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Girlfriend won't have guns in the house.


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Get a crowbar to lever the thumb off you're head.




Tell us her main arguments against having guns in your household, and we'll come up with some crushing counter arguments! (I know I've never won an argument with a woman, but we can give it a go!)

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yup tell her the guns are coming and make her own mind up. They will be in a cabinet and not used in her presence so get over it :good:

Yea I know thats the approach I'm gonna have to take if it come to it (and I will) but I was hoping to find a way to put it a little more subtley if possible :hmm: . I asked on here because as it goes I'm pretty blunt and down to earth.

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The guns will be in a secure cabinet out of sight and she has no reason to see, or handle them.

In transit they will be in a gunslip, so the same applies.


It might be worth trying to understand her "principles", as I certainly can't see where she is coming from, as she doesn't mind you owning and using guns.

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This has absolutely nothing to do with guns. This is her laying down her terms and conditions. If you accept (give in) now, you'll be be doing it from then on. After nigh on 5 years, I'm assuming that she knew that you shot and had guns and would want them with you.

You have a choice to make NOW. Do you want to live with the wrong one?

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I have to say that its a matter of whats most important to you but why, if she loves you, would she not allow you to pursue your sport?

My wifes a townie - never saw a gun before we got married but knew shooting was a part of me and accepted it.

Alex is right if you capitulate over this, whats the next thing you cant do?

We men can be too accomodating.


Think ahead - if you stay together, what will the size of the hole in your lifes enjoyment be ?


One way to test this theory is to leave your gun with a friend who's not worried about letting you have it for evening shooting and put the gun on his cert. If you are banned from something else bring your guns home and make a hard decision.


You shouldnt be put in this position by the way. Not unless your GF has a personal experence that can justify this degree of selfishness.

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Yea I know thats the approach I'm gonna have to take if it come to it (and I will) but I was hoping to find a way to put it a little more subtley if possible :hmm: . I asked on here because as it goes I'm pretty blunt and down to earth.



in a way the blunter you are the better, start giving in to her now and thats just the start to the end of your hobby. If she has to accept it from the start it makes things simpler and once she gets used to it there won't be an issue. Mine has the occasional moan about the dog but has been reminded a few times the dog was here before her :lol:

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Yea I know thats the approach I'm gonna have to take if it come to it (and I will) but I was hoping to find a way to put it a little more subtley if possible :hmm: . I asked on here because as it goes I'm pretty blunt and down to earth.



My wife wasn't _madly_ keen when I first suggested a shot-gun in the house but I

pointed out that if I didn't keep any cartridges in the house then it's effectively

two bits of pipe welded together. (I started on clays so could get cartridges

when I went to the clay ground).


After a month or two of it being there I 'discovered' that cartridges are a lot

cheaper if bought in bulk!


My guns are quickly in and out of the house in a slip so the wife and kids very

rarely see them.


In fact the wife doesn't know I've had two for the last 18 months!






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If you were considering starting shooting for the first time and she objected, I could sort of understand it.

I wouldn't accept it, but I could understand it :P


But it sounds like you were a shooter when you met her and owned guns. She has to accept that they come with the scenery.


Not negotiable.


As somebody said previously, if you give in to this now, she will walk all over you for the rest of your (short) time together :lol:

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my girlfriend tryed that after a few nassive set too's we jad worked it out i could put them in any bedroom , found where i could put them she never sees them she dont see any i bring back aswell works well, she also told me no more guns but what shedont know wont hert haha

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I had this problem a while ago, she decided she didn't want them or ammo in the house etc etc. She just needed educating. Took her out shooting let her have a go . Explained how it all worked safety etc and shooting live quarry in the field , benefits of eating it.


She now has no issues at all, I can keep as much ammo as I like and can reload as well. I did a lot of begging but it just came down to education with my missus. 90% of the time it's fear as they don't really understand :good:

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my girlfriend tryed that after a few nassive set too's we jad worked it out i could put them in any bedroom , found where i could put them she never sees them she dont see any i bring back aswell works well, she also told me no more guns but what shedont know wont hert haha



Girl friends come and go, If you have a good gun, you could well have it for the rest of your life :rolleyes:






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It's all about control,like a lot of people who protest against anything they personally don't want or don't understand. Similar to cyclists who don't own a car and therefore can see no reason why anyone else should have one.

No guns in the house will become no time for shooting, pursed lips and tutting noises every time you want to go shooting.

If you're moving in together are you buying or renting?

If you're renting you'll need permission from the landlord and that makes it none of her business.

If you're buying then give yourself permission and point out that "conditions" like that are no way forward in any relationship.

How would she feel if you said she couldn't have a washing machine, dishwasher or TV and can't have friends or family around?

It's all about trying to change you.

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I had similar issued my wife being a townie (and she doesn't even like me shooting) but some things you do have to stand up to when it comes to the other half. God know they get their own way most of the time. Just explain as above how they will always be locked away and not accessible to anyone.

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No guns no KIDS - -- I had a mate who was TOLD on day they got married he has to stop smoking - marriage lasted two years -- you cannot put restrictions on anything when you live together as it breeds resentment -- Now me knowing what I know now after 35 yrs of marriage I would say - they are coming so lump it. - get relationship over sooner rather than later. - it will cost you far less.



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let me say through experience mate i moved in with a lass for five years with 3 kids and eventually got rid of 11 guns but didn't give my liscences back ....the relationship didn't last and i lost a fortune on selling my guns now a few years later new wife older step kids ( one who is chuffed to bits that i have guns and comes out with me the others look forward to eating my hunted food)and she just thinks the guns and stuff is a part of me and who she loves...


think this over a lot if you are serious about shooting as a hobby maybe you can live without it but if like a lot of us on here it's a part of who you are and a way of life

good luck mate

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Just for interest

I heard two women discussing their men (married) and they both said they married/live with someone who is between 60 and 70 % the man who would be perfect for them. You could never find anyone who is perfect but you could change the 30-40 % you didnt like.


It seems like you have lots of good points and this is part of the 30-40% to be changed.

I would ask her if there isnt something else in you she'd like to change because shooting isnt one you are willing to !

Remember if one woman sees you as 70% acceptable there will also be some who see you as better than that.

Good luck.

Edited by Kes
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Any sensible/ reasonable suggestions please?




Fortunately there is some sense in the posts above. I can't quite grasp the rationale behind her position, but hey that's women for you. Homosexuality, I can't condone it, but I can understand it :lol:


Just out of interest, do you go to Bugjam every year?

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This has absolutely nothing to do with guns. This is her laying down her terms and conditions. If you accept (give in) now, you'll be be doing it from then on. After nigh on 5 years, I'm assuming that she knew that you shot and had guns and would want them with you.

You have a choice to make NOW. Do you want to live with the wrong one?

I cannot agree more with this. You roll over now and she'll be doing it the rest of your life.

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Ah, Marriage - A vehicle for the accumulation of resentments. Ends in divorce.


Watch out for spiteful recriminations further down the track. Knew a bloke who had a row with his missus, and she told plod he leaves the shotgun about the house and not routinely locked away. They came and took his guns away.


They are now separated and he has his guns in his new home.

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