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Christmas is coming.........................


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I think we came here the other year.


I can't stand it.


For the record:


It is a 'Christian' festival, and as an atheist I don't take part, give me Midwinter Solstice and Walpurgis Nicht anytime.

It's about chldren, fine my ex-wife ****** off to the other side of the country, I never see my kids on Christmas day.

It's about families, I don't speak to my father, and my mother drives me mad.

It's a time to relax and have nice food, I relax at the weekends and eat nice food 365/24/7


I think that the last time this discussion took place I offered to help a PW member plumb in a radiator in Shropshire - the offer still stands!

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Weve changed our Christmas to a bit more traditional - fewer presents, locally sourced turkey, home grown veg, jams and chutneys, time with friends and mostly time together. Boxing day I'm out with the gun for a walk round with friends. A pint in the pub after, home, cold meats picallilli with turkey and ham cold and hot turkey and veg soup.

All it always used to be and a whole lot more.

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i love christmas,i always have.when i was a young fella it was all about santa coming,then when older its all about presents (and money off relations if your lucky!),then when you about 15 onwards it all about going out pubbing and drinking,and now is the best time,its all about my little lad waiting for santa and the look on his face when he's opening his presents,just magical!.

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I loved it when my kids were young, the magic on a childs face is wonderful. I now like the fact that days off allow the family to meet up, but now there is only myself and my 2 kids (31 and 29, so not kids anymore) left, so it is tinged with a bit of sadness for those who aren't around the table any more. Still, it is nice to give the ones you love presents :good: , but I REALLY HATE :angry: all the commercialism surrounding it!

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I love it with a passion the tree the giving of presents and spoiling the wife and kids even if they are in late 20's lovely dinner cooked by the lad everyone is happy no drunks or bickering then walk the dog and drop the wife at work and curl up to watch tv with the dog before shooting boxing day bliss I tell you it don't get better. Only thing is don't send cards I give to Sally army instead.

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Weve changed our Christmas to a bit more traditional - fewer presents, locally sourced turkey, home grown veg, jams and chutneys, time with friends and mostly time together. Boxing day I'm out with the gun for a walk round with friends. A pint in the pub after, home, cold meats picallilli with turkey and ham cold and hot turkey and veg soup.

All it always used to be and a whole lot more.


amen to that.


if Christmas is treated as it should be (church is optional but not as bad as many may think!!) then i find it is a time of the year that makes you glad to be alive. love it.

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It`s one of those times of the year that i loathe.

If you loathe it so much why mention it in the first place?


I really enjoy it, 2 weeks off work get spending time with friends and family, eat loads, drink loads - what's not to like?

I do think it should be kept in December though - not mentioned in October like you just have :P

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