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I certainly hope the PM isn't wasting my tax's on another pointless excersise - why is it us (Gov) that takes on all these expensive projects - I think he has been listening to his personal Guru and hero the singer(sic) Bonio.




I thought Bliar was a moron but Cameron is fast catching him up.



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Went to my bank manager today as I have maxed out my over draft and all my credit cards etc.


Bank manager said "what do I want the money for" I said "to give away to people I do not know".


Bank manager laughed and said I was mad and closed my accounts down!



So why and how does the UK keep giving money away when you or I can not?


Also harsh but true, somtimes natural selection has to take place. Better investment would be the sterililisation of most of the people in there thrird world countries :blink: And while I am at it many in the UK!

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or even do away with foreign aid until we are back on even keel:




'But I have a more radical suggestion to make. The Coalition's plans to increase the overseas aid budget have come in for considerable criticism. But there is a largely unremarked element to this issue. Ours is an economy chronically short of aggregate demand and overseas aid is spent abroad. My suggestion is that the aid budget is suspended and its resources diverted to domestic spending. '


personally I do see the arguement for foreign aid in better times but you do get the impression sometimes that the recipients aren't particularly grateful sometimes, maybe hold it back for a while and remind people that is not a right, we made up for the wrongs of the british empire (many) years ago

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It does make you wonder sometimes :rolleyes:


I'd be less unhappy if they were spending that money on condoms and sex education so the problem didn't exist in the first place. It wouldn't go amiss in this country either :sly:


The problem is

Pneumonia and diarrhoea are the two leading killers, causing nearly 40 per cent of all childhood deaths.
and not sexual reproduction.


......personally I do see the arguement for foreign aid in better times but you do get the impression sometimes that the recipients aren't particularly grateful sometimes, maybe hold it back for a while and remind people that is not a right, we made up for the wrongs of the british empire (many) years ago


Tanks b`wana, we is sooooooo grateful ! Two pints of the milk of human kindness please as we seem to have run out <_<

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I'm in two minds about this.


Part of me thinks why the hell should our Government provide monetary aid to another country when we've got so many problems of our own?


But the other part of me wholeheartedly believes that the people who will gain the aid have more right to it than any of us. Because they aren't tearing apart this beautiful planet like we do - all they are doing is just trying to survive.

Edited by Toombsy
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If they are trying to survive how come they breed to much - two healthy kids are better than 12 near death one's.


The state we are in at moment says charity begins at home and by home I mean born and bred. - I am totally fed up with supporting the world. - this is geldoff and bonio's fault - I reget to this day the money I put in those collection box's.



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We've been ploughing money into Africa for the last 30 odd years and we're still pouring more into the bottomless pit. When Zimbabwe was Rhodesia it was the bread basket of the continent able to feed itself and its neighbours, give them independance and look at the mess they are in. They are a tribal race and that will never change and whilst ever we feed and provide for them they will happily sit there and let us.

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I can only hope that is some sort of sick joke :no: . They are people just like you and I, and deserve human dignity.




A lot of their women would love it.

To be able to raise a small happy family is the dream of many. Instead of being viewed as a breeding machine by their men folk, the women would have some sort of quality of life. I don't think they like sitting in dusty camps, begging for hand outs to feed their rabble of kids.The men insist on multiplying, yet are often essentialy absent fathers.


There are many who would rather have the contraception jab, than some do gooder flu jab.


Africa has unique problems that we will never understand. :yes:

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A lot of their women would love it.

To be able to raise a small happy family is the dream of many. Instead of being viewed as a breeding machine by their men folk, the women would have some sort of quality of life. I don't think they like sitting in dusty camps, begging for hand outs to feed their rabble of kids.The men insist on multiplying, yet are often essentialy absent fathers.


There are many who would rather have the contraception jab, than some do gooder flu jab.


Africa has unique problems that we will never understand. :yes:


My problem isn't with the idea of contraception, I think everything should be done to provide it to those who want it, and that a long term solution for Africa involves bringing the birth rate down. My problem is with the idea that there should be 'forced castration'. Forcing people implies there is no choice, when we take away peoples' basic choices we deprive them of human dignity and that I think is abhorrent.

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You hear every day that 24000 children die every day in some 3rd world countries, due to a variety of reasons, from starvation

to disease. Yet still millions of pounds is pumped into a worsening situation which no one seems to be addressing the real cause.

And that IMHO is the constant breeding of a race of people who cant even feed themselves never mind their new born. Yet still choose

to go an reproduce at a phenominal rate which add even more problems.

Why oh why don't they try as hard to get the idea of mass reproduction is detrimental to their own health an well being.

Spend the money on sex educational lessons so that they can learn that the situation their in will only

worsen the more they try to reproduce. Condoms and the pill to made widely available. I know in most places religiouse ingnorance

is a big part of their problem, but surely these people can see that their only hindering themselves banging out baby's

willy nilly.

I do honestly believe that a race of people should start helping themselves before help is given.

This problem has been going on for far to long now, and to me that only shows that their ingnorance

to their own situation is very hardened. Its not very nice seeing children standing there like skeletons

with skin attached and covered in flys. But how can we stop this from happening if their not willing

to change the way they think.

And unfortunatley untill they start thinking different and starting to help themselves,

we will still be pumping millions an million into an unwinnable battle.




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There is Pensioners in this UK struggling to keep there house warm during winter, alot of them put there lives on the line in WW2 and most probably worked all there lives, yet the government forget that if it wasnt for them they would be a german speaking blue eyed twin labouror.

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once again the left amongst us have completely missed the point of this waste of money, it's not about saving lives it's about supporting big business? IE the pharmaceutical industry, if our leaders really wanted to spend money wisely they would spend it on water purification and stop the cause of the diarrhoea, and subsequent pneumonia due to kids immunity being weakened by disease and infection,note this bit as well, two of the main culprits of allowing death of infants from diarrhoea and pneumonia are nuclear powers one with a space program , and both with more than enough of our overseas aid already,how much more must we give?

Over half of all child deaths due to pneumonia occur in just five countries: India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Afghanistan.





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"Saving 1.4 million lives!" Wow - that is some saving there :good:


Seems a bit rich that some contributers think the answer is to castrate, prevent sexual intercourse that breeds offspring and that we should stop chucking out money into other countries because they might help to save that 1.4 million lives.


That must really be the cream of the milk though; here we are advocating castration to help other countries stop having kids - we can't even stop the young uns in this country having kids. Britain has one of the highest illegitimate birth rates in the world - you will wanting it to be illegal next and going the same way as the Chinese with one child per family.. Want to show other countries they need to look after themselves first before they get financial aid - better sort out some of Britain's dole queue spongers then so you can show other countries how best to help yourself. (No slight on folks on the Dole who keep trying to get work of some sort but just can't get any - you folks are at least still trying in extemely difficult situations). Me - I'd rather help to save the 1.4 million by the Government taking some of our money and adding it to that given by other countries and companies etc.


Britain now more than ever needs inward investment from entrepreuners who can show a scheme the Government will help to back initially and at realistic prices that can compete with the world either through having the best price or having the best product that everyone wants to have. Only in that way can we get a move on our interest rates that will move the economy and start to turn our money intosomething far stronger than it currently is - oh yeah - and whilst we are fixing that - get rid of the EEC - that is really just one big drain hole.


We have already invested in other countries to show them how to help themselves - at our sweat shop rates that end up in the shops on the high street at a very low price. The points you are raising have already been tried before. The most recent one I can think of is the fair trade scheme which appears to offer the local traders a better price than most.


Sorry - turning into a rant here, I'll stop now :yes:


Pushkin B)

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Mr Cameron told the conference: "Britain will play its full part.


"In addition to our existing support for Gavi, we will provide £814m of new funding up to 2015.


"This will help vaccinate over 80 million children and save 1.4 million lives.


"That is one child vaccinated every two seconds for five years. It is one child's life saved every two minutes. That is what the money that the British taxpayer is putting in will give."


I'm not sure if I'm reading it right but it looks to me like 80m kids are to be vaccinated and 1.4m lives should be saved :hmm:


That's a pretty poor success rate surely? Does it mean that of the 80m vaccinated 78.6m will still die?

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My problem isn't with the idea of contraception, I think everything should be done to provide it to those who want it, and that a long term solution for Africa involves bringing the birth rate down. My problem is with the idea that there should be 'forced castration'. Forcing people implies there is no choice, when we take away peoples' basic choices we deprive them of human dignity and that I think is abhorrent.


The trouble is you're also battling the Catholic Church in a lot of African countries who deem contraception as immoral & against God's law. A form of water-based contraception would be ideal not only to prevent yet more starving & unwanted babies who probably, if asked, would not wish to be born into that situation & don't forget the indiginious wildlife. They too have a right to exist without the extra billions of hungry mouths yet to be bred into existence - each of which places yet more pressure on dwindling resources. The line has to be drawn somewhere.

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When people have no choice they have no dignity????

So what about my choice as to where my tax money goes? I never donate to any charities that go to Africa. Its a waste. You dig a well for clean drinking water, the next tribe over come along and throw a dead animal in it. The charity themselves waste money by flying out there first class. Half the money is taken by the dictators and local leaders, who then buy guns and build little private armies.

If the government had a massive vote on where these millions should be spent, most if not all of it would be put back into our own economy.

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