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Browning Or Beretta

Mini Magnum

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I've got a Beretta Silver Pigeon ,but for some reason it just doesn;t fit me, it feels as if the but sits too high on my shoulder, its a SP S 30", and I'm 6'1", but I've tried other guns and they just feel as if they fit better, but the build is not a patch on the beretta...whats peoples general opinion..

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Most people fall on one side or the other I have a friend with a 686, feels awful compared to my 525! But then the 525 is a pretty good fit for me and the 686 a good fit for her!


I would say get a lesson with a good coach and have the fit checked before going to buy a new gun!

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I was lead to believe beretta if your tallish and Browning if your shorter and stocky,I'm 6'1" and Browning comb too low 4 me,get the gun fitted,i have a jones adjuster on my A400,really helped(£200) don't replace it have it fitted,good thing about a Jones Adj is it can be altered to fit anyone so if you sell it the stock hasn't been bent just for you so might get a better resale if you ever fancy a change

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I've got a gunsmith friend who reckons he'd be out of business if everyone shot Brownings - too damn reliable for a gunsmith to make money out of repairs!!

And i know one that says the same about Beretta's....(although some say that's why the cynergy is the designed the way it is) If Browning are too low in the comb try a Miroku MK38


I do agree you used to the feel quite quickly...

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I've got a Beretta Silver Pigeon ,but for some reason it just doesn;t fit me, it feels as if the but sits too high on my shoulder, its a SP S 30", and I'm 6'1", but I've tried other guns and they just feel as if they fit better, but the build is not a patch on the beretta...whats peoples general opinion..



Yep, Beretta don't fit everyone, but probably better guns overall than Browning (just)..no good having a gun you are not comfortable with though!

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I have owned a fair number of both. I currently have a Miroku MK38 and a Beretta 682E Gold. Both are Trap models - fine if the normal Sporters are too low in the comb.


Nothing to chose between them on quality or handling. Get whichever suits best.


If in doubt - buy a Guerini - a lot of gun for little money.

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I've got a Beretta Silver Pigeon ,but for some reason it just doesn;t fit me, it feels as if the but sits too high on my shoulder, its a SP S 30", and I'm 6'1", but I've tried other guns and they just feel as if they fit better, but the build is not a patch on the beretta...whats peoples general opinion..


Like a fool, I bought an SP as my first gun on looks rather than anything else, took it back a year later and px'd it for a Browning B525 as it fit much better and i've not looked back. I agree about the feel and finish being better on the base model Beretta's but the Browning has been faultless and even I can hit things with it :good:

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Im 6'and "portly".... Browning for me.....Beretta's feel to flimsy, its the shallow action, Brownings are mens guns!! :good:




that's what I heard as well :lol: , my wife likes the beretta silver pigeon because she thinks it's slender and pretty. I have a browning citori.

Edited by artschool
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I have 2 berettas - they are a perfect fit for me and I manage rather well at game and long pigeon shots. Clays are a different thing altogether.

I like the slimmer action of the beretta and having looked at brownings, gave them a miss as they sound like an old farm gate when you load them.

We all have our favourites but the gun does not make the man its the other way round !

I am 6'2" and 16 stones. I think size and weight are crude measures and dont make any difference - a gun fits or doesn't.

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Beretta are built by Italians for Italians, Brownings are built bythe Japanese for the Americans decided which group your in....,



Of you have the cash look at guerini and renato gamba


I'm Italian and just over 6ft and 14 stone and the SP1 sporter fits me perfectly and the Browning doesn't I don't think you can just say Berettas are built for (shorter) Italians.

Edited by Beretta Italy
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