defender pick up, didn't have a drivers licence, wasn't insured, no mot or tax but decided to go out with illegal tyres whilst -12, snow and ice - flying down a single lane....corner - boom!

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:oops: :oops: :hmm:


Any old farts remember these? :




Around November 5th, we used to get huge ones, much bigger than this one. They're illegal now, of course.

When you let one off, they would keep banging and exploding and each time it banged, it would jump randomly and go off over and over again, effectively chasing you round the place. My mate had a small and very cluttered garden shed, full of old **** and mowers. We used to shut ourselves inside it and let one of these ****ers off in there :P

:lol: :lol: :lol: It used to go on for several minutes, by which time you couldn't breathe for the smoke and somebody would have got his harris burned :lol:


We also had firefights with rockets, firing them off at each other on a low trajectory, by propping them up on something. The fancy expensive ones are a bit loud when they go off next to your earhole :lol::P :P


Exibit - 'A', yep remember them. Out with my biker mates one night walking along trying to frighten students 'ghost hunting' no luck, so one guy lit one and put into the back of a mates bike jacket belt - rather than undo the belt he ran down the road with the fuse going - disappearing out of sight before it went off 'bang/flash' - sending him arsp over tip.


tried the stripped down crow scarers with the 10 millisecond safety fuse - lit throw, most went off in the air :good:

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