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Making a Gunning Punt and Punt Gun


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OK... so following yesterdays huge appointment not being able to launch the punt, today was forecast to be a complete right off. I sat on the marsh for morning flight in torrential rain and had pretty much discounted the idea of a launch today. MId day came and the weather started to break with only a few dark clouds left in the sky. It got to 14:00 and the wind had dropped right off too, high tide was at 14:45... do i or don't I?

The mrs was willing to give me a hand (as i had spent all morning in the ps**ing rain sorting out her horse stuff), so we went for it. I extended the trailer out and mounted some padding onto it to avoid damaging the punt, then got her loaded and strapped down.




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I towed it down the road to an area where we could walk it down 5 or so steps and drop it in the water. It towed perfectly, no issues at all.

I made some rope straps to help us carry it on and off of the trailer as it is quite an awkward shape to carry.

But we got it there and in the drink!!! WAHOOO!!! :yahoo::w00t::yahoo::w00t::yahoo::w00t: 6 month of work put to the test.



I paddled, rowed and sculled her around, not going too far out, just far enough for the tide to catch me to see how it handled properly




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Following my initial 'test run' to make sure it wasnt going to sink, i wanted to see how stable it was, and this water is is not deep at all so a reasonable area to push things. As it turns out, it is very, very stable. I tried my best to get it on the brick of capsizing but couldn't. (im not getting in or out in the pic, i was leaning out that far to get it over)



It's also extremely buoyant!



My boys were desperate to get in it too so they came for a sit in it whilst the mrs held on.


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On a practical note, Col. Hawker recommended the use of a sheeps fleece on the floor of the punt which made the hard,cold,wet floor boards far more comfortable to lay upon.


Traditionally, and don`t laugh, as a continuation of this our punts are carpeted inside. The difference it makes to your comfort is quite amazing and it kills all the box like echo you get whenever you move about. Quite important when you`re actually stalking birds.


Different areas have different traditions. Down here, punts are never named but are usually referred to by the name of the builder. Considering that a punt might last a hundred years, ours is seventy years old, it ensures that the name of the builder lives on as testement to his handiwork.

Carpet would be ideal but the area i have to launch from when shooting is very muddy, i think the carpet would just hold water against the wood and bring on premature degradation. I do have some rubber underlay style stuff for putting under rugs to stop the slipping, this might be an option...


As for the name, whilst most punts are not 'named' as such, this one will be used for fishing from and family day trips across the estuary so i think it would be nice to name her. Similarly i am certainly not egotistical or conceited enough to name it after myself! :)

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I would name her,focus or to reasons..you built the punt to focus on your future fowling sessoins,,,,,,,,,and its the trusty old focus that towed your pride and joy to the water

Yeah, i had to use the mrs car to tow it as the neither the new truck or my car have a towbar...

As for the name, love it... so does the mrs. More suggestions welcomed!

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I forgot to say that one would remove the carpet at the end of each trip and hang it up to dry.


Good luck with the "fine tuning", you`ll learn a lot about punts in the period between first getting afloat, fitting it out and your first successful shot.


It`s an immenseley steep learning curve, but fascinating nonetheless.



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I just wanted to say well done! I've watched this thread for about 6 months and I am seriously impressed with your skill and dedication. That's a hell of a thing to be able to tell folk that you made yourself from scratch!


Good luck with it and keep us posted on progress with the gun. I think I've just added 'having a session in a gunning punt' to the things I needto do before I die list!

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Thanks to all for the positive comments throughout the build. They have definitely helped keep up the motivation levels!

Freakmode... I have an agreement with the mrs, the shooting season is for shooting, not working on the house! The summer I'll fit my pigeon shooting around her list of jobs... It worked well until she got a horse! The list of jobs at home is still there but now there are 'urgent' ones at the stable! I can't complain though! She's great and always helped out with the punt when I needed another pair of hands!

Edited by Wildfowler
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Wildfowler, firstly, congratulations on your successful launch, those photos with your boys are priceless.


Secondly; does your wife have a sister? If so is she single? She sounds like a good sport and one of a kind, just remember to keep the balance. :good:


Thirdly; cant wait for installation of gun and first shot......keep on going and keep us all posted, thanks for the updates ( it must be onerous keeping us updated when you are so busy)


regards, moor man.

Edited by moor man
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Wildfowler, firstly, congratulations on your successful launch, those photos with your boys are priceless.


Secondly; does your wife have a sister? If so is she single? She sounds like a good sport and one of a kind, just remember to keep the balance. :good:


Thirdly; cant wait for installation of gun and first shot......keep on going and keep us all posted, thanks for the updates ( it must be onerous keeping us updated when you are so busy)


regards, moor man.

Thanks for your comments.

I know my mrs is one of a kind, and whilst i joke about it, like all good relationships there is plenty of give and take. We do a lot together but both value our time apart, her with her horse and me with my boat or shooting and my boys come out with both of us... Like most of us, the hardest balance is between work and home!

As for sisters, yes she has 3! and believe me, i've got the best one by a LONG way!

The gun will hopefully come March time. too late for this season but even if i started it now, by the time i had all of it finished it would only just be ready for the end of the season so rather than rush it, i would rather spend i little more time at design stage and ensure i have covered all aspects of it. It will definitely be ready for next season though, and i will of course be posting pics of the gun build progress and test shots. I also need to sort out the sailing rigging for the punt ready for the summer. I plan to spend some days out with the boys in the estuary when it warms up again, teaching them to sail, we will camp on the beach the other side, sea fish all night and have camp fires... hopefully give them some proper memories for when they grow up! :good:

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What's the expected size/displacement of the gun ?

It sort of reminds me of a 20 mm finish material destruction gun I saw years ago in an article.


A lovely project very well done I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have reading your posts. Thank you.


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What's the expected size/displacement of the gun ?

It sort of reminds me of a 20 mm finish material destruction gun I saw years ago in an article.


A lovely project very well done I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have reading your posts. Thank you.


The bore will be 1 1/4' diameter so approximately 31.75mm...

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