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No. No person or state has claim over another's life. Doesn't work as a deterrent. Mistakes are made. Costs more than whole life imprisonment. Justice needs to be dispasionate, not based on what is ultimately a desire for 'revenge' against 'those who deserve it'.

I agree, you must be mad if you are willing to hand over that kind of power to the government, they have too much already in my opinion.

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hey guest, i dont see your point fella if some commited a murder intentionally and was proved so 100%, how can a lethal injection or hanging or a bolt to the head cost more than £600 a week for twenty five years totaling £780,000. or am i missing something? cheers matt

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should we bring the death penalty back for convicted murderers? my opinion is yes, what say you people? cheers matt



Yes & No.

Yes for rapists, paedos and evil neds who murder/stab innocent folk.

No for folk who have wronged, (****** up) and this has resulted in the death of an innocent person. ie car crash fatilty


The sentences handed out in the UK are soft, and most get out after serving half their sentence. We, the tax payer have to foot the bill for keeping these scum bags, who have sky tv, lap tops etc and even have the cheek to sue due to their human rights being infringed upon.


If theres to be no reintroduction of the death penalty what about hard labour, hell on earth being served on these ******** instead of them lounging about in jail.

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I would love to see genuine guilty scumbags topped as they deserve, however and has been proved on numerous occasions plod and the judicial system do not always get it right ( I get the opinion sometimes that plod is inept untrained and incompetant) infact sometimes they do little better than stitch someone up because they "look guilty" the guy with the worst comb over in england and the death of the young girl in bristol being yet another example of first class detection!! so on that score sorry cant support the death penalty at all.



Edited by kdubya
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Yes for rapists, paedos and evil neds who murder/stab innocent folk.

No for folk who have wronged, (**** up) and this has resulted in the death of an innocent person. ie car crash fatilty


Yep my thoughts aswell.


This day & age with the likes of DNA they can bang them to rights with the murder +++


Terrorism, Child Murders, Premeditated Murder, should all carry the sentence :yes:

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I would be very interested to know what proportion are home grown and what are imports, 'cause my observations all seem to point towards a large propotion of foreign names. Nuff sed. from Auntie. :huh:


Totally Agree just look at the reports in the news for London,Birmingham,Nottingham,Manchester etc!


Fact proven and with the accuracy of DNA etc I fully support the death sentance and yes it was a deterrent, just look at the murder rates for the 50s and 60s per head of population they speak for themselves!


Also lets have Hard Labour then they would only need to serve shorter sentences and would not have time to sue anyone!!


I have known police officers who served during the period mentioned and they all said it was a deterrent and gun and knife crimes were very rare indeed.

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Yep my thoughts aswell.


This day & age with the likes of DNA they can bang them to rights with the murder +++


Terrorism, Child Murders, Premeditated Murder, should all carry the sentence :yes:


given that about 1% yes 1% of crime scenes involves dna and that dna has been responsible for the overturning of many "stonewall" cases, perhaps its not the be all and end all you suggest :hmm: try to get hold of a book called innocent but convicted, you might change your mind on the death penalty.



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I would love to see genuine guilty scumbags topped as they deserve, however and has been proved on numerous occasions plod and the judicial system do not always get it right ( I get the opinion sometimes that plod is inept untrained and incompetant) infact sometimes they do little better than stitch someone up because they "look guilty" the guy with the worst comb over in england and the death of the young girl in bristol being yet another example of first class detection!! so on that score sorry cant support the death penalty at all.





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Totally Agree just look at the reports in the news for London,Birmingham,Nottingham,Manchester etc!


Fact proven and with the accuracy of DNA etc I fully support the death sentance and yes it was a deterrent, just look at the murder rates for the 50s and 60s per head of population they speak for themselves!


Also lets have Hard Labour then they would only need to serve shorter sentences and would not have time to sue anyone!!


I have known police officers who served during the period mentioned and they all said it was a deterrent and gun and knife crimes were very rare indeed.



Don't put TOO much faith in science. Whilst it is very good and apparently gets things right all the time there is no guarantee that a flaw will not be found in years to come showing that the DNA evidence could have been wrong. This is very new (in real terms) cutting edge science. I read a report last year in one of the journals that dispelled the myth that it was impossible for 2 fingerprints to be the same... apparently in rare cases, they can!

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Sutcliffe? Huntley?And others of their ilk......? 'The Blooding' by Joseph Wambaugh makes for interesting reading.Concerns the murders of several children in Britain,and how a little known and still experimental forensic science(DNA fingerprinting through blood and sperm samples)brought about the capture and conviction of a baker who persuaded a mate to give samples in his place when Police requested voluntary sampling in the home town of the murdered children.Once caught the baker admitted the murders,and DNA sampling confirmed it.Fascinating read.

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Whilst I am not against the death penalty per se, I think the evidence sytem used now must be tightened up, and not just " according to the best current available methods". DNA is not infallible, neither is a 'confession', particularly if the suspect is mentally ill. There could be no mistakes, ever. One wrong hanging etc would close the whole system, which is why people can spend 20years + on death row in the USA. I agree that some form of hard labour, or at least severely reduced priveledges if you don't work, should be standard.

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should we bring the death penalty back for convicted murderers? my opinion is yes, what say you people? cheers matt




hey guest, i dont see your point fella if some commited a murder intentionally and was proved so 100%, how can a lethal injection or hanging or a bolt to the head cost more than £600 a week for twenty five years totaling £780,000. or am i missing something? cheers matt


Can you prove something 100% ? What about those who speed or drink drive, they know the possible results and disregard them, if they then kill someone is that premeditated murder ?


i know it does not work as a deterent, but in my view if you iradicate a problem,its one less problem to worry about, matt


Nice to note someone is worried about all the problems in society, what are your views on other problem areas ?

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Can you prove something 100% ? What about those who speed or drink drive, they know the possible results and disregard them, if they then kill someone is that premeditated murder ?




Nice to note someone is worried about all the problems in society, what are your views on other problem areas ?


I doubt many drink drivers go out with the intention of killing a specific individual. Or anyone at all. I think most drunk drivers just want to get home and beat their wife/child/dog.


I do love the debate that gets stirred up on here. Over and over.... and over again :lol:

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there would be nothin that would please me more than hangin some dirty peado but i would have to say no on bringin it back has i would rather not hang anyone at all if it means that some innocent person that as been convicted wrongly and gets the noose that would make me feel awfull and you imagine how they would feel knowing they hadnt done owt on the run up to it.



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