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End of my shooting.


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Heart specialist & my GP recently strongly advised me that the time for me to give up the tramping around with a gun & dog is well overdue,had a bad pull at the end of season & just not making any headway with the recovery, so after giving serious thought to it,I've left the game syndicate & deer syndicate, & now have a load of gear no longer required, will be posting a few adds in the for sale section later.

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Truly sorry to hear that Shootinman, I hope your health gets back on track again, I kinda know how you're feelin as I've a bad back problem that gets worse in the winter cold weather and I struggle to get out at all at times, I hope you have many good memories to keep you thinkin about for a few years to come .

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Hi Shootinman

I have a similar problem i bought a quad, put a dog box on the back and instead of beating i pick up behind the guns on a stand one and beat one shoot and i am the game carrier and i also carry the beaters guns when they are actually beating and generally make myself useful


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Thank you all for all the replies, this shows just how great this forum is, 1 big caring family, I very much appreciate all your support. I've had 2 heart attacks a few yrs ago, awaiting a triple by-pass + diabetic doesnt help, unfortunately I had another bad pull ( not a heart attack) at the end of last season, & after various tests etc, the outcome is that the I cannot risk another, so as I say there will be a lot of bargains up for sale shortly. Once again lads, thank you all for the support & advise. True gentlemen, all of you. :good:

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Sorry to hear this but if you can I would hang on to one gun having a pop now and again just to keep your hand in is not a bad idea I had a neighbour some years ago he was getting on a bit but still quite fit he gave up driving his little car as there was a bit short of cash and his wife persuaded him to sell it not that it was worth much. but he did as she said and then he sunk in to a deep depression it took him some time to get back again. I put it down to selling his pride and joy it would not have hurt for her to let him keep it and bring it out on Sunday for a wash and polish and if there financial position improved he could start using it again but selling it was like saying well that is it I'm on my way out so why bother.

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Bloody bad luck mate,i sincerely hope that all your medical problems will soon be a thing of the past and that you have many many happy healthy years (shooting or not ) in front of you.Good Luck .

Edited by Jega
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Sorry to hear of your problems, I have often thought what I would do in the same situation. Being a rifle club member, game shot, stalker, pigeon shot etc the Quad bike option sounds great. Definately, target shooting at a club will provide more than just shooting (social, support, friendship) as will continued membership of your syndicate. Let them know of your concerns, if there half decent they should try there best to acomodate you. Try not to give up on shooting, we all need something to stay sane, Best wishes moorman. :good:

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Thank you all for all the replies, this shows just how great this forum is, 1 big caring family, I very much appreciate all your support. I've had 2 heart attacks a few yrs ago, awaiting a triple by-pass + diabetic doesnt help, unfortunately I had another bad pull ( not a heart attack) at the end of last season, & after various tests etc, the outcome is that the I cannot risk another, so as I say there will be a lot of bargains up for sale shortly. Once again lads, thank you all for the support & advise. True gentlemen, all of you. :good:


I wish you all the best matey. My old man had a few heart attacks many moons ago.and like yourself was diabetic. He had an awful colour and looked gaunt for years while waiting for surgery. He was in a bit of discomfort afterward with coughing pain etc but once through the recovery he was a new man. His was a MULTIPLE bypass leaving him.with scars to his chest arm and legs. I was so happy to have my Dad back after years of just a shell.


I hope you have the same success and eventually get back to some form of shooting in the future :good:

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I have had two stents (medical blow jobs!), a replacement aortic valve (hereditary problem) and a bypass when they were in there doing the valve. I walk, stalk, fly, run and travel all over the world on business (not all at once!) and I feel FANTASTIC.


I was told 99% of all recovery takes place from the neck up - so don't sit in a hole. Get up, get fixed and get out.


It's the bugrs who haven't been fixed I worry about!


From op to back to work was 5 weeks and nothing hurt. Yes there was discomfort but if you are in pain then tell the doctors.


Good luck.

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I have had two stents (medical blow jobs!), a replacement aortic valve (hereditary problem) and a bypass when they were in there doing the valve. I walk, stalk, fly, run and travel all over the world on business (not all at once!) and I feel FANTASTIC.


I was told 99% of all recovery takes place from the neck up - so don't sit in a hole. Get up, get fixed and get out.


It's the bugrs who haven't been fixed I worry about!


From op to back to work was 5 weeks and nothing hurt. Yes there was discomfort but if you are in pain then tell the doctors.


Good luck.


Never heard of Angioplasty being refered to as a Medical **** job :lol::good: :good:

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Heart specialist & my GP recently strongly advised me that the time for me to give up the tramping around with a gun & dog is well overdue,had a bad pull at the end of season & just not making any headway with the recovery, so after giving serious thought to it,I've left the game syndicate & deer syndicate, & now have a load of gear no longer required, will be posting a few adds in the for sale section later.

Sorry to ear your bad news,but we all got to give it up some time,some sooner than others but think positive you can still be involved with the shooting just do it in a more leisurly sort of way so you dont get to stessed,let your friends do all the running about and you just the shooting and standing,try and hang on to your gear for as long as you can because one day you might feel more healthier,and feel like starting back at it again,because once you,ve got rid of it its a dear game to start back up,i had a friend who done excactly the same only it was fishing gear,then then he decided to start back up and it cost him a fortune,keep your chin up and all the best for the future,Ron.

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