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the inlaws are here!!!

Paddy Galore!

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As above... ??? for the rest of the weekend :yes:

anyone else got god forsaken pain in the aaassssss in laws??? :good:


mine are pukka

old man is one of my fave drinkin partners when we are alowed out alone together that is !

old crow does as she is told and makes the pukka steak n kidney pudding proper like suet .

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My mother in law lives in one of those hellhole expat ghettoes in southern Spain, so whilst we dont see her often, when she is here it is for a long time.


I wont go into detail, but she is one of the most ill mannered, selfish people I have ever met.


Amusingly though, every time she does stay there is always a battle of minds and wills between her and my Chessie retriever, and the dog wins, hands down, every single time :good:

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Step mother in law is a **** head, always trying to get us both drinking. Doesn't matter that I'm always driving when we visit. Other MoL can be a nightmare, hearts in the right place but has threatened to kill me a few times (she's very over protective and doesn't think I'm looking after her daughter properly. Not my fault don't come over as very sympathetic!).


Both FoL's are fine, one shoots the other drinks.


Edit: started out word was meant to denote 'practicing alcoholic'!

Edited by timearp
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Father in law is ace , heart as big as his belly mother in laws OK too ..... sister in law and bro in law both are utter pains and so chuffin ungrateful , i fixed the sister in laws car the other week , big job wiring loom out took me 4 hours not even a thank you or how much do i owe you .


Easy, don't do anything for them again, if they can't afford simple manners then I wouldn't waste my time with them.

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My Inlaws are not much older then me.


And Sweepys mum looks about ten years younger then she really is. No one believes that she is his mum . :good:


One good thing though is that she cant hold her drink. So on Sweepys 40th she was great entertainment.


She decided that the real party that night was with Josh and his mates.

Poor Josh How can you be cool when Grannys hanging with your posse. :lol::D


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My inlaws are great. They live 90 minutes away so they often have the kids to stay with them for the whole weekend.


They are very active people (mother in law used to run the London Marathon every year) so the boys come back spoilt and shattered !

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