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£2.00 per litre for petrol????


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Watching the news last night I noticed that the government is predicting the price of petrol rising to £2.00 per litre because of the trouble out in Libia. The government have said that they are thinking of some sort of aid to combat this so it will be interesting to see what they come up with. If they can do something to help with the price of petrol/fuel when there are things like this happening why can't they do something to stabalise and keep the prices of fuel reasonable all the time?

The important thing is that it is not only the price of fuel that will rise, it is the knock on effect that is associated with it. Everything will go up in price as it has to be transported etc or uses fuel of some sort to produce, and even then some unscroupoulous producers/traders will use this as an excuse to bump up the prices for the consumer.

What will you be doing to economise? :hmm:

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I know what the Gov will do to help....stick 5p a litre tax on fuel as they said!

As long as we keep rolling over and taking the shafting, the more we will pay, action is needed: the Gov need to stop giving money to other countries and to stupid causes at home, stop immigration, deport ALL illegals, and put the money to use to help US !

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Old management trick - start a rumour that there will be 50 redundancies and when you anounce that there's to be 20 redundancies everyone feel's relieved that its not as bad as first thought.


Start talking about £2.00 a litre and the price's of £1.35 -£1.50 a litre sounds cheap. And if it doesn't reach £2 everyone feels relieved without focussing on the fact that they're now paying a fortune to get to work.


Ive already cut back over recent years, at one time I'd think nothing of having a day at the coast or going for a drive up to t'dales, now its a once every couple of years, don't get me wrong we still have holidays and weekends away but the lets have a run out type thing has been curtailed. Even calculating if its cheaper to drive and park or catch the train to York (works out about the same).

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I know what the Gov will do to help....stick 5p a litre tax on fuel as they said!

As long as we keep rolling over and taking the shafting, the more we will pay, action is needed: the Gov need to stop giving money to other countries and to stupid causes at home, stop immigration, deport ALL illegals, and put the money to use to help US !



+1 :good:

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I know what the Gov will do to help....stick 5p a litre tax on fuel as they said!

As long as we keep rolling over and taking the shafting, the more we will pay, action is needed: the Gov need to stop giving money to other countries and to stupid causes at home, stop immigration, deport ALL illegals, and put the money to use to help US !


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the problem is not the government, nor is it the companies such as BP etc.... the problem is the british public, if we didnt want high fuel tax like we all say.....we surely wouldve acted by now after all the blockages in the past were for a much lower sum than what we are currently paying. we the british public need to grow a pair and take back our country lol


moan over

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the problem is not the government, nor is it the companies such as BP etc.... the problem is the british public, if we didnt want high fuel tax like we all say.....we surely wouldve acted by now after all the blockages in the past were for a much lower sum than what we are currently paying. we the british public need to grow a pair and take back our country lol


moan over




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A few years back now the UN decided Kuwait needed some help to get rid of that nasty man Saddam Hussein who invaded, now then, I always wondered if Kuwait was world renowned for carrot exports rather than oil, would the world have bothered so much?


So, on that basis isn't it about time the worlds military moved in to protect the carrot exports of Libya? :hmm::good::lol::D

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Now, I know it's a bit off topic, but you have to start somewhere. The government is a bit too big for me to take on first so I'm going to build up to it by starting with the District Council. My council tax will be going up again with a decrease in sevices. As a profit is made from some of the re-cycled waste, I'm going to start charging them 50p a kilo for the appropriate items they collect.

The first attack on the government may have something to do with the DVLA, who, if you read the small print on the forms for the renewal of your driving licence photograph, have a business partner for checking on your details. I reckon that there could be a copyright issue here; or the invasion of privacy at the very least.

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I know what the Gov will do to help....stick 5p a litre tax on fuel as they said!

As long as we keep rolling over and taking the shafting, the more we will pay, action is needed: the Gov need to stop giving money to other countries and to stupid causes at home, stop immigration, deport ALL illegals, and put the money to use to help US !

:stupid: I like this man He talks my language :good:

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I know what the Gov will do to help....stick 5p a litre tax on fuel as they said!

As long as we keep rolling over and taking the shafting, the more we will pay, action is needed: the Gov need to stop giving money to other countries and to stupid causes at home, stop immigration, deport ALL illegals, and put the money to use to help US !




good post, but no chance we will still be paying for others.

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I was going to change to a double cab pick up this year but I can't bring myself to do it!


I did hear from a wagon driver that they had been warned not to take any action against the fuel increase or they may find their operators license harder to renew??


My wife is from Canada and we now talk everyday about moving over there.



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It's the people who've done their bit for this Country I feel most for. My Mother is 87 and living on her meagre savings. Have you seen the interest rate recently?.

And I'll make a small wager with anyone: the price of fuel won't come down in the long term!!. :angry:

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Excluding my earlier silly tongue in cheek post there is only one answer: To be sensible and fair (someone has to, the government won't) add, say, half an hour to your usual home to work travel time and leave that much earlier travelling only by public transport. Some, the more rural based people, won't even get to work the same day! If we all did so and the economy collapsed overnight we'd pretty soon have a result.

Of couse, that won't happen so see you here this time next year moaning about £3 a litre.

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I was going to change to a double cab pick up this year but I can't bring myself to do it!


I did hear from a wagon driver that they had been warned not to take any action against the fuel increase or they may find their operators license harder to renew??


My wife is from Canada and we now talk everyday about moving over there.




If they all united and took action and all could not renew operators licences the country would stop running in a day. Just about everything moves by road. Double agendas by some maybe? Force the smaller operators out of business and increase theirs?

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Doesn't the current Gov' claim on fuel through what ever taxes/duties applied amount to about 80+p/litre?? anyone know the official figure?


Time to start taking advantage of your 2500litre/yr "personal biodiesel production allowance" from HMRC without needing to pay duty. I've started to look seriously into it, need to see what the details are of meeting the fuel standards entails.

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I know what the Gov will do to help....stick 5p a litre tax on fuel as they said!

As long as we keep rolling over and taking the shafting, the more we will pay, action is needed: the Gov need to stop giving money to other countries and to stupid causes at home, stop immigration, deport ALL illegals, and put the money to use to help US !


You, Sir, sound like a closet UKIP supporter. Nothing wrong with that my good man. Nothing wrong with that at all :good:


The trouble is most folk tend to act like sheep. Just take a look at the last "go slow" protest on the A2 the other week. It started out with 3 vehicles which, by the time it reached London, had risen to 7 :blush:


Hats off the the French, we could learn a thing or 2 from them but the trouble is we lack the bottle to band together in solidarity and stand our ground. Let's face it, the EU is crushing us and we need to get out and the only real party that have our interests at heart are UKIP. Just what we pay, in real terms, to the EU over the course of a year would be enough to straighten out the national debt. I'm sorry, but what is it I'm missing here?

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Don't know about you, Doc, but I'm missing petrol at £0/2/3 a gallon!


Is that 2 shillings 3 pence a gallon? :lol: before my time I'm afarid but then so was the battle of hastings but every year I remember the date which is more than I can with half my family.


When I started driving a had an old Viva van HA110. Fuel used to be about 50p a litre and I remember thinking how mad it was when it touched 60p a litre. That was about 1993/94 I think

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Is that 2 shillings 3 pence a gallon? :lol: before my time I'm afarid but then so was the battle of hastings but every year I remember the date which is more than I can with half my family.


When I started driving a had an old Viva van HA110. Fuel used to be about 50p a litre and I remember thinking how mad it was when it touched 60p a litre. That was about 1993/94 I think



It was cheaper than that per gallon when I started !!!!

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