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Irate farmer


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Decided to have another day out in my quest for another permission as since I have not shot a pigeon since August I am starting to get a little rusty !

Anyway saw quite a few birds on some rape so after a few enquiries as to whos it was paid the farmer a visit and asked him if there was any chance he would give me some pigeon shooting, as aways I was nice and polite in the asking.

What I got in return was a 5 min rant about people wanting something for ******* nothing and if i want pigeon shooters I will put a big ******* sign in the field etc,etc .

Must say I was rather shocked as where I have had more knockbacks that I thought possible over the last couple of years or so I have never experienced anyone react so badly,personally I now hope the pigeon leave nothing but stalks !. :blush:

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Think I would have been tempted to say "Its me that does the paying out less you wanna pay for my cartridges" with a few polite stuff you words thrown in, not usualy my way but he sure would have rattled my bars had it been me, no reason for him to be an a#se bad day or not "no thanks" is a quick and polite reply.

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I ferreted a farm for 7 years, and last spring we were flushing the xmas trees at the end of the day as we usually did. I had left my stick in the car, so grabbed a electric fence post as I was passing and used that to wack the trees etc.

The flush over I put it back near where it was and we cleaned all the 34 rabbits, I called the farmer and told him the tally, he thanked me and we went home.

The next day I had a missed call on my phone from him, so I returned it to receive a long dressing down that I must not touch anything on the farm only the rabbits.

This stick was a marker for his potatoes and he was put out that he would have to re measure it out again.

I apologised and offered to help him mark out the potatoes, bearing in mind I had known him 9 years and I used to make sure he had got half price dive trips as he helped out in the dive centre where I ran the training, servicing and holiday side.

We would catch around 120 rabbits off his land at our expense as it was a 50 mile round trip for us.

So I never went back despite 3 missed called from him, as the first missed call was from a farmer who never appreciated my services.



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No one had the right to eff and blind at you, total lack of respect and very arrogant. You should have laid the arrogant man out, your word against his and all that!

:hmm::hmm: not the attitude to have.


but was out of order thats why a lot are put off and meself a little from knocking on farm doors its the fear of a negative response in this case a over reaction from the farmer

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No one had the right to eff and blind at you, total lack of respect and very arrogant. You should have laid the arrogant man out, your word against his and all that!


I dont think that would have helped me get any shooting in the local area once it had got around and it would be difficult to shoot with my guns and perhaps myself locked up in the local nick.

I just gave him a polite "ok its your land" and walked off , perhaps with a little luck he will come to regret it at harvest!

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There are pleasant people and there are people like this guy. He probably hates his wife, has a terrible life, maybe his daughters pregnant and all in one day - and then you walked through the door.

No excuse for abuse in my book, your only consolation is that if he is a bit of a man he will now hate himself for being the &&&***((( his wife thinks he is.


If you feel aggreived, quite, but smile when you go to the next place because the next one could be a really nice chap.



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the farmer would of had his area payment cheque this week, which of course is worth more money then the crop for doing sod all, :lol: it costs him £££££ to spray, fert the crop, hes bin paid , he ent bothered about the crop or he would be doing his best to stop it being eatten

Edited by browning n spaniel
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No one had the right to eff and blind at you, total lack of respect and very arrogant. You should have laid the arrogant man out, your word against his and all that!

I would be very much against laying any farmer out.That i would think is a surefire way of saying goodbye to any chance of getting permission from any farmer in the area.Probably lose you permission as well if you had any once word got round.

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sorry but speak to others as they speak to you, wrong side of bed / bad day is poor excuse,


at work i had an incident, i am there to provide a service not to verbally or physically abused, customer got a reply in the same manor and tone of voice and i walked away, made a complaint and the police nicked him, all because the city lost last nights game and he had a few to many to drink the night b4.


he got black listed for repairs and still has no lights.... tough mine r ok

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ive had this reaction off the farm next to my permisson, went to the farm seen the farmer told who i was n that i shoot the farm next door which is my uncles, bang this blokes goes off on one at me, i was shocked so just got back in my car and drove off, found out it wasnt the farmer i spoke to but the hired help who also is the only one who shoots the land. told my uncle bout hes spwaking to the farmer for me, im alwsys pokite when im looking for permissons as manners cost nothing a simple no end off would do.

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Will get you out fella on one of mine soon. :good:

Thanks Matt would be good especially now my local game dealer is paying 45p a bird could almost sell them and buy fillet steak at that price and certainly more than enough to pay for carts :yes: I am sure I would be able to offer you a day in spring/summer in return.

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