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Did i do the right thing?


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This is always going to bea personal judgment call, we all know there is a big difference between a telling off and abuse, the OP seemed to not jump to snap decision, I think he did the right thing. My Mother in law worked with Sussex Social Services and told tales of real abuse, thankfully very very rare, the sad fact she said was most of tr Social Workers were, yes over stretched, but useless and politically correct to the point of satire.

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you wernt there to make the call, in this case the child is probably glad it was Keg and not you.


If it was you and you did nothing, how would you have felt if in the next few days, the childs picture appeared in the papers as another dead child victim of abuse.


*Edited to stop it becoming a slanging match*




I think we have spoken to each other enough times now to know that you wouldn't get a slanging match from me! It's an open forum and it was my opinion mate! Not everyone is going to agree!



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I value everyone's opinion and one of my faults is i can be very self critical so good or bad, all input welcomed but as with all "events" whne you are there for real you have to make that decision and as somone has kindly pointed out, i tried not to jump to any conclusions, just concerned for the child.


A few years ago, in my younger days, i would be slagging teh mother off on here as well, but i do not know what pressures or problems she is under so it's not right for me to judge her but she cannot take it out on the child.

Edited by keg
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You did the right thing in the circumstance and you should not have any regrets,what ever the child did (if anything)could not have warranted that kind of punishment.

Discipline is one thing but what you describe is not "discipline".


Homes like that childs are the ones raising unruly children.It depresses me to see young innocent children being brought up in those surroundings with parents who do not have a clue.They themselves grow up to be the same as their parents through no fault of their own.

I am sure many others see the same scenario and despair.

Edited by Good shot?
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Difficult situation. I manage a government led project working Young People with Emotional and Behavioural needs. I totally agree that you did the correct thing. Child Protection is something that we cannot turn a blind eye to. What this has done ir raise the issue with the police,this will then trigger off a chain throughout social services to offer support to the family, mother and child. Like someone above pointed out, if this was a public display, then I guarantee what goes on at home will be much more severe. I was "smacked" as a child, did me no harm at all. My wife and myself are expecting our first child any day now, and I believe that if the correct situation arises and he/she does not listen after repeat warnings/tellings then a "smack" will possibly be the last resort. This woman has no sense of reality and lost control. She herself needs help and support, this could be a positive thing. Always difficult though. years ago I tried stopping a man beating his wife and step daughter, I had to restrain him but when the police arrived both him and his wife told the police that I had assaulted him. luckily my neighbours were watching and backed me. Domestic abuse is one thing,when it goes public whole different level of rules apply. Sleep well, you were a good citizen.A smack is different to a hiding and abuse. T

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Don't beat yourself up keg you made a call on what you saw and in my opinion the right one, we can all second guess ourselves later but to do the right thing takes balls in the first instance, as for the mother might get help the child now certainly will and that is what matters, good call fellla.


ATB figgy

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yes you did !!!! says my mrs and me !!! if its like that in front of strangers whats it like at home behind doors .

only down side is there is a small chance she will blame the little girl and it will start again . but hey , thats what the gallows are for !


good on ya . hope all is well for the girl

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If she was so unrestrained in hitting the kid then what is she like behind doors ? You sound a reasonable feller , if there WAS a problem then the Police can decide . You merely alerted them. Good call and very public spirited . :good:

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All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.


Today you did something, you put yourself out, in order to look out for the safety and welfare of someone who couldn't look out for themselves due to their age.


You obviously was objective in your assesment of the situation as to whether it was firm chastisment or abuse, and whilst cautious of over reacting still thought it appropriate to call the police. Calling the police was the right thing to do, you avoided direct confrontation with a person who was in an irrational state of mind. You should be confident that you made the right decission, as it was probably a decission the friend wished she had had the courage to make some time ago.

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