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Bunny Population Near you?


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Had 4 trips out this year on the bunnies and so far there has been a noticable drop in numbers. Last year I'd see 20 odd over a 2.5 hour trip and probably shoot 10 or more. This year I'm really having to search them out and if I see 10 and they arent too shy I'm lucky to hit 4 or 5.


Anyone else seen a drop in numbers? I wonder if there's been a dose of mixy hitting my permission.


Can you completely cull an area of bunnies. I hit it hard last year!

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I think You can definitely hit them hard, We hit them really hard locally a couple of Years ago, We were bagging 30/40 per session (pick up shooting with 2 shotguns), hitting 2 farms & local organic farm, We hardly have had any around since, but just recently they are back in big numbers :oops::good:


I was out this morning and bagged 10 in 1 field with 17hmr could have doubled that easily, but they have and always seem to populate the most difficult/unsafe places, boundries to house and on the edge of a pony field, strange thing is that we shot 20/25 from the same field on Saturday evening.


So more fun to be had yet as thats one field only and We cover 1000's of acres, ahhh summer evenings soon :yp: :lol:

Edited by Devon Fox
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I currently have loads on both of my permission, i really need to get to work as on one of my permissions the rabbit's are totally wrecking the field :/ :/ :/


Sounds like you need to use it or lose it pronto mate. There's a big difference between not overshooting and no shooting at all. :oops:

Edited by Dave-G
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Sounds like you need to use it or lose it pronto mate. There's a big difference between not overshooting and no shooting at all. :oops:


I'm going to head upto the farm over the weekend with the lamp, and hopefully to have a good catch.


Not my fault about not shooting on the land, as the farmer only asked me last weekend. He's tried with the lurcher himself but he's had no luck. :/ :/ :/


So i'll be up there over the weekend and hopefully to clear quite a few of the population away from there ;) ;) ;)

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Last year they were very thin on the ground here. They seem to be coming back now though so it will be time to start hitting them again soon.


One of my farmers seems to have got someone else in because he hasn't seen me much. I'm always finding empty 12g cases about the place and there are still bunnies about. Scruffy ******, I don't mind them shooting the same land as me but I've already phoned the farmer to make it clear that it's not me leaving plastic thrown about the place for his cattle to choke on! Really bugs me that!

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  • 1 month later...

I hammered the bunnies on our land whilst we were drilling crops earlier in the year and touch wood they have not recovered that well.

On our other farm which is all pasture the bunnies exploded mid-lambing (typical when you are too busy!)....but over the last few days I have noticed dozens riddled with myxy!!


IMHO I believe the harsh winter and extended freezing temperatures we had in North Yorks knocked a fair few!

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been thin on the ground around our area for a few years now, hearing a lot of scotland has been hard hit,can any other scottish lads confirm this ??

I have permission to shoot on a large farm in south Lanarkshire. I,ve seen almost no rabbits this year. I have been told that there has been an outbreak of rabbit hemorrhagic virus.

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My permission has been pretty heavily shot recently, there are rabbits about but there the most skitish I've ever seen and the big warrens seem barren however I have seen large numbers of kittens/bunnies over the past few week so the population is likley to explode soon :D

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