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Scotland to go it alone ?


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Im getting quite sick of this independence thing now, I think we should stand together look at the great achievements we have done together. We have resisted invasion from the NAZI's and Napoleon, colonised half the world and all those great inventions that were made on both sides of the border.

I once had a debate with a work colleague about independence a few years back before the recession happened, he said that if Scotland goes it alone we'll be just like Ireland and be one of the richest per head thingy in the world. I now think about what he thinks now that Ireland has been almost bankrupt.


I also dont get why he wants no rule from Westminster yet only to be ruled from further away in Brussels.


Its a very bad idea to split up especially for Scotland, you cant just rely on oil fields for revenue and you also say you got tourism and whiskey well how are you going to get those tourists in if theres no fuel for planes and cars etc when oil starts running dry? And would whiskey be transported over the world when transport costs are skyhigh? Alot of all the stuff we make and do rely on oil if thats starts running dry worldwide what would Scotland do then? Same for England, Wales and NI but together we probably have a better chance of sorting something out when the time comes. And dont forget most tourists to Scotland are English.

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I have only read the first page and honestly cant be bothered to read anymore.


the first few points I have read make me rather sad, sad that people believe them more than anything. Firstly 'North Sea oil is running out' that is utter tosh. Complete myth. I know I work out there, there is as they say 'hunners o oil' left. I'm not going to go on about specific fields etc OR try to tell you it will last forever, it is a finite resource, but the same again is not out of the question. Maybe even more as technology advances and unexplored areas( yes, there are some )are looked into further.

Sectarianism. Is to me something that is concentrated in the Glasgow/Central belt area. Where I am from and further North, it is virtualy non-existant.

Armed forces. Scotland would not need a massive armed force as it wouldn't be parading the world fighting illegal wars(not to take anything away from the bravery exibited by the men and women currently on duty around the globe).


blah blah blah. BORING. Same old arguements and same old ill informed tosh that gets spouted left right and centre by BOTH sides of the arguement.


It will be very interesting to see how this pans out. SNP after all are taking the patriotic slant of planning to have the vote in 2014, coinciding quite nicely with the 700yr anniversary of Bannockburn.

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"bricklayers and builders urgently wanted for rebuild of large garden wall!" :good:


If they want it let them have it, but I think most dont. And if they do get it and end up as EU Scotland, bet in wont be long before they come craling nback.



Now independence for Yorkshire...thats another thing :yp:

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I have only read the first page and honestly cant be bothered to read anymore.


the first few points I have read make me rather sad, sad that people believe them more than anything. Firstly 'North Sea oil is running out' that is utter tosh. Complete myth. I know I work out there, there is as they say 'hunners o oil' left. I'm not going to go on about specific fields etc OR try to tell you it will last forever, it is a finite resource, but the same again is not out of the question. Maybe even more as technology advances and unexplored areas( yes, there are some )are looked into further.

Sectarianism. Is to me something that is concentrated in the Glasgow/Central belt area. Where I am from and further North, it is virtualy non-existant.

Armed forces. Scotland would not need a massive armed force as it wouldn't be parading the world fighting illegal wars(not to take anything away from the bravery exibited by the men and women currently on duty around the globe).


blah blah blah. BORING. Same old arguements and same old ill informed tosh that gets spouted left right and centre by BOTH sides of the arguement.


It will be very interesting to see how this pans out. SNP after all are taking the patriotic slant of planning to have the vote in 2014, coinciding quite nicely with the 700yr anniversary of Bannockburn.


No-one said it was going to run dry, but the fields in the north sea have peaked... FACT... there fore profitable extraction will become more and more costly and will eventually lead to the industry grinding to a halt.


As you haven't read the whole thing I will, for your benefit, repeat my pearls of wisdom to quantify the oil comments...


One of 2 scenarios is a foregone conclusion for Scotland:


1. Oil becomes too costly to extract pushing already high prices up and within 20-30 years is a non-viable industry, gas will maybe continue for longer but the end result is the same.


2. Alternative energy sources come on stream and demand for hydrocarbons declines or disappears completely..


2 scenarios.... one of which WILL happen in 20,50, 100 years... Fact..


So... Scotland's main income stream peters out and disappears, the industry goes down the pan and hundreds of thousands are put out of work, the knock on effect is that benefits payments and long term unemployment go through the roof causing HUGE additional stress on the public purse.....


You may be pulling plenty of oil out of the ground but it is a documented fact that North Sea reserves have peaked and therefore it's all downhill from here but even if the reserves do last longer than expected due to advancements in extraction technologies at some point soon oil and natural will be... has to be replaced by something else... At that point Scotland would be pretty much ********!

Edited by Vipa
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If Scotland is so great why are there so many Scots in the rest of the UK!


What he said ^^^^. I'm working on a site where three different Scots today have said to me today, that it WILL be great WHEN Scotland gets its independence. None of them actually intend to go back if it does though! :oops:


That said, just as many also said they didn't think it the wisest idea. :hmm:

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Well no..... Most other countries don't rely primarily on the hydrocarbon industry for revenue and jobs... Scotland does!


Even if that WAS the case, it would have a sizable impact on the population of NE England. The people of which make up a massive percentage of the work force in the North Sea. And since your ship yards (as ours in Scotland) cannot support that workforce, what are the English going to do? Same boat different river. Just a thought.....

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Even if that WAS the case, it would have a sizable impact on the population of NE England. The people of which make up a massive percentage of the work force in the North Sea. And since your ship yards (as ours in Scotland) cannot support that workforce, what are the English going to do? Same boat different river. Just a thought.....


Far more call centres to soak up the unemployed in England though.. :P:P

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Im getting quite sick of this independence thing now, I think we should stand together look at the great achievements we have done together. We have resisted invasion from the NAZI's and Napoleon, colonised half the world and all those great inventions that were made on both sides of the border.

I once had a debate with a work colleague about independence a few years back before the recession happened, he said that if Scotland goes it alone we'll be just like Ireland and be one of the richest per head thingy in the world. I now think about what he thinks now that Ireland has been almost bankrupt.


I also dont get why he wants no rule from Westminster yet only to be ruled from further away in Brussels.


Its a very bad idea to split up especially for Scotland, you cant just rely on oil fields for revenue and you also say you got tourism and whiskey well how are you going to get those tourists in if theres no fuel for planes and cars etc when oil starts running dry? And would whiskey be transported over the world when transport costs are skyhigh? Alot of all the stuff we make and do rely on oil if thats starts running dry worldwide what would Scotland do then? Same for England, Wales and NI but together we probably have a better chance of sorting something out when the time comes. And dont forget most tourists to Scotland are English.


Quite right :good:

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Seems to me that the people getting most agitated by the whole issue, are Englanders. If it happens, it will be because the Scottish population have voted in favour of it, and they'll have to live with the fact for better or worse.


I'm of English birth, to Northern Irish parents, and have lived in Scotland most of my life, so how ******* confused do you think I am?? :lol:

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Can you imagine a different Firearms Act for England, Scotland and Wales?


The world has gone daft.



I can and it will go like this England and Wales tight, Scotland no chance unless your a politician or english and buy an estate are rich.......Welsh will only be able to shoot in wales



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