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Winter Weather Forecast


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I have somewhat been bored at work this week :blink:


So, I have been looking into the winter forecast for this coming period.


“The UK is to brace itself for well below average temperatures and widespread heavy snowfall throughout winter 2011/2012, which will result in the fourth bad winter in succession for the UK and will prove to be the worst of them all. I fully expect records to be broken, with the Highlands of Scotland being once again particularly hard hit. It is vital to start preparing now.” :o


After hours upon hours of reading forums and such like....this appears to be what all the Meteorological and Scientist’s are stating :/


As a side line during dull work periods, I will now be taking orders for long-johns :P

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We're due another I think. Through work and during a day spent at the Met Office, I was shown some stats and a timeline graph which showed, very clearly, that the average temps are in peaks and troughs of approximatly 4 to 5 years duration (so 4 years low average, 4 high average and repeated). In my opinion its all to do with the earths natural orbiting behaviours. Bring on the cold weather though, means plenty of overtime for me!

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weather forecasters don't have a clue what it will be doing an hour from now, they are at best a bunch of best guessers.so how they think we will believe a forecast months a head I don't know ( ask B&Q how many barbecue sets they got stuck with this year)if I believed every forecast I hear I would never go out, when they predict rain its dry and when they say it will be dry it ****** down.



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Mate has just emailed and said their weatherman forcast cooler weather for yesterday - he jumped up and down with joy as it was only going to be in low 90's - he had 103f again.


Said it's too hot to bare and it's been like this for weeks.


In North Texas by way



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I`ll have to start stocking up on coal, no doubt suppliers will get wind and magically increase prices. Also we have to look forward to months and months of driving on roads covered in sand/grit which has only just disappeared around here, the stuff is lethal on the roads as you drive behind someone and it`s like driving into a meteor storm hitting your windscreen.

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Well Durham Laddie mate as a relatively new member on Pigeonwatch you really know how to cheer people up don't you! :lol::no::lol:

If that long range forecast is right you might well loose me from Pigeonwatch this winter - I am going to start stocking up on body fats and then I'm going in to hibernation! :lol::lol::lol:

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Whilst on a recent expedition trekking in the Himalayas, I was lucky enough to be accompanied by a wise and spiritual Tibetan Monk. He was on the return leg of his pilgrimage back to the Rongbuk Monastery, the highest of all Monasteries, shrouded in cloud and millennia of mystery.


During our time together, the monk taught me many things - he welcomed me as his apprentice, opened armed and full of enlightenment. Some things I cannot mention through fear of ridicule. Some I simply cannot find the words to repeat. Despite the language barrier, I was imparted with knowledge only dreamed about or found on the pages of fiction novels. We spent days trekking, slogging up the windy mountain passes by foot. Trails and tracks not trodden by a Western foot since the dawn of time - I felt eternally privileged.


Battling the extremes of weather conditions, I was burdened with the weight of rucksack, boots, jackets and all the modern, materialistic paraphernalia I was conned into buying before leaving the UK. Yeshi, the monk, garbed only with Kasaya (Comes from the idea of wearing cheap clothes just to protect the body from weather and climate).


It was one particularly starry night, he divulged the ancient mysteries of weather and climate. Perched on a rocky outcrop, he empowered me with the knowledge and understanding to understand mother nature and accurately anticipate the conditions she will bring... A simple but effective system, minimal effort and highly accurate. Behold, I now divulge the workings of this ancient and secretive mystery below. No other method as effective, even with all this electrickery the 'Weathermen' use. This is an age old technique, proven to work over a millennia of use. Passed down from generation to generation, never to change for a lifetime. Fellow pigeon-watchers, I empower you and bring enlightenment!




If the rock is wet, it's raining.

If the rock is swinging, the wind is blowing.

If the rock casts a shadow, the sun is shining.

If the rock does not cast a shadow and is not wet, the sky is cloudy.

If the rock is not visible, it is foggy.

If the rock is white, it is snowing.

If the rock is coated with ice, there is a frost.

If the ice is thick, it's a heavy frost.

If the rock is bouncing, there is an earthquake.

If the rock is under water, there is a flood.

If the rock is warm, it is sunny.

If the rock is missing, there was a tornado.

Edited by huffhuff
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That's a classic Huffhuff! It's a bit like the old farmer I knew who could tell you about the weather just by looking at his weather stick - He would hold it out of the window for 30 seconds and if it was wet when he brought it back in it was raining! :lol:


The old uns are the best, so they say! :yes:

Edited by Frenchieboy
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I've lost count of the number of times I cancelled shore and boat fishing trips because of the forecasts. For years i'd listen to a mate who was an 'expert' until one friday evening I went on my tod and the forecast was nothing like predicted....not even close. From that point on I tended to ignore him and went regardless (if it was rock/shore fishing) and rarely was his forecast right, needless to say I went a lot by myself as he was a 'believer'


The only one I found to be nearly always right reference wind speed/direction was the inshore shipping forecast on Ceefax (or whatever it was called), other than that forecasters are guessers at best.....i'm hoping it'll be cold because I prefer winter to be like it should be, roll on the first frosts. My mrs thinks i'm 'weird' because I enjoy autumn/winter so much but for me it's a great time of the year :good:

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I've just sold my Frontera to my sister and I've replaced it with a 3.0 TD Trooper...bring on the snow !! :good::lol::lol:


It was a few years back but I had a 3.1d Monteray (same thing) and it was first class in the snow the one year we had a good ammount... Great motor :good:

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Positive weather solutions have been pretty accurate with their forecasting as they use a different model to the met office. Back in March they predicted that june & july would be a bit of mixed bag where rain and temperature was concerned with August POTENTIALLY offering the best of the weather, being a bit more settled. Seems like they had that pretty much on target.


They also forecast the the snow and extreme/prolonged cold we had last winter and they are also predicting thatthings will be pretty normal up to and including december but Jan & Feb will be much colder and much wetter than average. The met office are a bunch of clowns who don't know their backside from their elbow.

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Don't worry about it, when do they ever get weather predictions right? We're all still waiting for the Indian summer that they predict every year & never materialises.


Two years ago we had a bad winter with prolonged snow & ice & they said it was a freak spell only to come around every 10 to 15 years, so guess what followed that? You got it, an even worse winter last year with even more snow/ice temps. down to -26 etc.


I do hope we get away without a fowling ban this year though, we will see.

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