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You must know the jimmy webb/Glen campbell song.....Witchita lineman! Great song, brave job!!


I do know the song but I am not so sure about brave bit, lets just say you need a good head for heights, are ok in all weather conditions and are prepared to work long hours. :lol:

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self employed electrician. also sell home security..


and just starting to build a property management company..(need to finish site) cleaners/valets, maintanance/repairs, couriers/storage etc.. thers only 2 or 3 companys in doncaster with these services so its always worth trying to establish

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Hi all


I was just wondering what everybody does to earn a crust??


I'm a burner in a heavy foundry, I don't know for how much longer as i've Arthritis setting in in all my joints..


Anyhow, this is what I do..



I also open the ladles with an Oxy lance, here's a five ladle job, over 500 tons of molten metal going in to one mould..



And some of the castings we produce..









So, what will you be going back to on monday or tuesday???



Cheers, John :)


Its nice working for a company that also has an interest in shooting. iirc you made quite a big gun not too long ago. :o

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