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Buying British


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If you are comparing two items you wish to buy, both do of similar quality and price, does the fact that one of them is made in the UK and other made abroad play any part in your decision making process??


I ask this question because the UK has several excellent manufacturers of Shotgun Cartridges (my home town has two - Hull and Gamebore), so there is plenty of choice out there without having to buying a foreign made shells. And as far as I know there is only a few quid difference either way, so another question is if needed is it worth paying slightly more to support British Industry?

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Given the chance,

I buy locally, then regionally then nationally.


on the principle if I spend with a local firm I may see the money back when they spend it,

if it is spent abroad its unlikely to ever come back.


cartridges? hull three crowns.


so what if a box costs an extra quid, compared to a days shooting its a small price to pay to be confident in your shells.

Edited by bobt
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I agree they may have foreign owners but they will employ British workers who pay British Taxes.


There is still a hell of alot made in the UK, many of the (very) big businesses may have gone but there are still a great many medium and small sized firms out there, in fact they are now the backbone of UK manufacturing.

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I like to buy British whatever it is. If it's there I'll generally have it even if it costs a bit more. I like Eley shotgun cartridges myself.


Food and every day items matter the most to me. If I can get them from a small local producer/seller I will. Bacon is my biggest rant - Why anyone needs to buy Danish I'll never know because there are plenty of pigs in this country?! I can get stuff that's made on site less than five miles from home so why waste the fuel to bring it from the other side of the world? Then there's Brazilian beef... God it makes me angry! :angry:

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Try to buy British when possible. Remember before we were involved in this E.U. rubbish, goods bore the proud legend,"MADE IN BRITAIN" good to know the best guns in the world are still made on these Islands if nothing else.



Best? Some of the most expensive maybe, H&H/Boss and Purdey are the names but foreign owned? expensive yes, craftsmen yes, best? matter of opinion.

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Food- always. If it can and should be produced in Britain I won't buy it unless it has been. Tools and clothes- go out of my way to buy British if I can. Will always be superiour.

I buy Eley shotgun cartridges because they're cheap, good quality and readily available but I'm more pragmatic with rifle shells. I'm not turning down Lapua just to fly the flag. And I'd rather use a catapult than Eley .22 subs.

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Given the chance,

I buy locally, then regionally then nationally.


on the principle if I spend with a local firm I may see the money back when they spend it,

if it is spent abroad its unlikely to ever come back.


Could not be put better.


Sadly cartridges are not made in Northern Ireland - my preferences would be


1. Caledonian

2. Express

3. Game Bore.


Caledonian always used to say "Made in Scotland" on the 250 cartons - they now say "Made in the EU" and I think by that they mean Birmingham and I can live with that. Anyone out there know about where they are now made - I think they are the very best - at least for me - and at this stage of the season 32 gram 6s seem to be the job for high pheasants.

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I like to buy local food especially meat, bread, veg and fish. Buying British is pretty hard. TV's, Washing machines, Cookers, eh um Cars. All foreign none from the EU even.

I don't think we manufacture a lot these days? We are over subscribed on service industry stuff though, like bank accounts.

I buy a fair few Hull Cartridges but have no hint nor clue whether you might call these British?

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Buying British is pretty hard. TV's, Washing machines, Cookers, eh um Cars. All foreign none from the EU even.

DOm JOlly did a program about it but you can buy brittish built and brittish designed in a lot of stuff (Dyson washing machine) TV is hard Panasonics Sony and Philips used to manufacture in the UK but now use eastern europe as its EU and cheap for assembly. Cookers AGA still built here as are leisure and rangemaster i think.


We are better at making high end stuff than low end. Rolls, Bentley, Morgan, LR, JAguar, Aston Martin, cars but also assemble Astra, Quashai and many others most things have global supply chain PCBs and electronics are made in the far east but many devices use ARM chips designed in the UK so buy a mobile using an ARM Chip and % of the cost goes to a UK company for the design rights!


100% brittish stuff apart from food (which will be planted with ditch tractor sprayed with a swiss sparyer and harvested with an american cobine to be dleivered in a german lorry using franch diesel) is quite hard not many palces can go from raw materials to final complex device internally, Russia could, American can China can


We can with some bits like fine china (high end) but not many things....

Edited by HDAV
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woodcock11, in the summer of 2011,a co-operation was formed whereby caledonian agreed to sub contract all manufacturing to eley and to change the company name to Cairngorm Sporting Supplies (CSS)



Thanks for this useful information - Cairngorm Sporting Supplies sounds as Scottish - if not more so - as Caledonian. I suppose that is OK but I am not so sure if Mr Salmond would be too happy and if Scotland goes down the route to independence, this could be almost as contentious as those North Sea oil revenues - tricky stuff! :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

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Where you been the last 30 odd years? Dident you know that the unions destroyed british manufacturing along with the tories who pretended to be pro-british but abolished import duty thus allowing our country to be flooded with cheap imports. We were told that it would be good as prices would be cheaper and quality better. Truth was the other way with the retailer having the extra profit.


When i buy i know that we are just a host nation for other countries and the only thing left british is luxury or upon closer inspection you find its actually just a brand bought by a foreign company. The funny thing is with the correct will, we are clever enough and able enough to manufacture it all again, sometimes its just a state of mind!!

Edited by unapalomablanca
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Where you been the last 30 odd years? Dident you know that the unions destroyed british manufacturing along with the tories who pretended to be pro-british but abolished import duty thus allowing our country to be flooded with cheap imports. We were told that it would be good as prices would be cheaper and quality better. Truth was the other way with the retailer having the extra profit.


When i buy i know that we are just a host nation for other countries and the only thing left british is luxury or upon closer inspection you find its actually just a brand bought by a foreign company. The funny thing is with the correct will we are clever and able enough to manufacture it all again, sometimes its just a state of mind!!


Goodness gracious - both the unions and the tories are on the rack - anyone any good in your opinion [of course apart from unapalomablanca which does not sound frightfully British!]

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