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Conspiracy theories - what's the best one

death from below

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Yes. Exactly right. Spot on. (Well, the every NASA scientist knows the above and goes looking bit). Don't you get it? The conditions I gave were the conditions on the Moon. The rock couldn't have formed on the Earth, or any other planet or asteroid, because only the conditions on the moon could have produced those rocks. And yes, they went looking for it. In the late 60's, Early 70s. It was called the Apollo Program.


If you want to collect rocks from somewhere with no atmosphere you only have to dig up the foundations of any pub in Yarmouth.

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i. All the billions of tons of CO2 relased from burning fosil fuel somehow disapears instead of getting into the atmosphere.

Do they turn into marmalade tarts, grow wings and fly to jupiter?

ii. The extra CO2 in the atmosphere comes, instead, from some mysterious natural source that nobody's noticed.



1. Your starting to be silly now marmalade tarts are formed from methane which cows **** ,they don't grow wings at all methane is lighter than air so they float not to jupiter but to uranus hence the name.

2.Although your posts are very informative how on earth do they prove the moon isn't made of cheese?

3.And finally how come when the ice cubes melt in my jack Daniels the glass doesn't overflow? Global warming lol.



I can answer the third point; It's because by the time the ice has melted you have drunk some.

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3. Floating ice doesn't change the level of the water, so sea ice melting has no effect on sea level rise. Ice sheets are on land, so when they melt or collapse the ice falls into the sea and so they DO make the sea level rise - just like the level of your jack daniels increases when you drop the ice cube in.


the two different types will cancel each other out, so there will be no sea rise

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3. Floating ice doesn't change the level of the water, so sea ice melting has no effect on sea level rise. Ice sheets are on land, so when they melt or collapse the ice falls into the sea and so they DO make the sea level rise - just like the level of your jack daniels increases when you drop the ice cube in.



WRONG! ice is actually denser than water so if all the floating ice melted the sea level would actually fall so yes floating ice does affect sea level more means higher less means lower, see you learn something everyday? unlike al gore the thick lying toad.


cheers KW

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This thread is priceless :D


PS - If ice were denser than water it would sink to the bottom of the glass - schoolboy physics...


With such fundamental flaws in base theory how can anything derived from it be taken seriously?


Keep it going lads - it's a classic :good:




Popcorn at the ready.



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This thread is priceless :good:


PS - If ice were denser than water it would sink to the bottom of the glass - schoolboy physics...


With such fundamental flaws in base theory how can anything derived from it be taken seriously?


Keep it going lads - it's a classic :D


Hurrah. Someone who did some physics at school.

Also, remember Archemedes? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buoyancy#Arch...es.27_principle

So any floating object displaces its own weight of fluid.

The weight of an amount of water is the same if it's solid or liquid, but its volume will change. But as the previous poster said, ice is less dense than liquid water anyway.

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sorry your right water is 9% leass dense than water must get head into gear? it still does affect sea level though as ice takes up more volume than water hence my origional statement if the ice melted the sea level would actually fall.



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There is, in fact, a small change in sea level due to sea-ice melting. Something to do with salinity and density I think, becasue sea ice is less saline than the sea. Can't find the paper. I'll try and dig it out...

Do you have to? :good:

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It doesn't matter. The conspiracy nuts ironically are the ones who are set in their ways and ignorant to any opposing evidence.


The god dellusion just a money making process? How is a well written book explicitly illustrating the reasons why god doesn't exist simply a money making process?

I think you will find much more money has been made through religion.

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Sorry, me again. Loving this thread. Guess what I did after running out of funding as a planetary scientist. I worked on a space mission called CryoSat. This was designed to measure changes in the ice sheets and glaciers. So, I know a fair bit about the whole global warming thing. And yes, the ice sheets are melting dramatically. I've measured it myself. Have a look at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8200680.stm, which was my research. (Sadly, my name doesn't appear on the BBC article - I lost my job after getting a serious illness before that came out and the boss decided not to credit me. But I'm on the original article http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2009/2009GL039126.shtml). Basically I measured the thinning of a major glacier that drains 1/3 of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and found that the thinning was accelerating rapidly, and that it would float away in 150 years. That's 1m or so of sea level rise, enough to sink a lot of coastal cities.


So what bit don't you 'believe' about climate change? Are you saying


i. CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas? - It's been known for over 100 years, and every physical science undergrad probably does the experiment where you measure absorbtion of electromagnetic radiation in various gasses at different wavelengths.


ii. Burning carbon based fosil fuels doesn't release carbon dioxide?


iii. Humans don't burn fossil fuels?


Presumably you are also saying that the published measurements of CO2 in the atmosphere are lies.


Sure, the climate has changed throughout Earth's history, but it's beyond doubt that the current warming is due to us burning fossil fuels and that the rise in CO2 is shockingly big in comparison to previous natural events. Do you want your children and grand children to live through that?


Don't believe all the rubbish that the antis say. It's just that. Complete rubbish. Just as the anti hunting/shooting crowd keep spouting rubbish about shooting. One of my neighbours (who's a nice chap, but also a member of all the animal rights organisations) told me the other day that 98% of shot pheasants are just buried in big pits after driven shoots, and almost none of them are eaten. These 'facts' get started by people with an agenda, and get recycled until people start to think it's true.


daft question but bear with me. i thought that methane was now being blamed as the number one cause of global warming, then followed by the burning down of the rain forest (less trees to get rid of the co2) and heavy industry (such as china, etc, producing co2).


so surely if methane is the no1 cause, its our duty to go out and kill as many cows as possible and eat them (see, being green here, im recycyling) :hmm:


but wait. we already are doing that. so technically everytime i go to burger king im combatting the no1 cause of global warming by getting rid of a cow, and vegetarians, etc, arent because they dont eat cows! see, no need to worry about anything else then, just make it mandatory for everyone to eat beef 4 times a week and we'll solve the problem!! :lol::yes:

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daft question but bear with me. i thought that methane was now being blamed as the number one cause of global warming, then followed by the burning down of the rain forest (less trees to get rid of the co2) and heavy industry (such as china, etc, producing co2).


so surely if methane is the no1 cause, its our duty to go out and kill as many cows as possible and eat them (see, being green here, im recycyling) :hmm:


but wait. we already are doing that. so technically everytime i go to burger king im combatting the no1 cause of global warming by getting rid of a cow, and vegetarians, etc, arent because they dont eat cows! see, no need to worry about anything else then, just make it mandatory for everyone to eat beef 4 times a week and we'll solve the problem!! :lol::yes:

I'm with you. Are u buyin?
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Osama Bin Laden died years ago but the CIA continue to use him as a cover story so they can continue war mongering in the middle East.


"Bin Laden has travelled into Afghanastan! - Guess what there just happens to be alot of oil there too!"



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