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david hunter

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hi all.went out lamping wednesday night after letting the farmer know we were comeing.as we turned into the driveway to the farm we stopped to load the rifles and saw a lamp shining in one of the feilds.before we went on we rang the farmer he said there shouldent be anyone about only you.anyway we said we would check it out.we went to the feild where we saw the lamp and no sign of anyone. bearing in mind we were in a 4x4. comeing back through the farmyard we met the farmer he said he cought them at the back of the farm.two men with a lurcher & a bullterrier.now i have no problems with dog hunting but when they dont ask for permission and i dont know they are there there could be a nasty accident.has anyone else come accross the same problem.dave :angry:

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The single most helpfull comment ever :no::lol:


Op, unfortunatly there could be someone about at anytime, aslong as your shooting safely dont worrie too much.



If you have seen other people about etc avoid that area, and if you know your the only one supposed to be there call the police

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yep every week last year lads in off roaders and 2or 3 dogs in back chaseing big rabbits nothing you can do

farmer blocked all gates and evan put nail boards down they just come though hedges


So easy answer kill every single hare on sight and guess wat they dont come any more and even if you catch them

or ring police they turn up 2 hrs later or say they carnt find them as they dont have 4x4 yer yer yer .


But one thing you dont want is confrontation in a dark field with 3 lads

Edited by swiss.tony
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got plenty of poachers round here 2 who ride round on a quad bike and destroy everything release pens feeders you name it and tear the fields up farmer really wants to do them some damage but if so he's on his own from my side it's a call to the old bill if they bother to turn up

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Yes, and we know exactly where the little so and so's live. They have a red Subaru and as somebody has already mentioned, they come through the hedges using the biggest field furthest away from the house.


We have followed them home before now and have parked outside watching.


They now know that we know and touch wood, we haven't had any problems since.


There is a website called "the hunting life" and whilst there are some normal people on there, reading some of the posts it appears quite a few condone poaching, as they see it as doing nobody any harm, taking what is running free in their eyes despite the fact that they are obviously trespassing.


Stuffy,which part of west yorks are you in?

Edited by keg
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i have poachers on one of my permissions...they are proper scumbags..


im currently talking with the local crime officer to get this stopped...i know where the come into my land as there is only one way,


they use 243 rifles on foxes so all are lamp shy...


they were on my land about 2 weeks ago...


im going to block them in with a large boulder next time and get them nicked.

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So easy answer kill every single hare on sight and guess wat they dont come any more and even if you catch them

or ring police they turn up 2 hrs later or say they carnt find them as they dont have 4x4 yer yer yer .




Yeah it's the hares fault kill them all. Muppet.

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Yes, and we know exactly where the little so and so's live. They have a red Subaru and as somebody has already mentioned, they come through the hedges using the biggest field furthest away from the house.


We have followed them home before now and have parked outside watching.


They now know that we know and touch wood, we haven't had any problems since.


There is a website called "the hunting life" and whilst there are some normal people on there, reading some of the posts it appears quite a few condone poaching, as they see it as doing nobody any harm, taking what is running free in their eyes despite the fact that they are obviously trespassing.


Stuffy,which part of west yorks are you in?


Totally agree, THL forums and specifically the guys with running dogs seem to have a lot of people (by no means all) who think it is perfectly acceptable to trespass and poach. There was one thread which is even suggested that if confronted by a landowner they would just fight him. Why they deem this acceptable behaviour is beyond me...

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when i got my new permission on the horse farm the litle old ladie that lives there was telling me how she is scared to tell poachers to get off her land as a farm just done the road told agroup of lads with running dogs to get off there land or he will shot the dogs for worrieing the sheep had there barn burt down the next night :sly:

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Yeah it's the hares fault kill them all. Muppet.


Yeah, it's the Hares fault that really nice genulmen bring dogs to hunt them down and rip them to bits too. :rolleyes:


If that's what it takes to stop the trespass and property damage then who cares if Dazza calls you a muppet? He's not the one with criminals tearing around ruining his hedges, livestock, crops, fields, or margin payments etc.

Edited by Dave-G
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In Cheshire they are putting 16mm reinforcing bars in the grass next to the gateways and it has had a few tyres and they dont seem to come back in a hurry and yes they just drive through the hedges it is only a matter odf time before a farmer loses the plot with them driving all over his corn and someone gets shot it doesnt seem to be the old school of lurcherman its the young lads 18 to 25 they seem to get a buzz from the poaching / driving on the fields

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Glad you agree with me Oscarsdad, just like you I am not sure why they think this behaviour is acceptable. There seem to be a number of threads where people are surprised that they are beaten up by gamekeepers and landowners.


They seem to think that what they are doing causes nobody any hassle yet they forget the damage they do to the land, fences and hedges.


A shooting friend mentioned to me that he knew of the keeper on a local estate who got so fed up with the problem that he met with the individuals concerned and explained that he was willing to let them do their stuff on a monthly or quarterly basis (can't remember which) as long ours there was no more illegal poaching.



Sure enough within a week they were back at it and the keeper took out the dogs one evening to prove a point. He hasn't had a problem since and I don't approve of him taking it out on the dogs but he must've been at the end of his tether.

How much of this is truth I do not know. It may be urban myth that you can understand it happening if it is for real.

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Totally agree, THL forums and specifically the guys with running dogs seem to have a lot of people (by no means all) who think it is perfectly acceptable to trespass and poach. There was one thread which is even suggested that if confronted by a landowner they would just fight him. Why they deem this acceptable behaviour is beyond me...


Because they are absolute SCUM !

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My late granddad was a keeper and years ago he was having problems with people poaching pheasants out of the wood. So he would drive slowly past the wood at night and empty a couple of 10 shot mags out of the .22 semi. It took a brave and stupid man to risk his life for a brace of pheasants. Not suggesting anyone dose this btw. I was laid out this afternoon after roe. 3 was making there way across the field towards me. Then they took of running because some *** was hear coursing. Also some lad had been braking into my granddads pens/sheds. The lad had bought a brand new shot gun. So granddad loaded a cartridge with to much powder,broke into his house and put it in the lads cartridge bag. It blew the gun up. But the gun shop replaced it free of charge

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  • 4 weeks later...

This happened very close to my land & cost the chap involved quite a few quid.


Worcester News article






I'm not saying it's OK to do that sort of thing, but it sounds like it was deserved. It's just a pity the farmer is the one getting punished, not the poachers who really deserve it. As usual.

I can't believe the poachers got away with no penalty, after actually admitting to what they were doing.

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