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ian brady will he spill??


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Only to be opened after his death? Who is he laying down rules like that? As for his "mental health advocate"! To namby -pamby round a murderer's whims like that makes her a part of this horrible ***** crimes. How on earth can she respect his wishes, like anyone cares, and ignore a Mother's RIGHT to know where her son is?

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If the letter exists it should be opened immediately to try & give the mother some closure before she dies. B**dy is just trying to exert some last control before he himself dies. I say open it in front of him to show the contempt we have for his wishes. If it is a map & description of Keith's whereabouts good. If it's a sick hoax from B**dy then he's there to pay the price.

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Why do they have to keep on giving publicity to this creep if they do find the a body then it is time to tell us but not just to rake over old stuff and upset people again for nothing.


I think that he should have been hung years ago but looking on the bright side they say that he wants to die and they have been feeding him through a tube for years I say keep him alive as long as they can death is to good for him.


bit of torture never hurt anyone :)


You my friend are a sick man I think you should be banned for saying somthig like that.

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bit of torture never hurt anyone :)

I'm not sure that this sort of thing is what we would like to see posted on an open shooting forum where we are all surposed to be responsible and law abiding members of the public. However, when you stop and think about it I suspect that Brady and Hindley had that thought firmly in their minds while committing their cruel crimes against those totally innocent children.

I strongly suspect that this is yet just another of Brady's sick stunts and attempts at getting media attention! Let's at least hope that he will eventually divulge the location of the young lad body so that the family can eventually get some sort of closure.

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I'm not sure that this sort of thing is what we would like to see posted on an open shooting forum where we are all surposed to be responsible and law abiding members of the public.


I think you'd struggle to find a law abiding member of the public who wouldn't agree with the suggestion to torture him - he absolutely deserves it! although the odd bunny-hugging/human rights pleb will say otherwise...

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should have been hung drawn and quarterd and left to the dogs years ago


Fortunately we generally live in a more civilsed society than that. While I am all for capital punishment for certain crimes (mass murder amogst them) I'd like to believe that we're beyond punishments from the 1300's! I don't see that we should pay for someone to spend 50 or 60 years in prison when there is no chance of them ever being released.


We have perfectly useable lethal injections which will do the job as humanely as is possible. The convicted may have acted like an animal, doesn't mean that the rest of us should.

Edited by -Mongrel-
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if you operate outside the law and hence are an `outlaw` why should you receive protection from the law?


Good point. If you act outside the law, you should not be protected by the law.


in the usa it is more expensive to execute a man than keep him for life.. fact


That's because of the lengthy legal processes and appeals which add to the cost.


I can assure you all that this vile man hates his life in prison . The best punishment for him is to keep him alive as long as possible .He should be given all the best medical treatment and the best drugs to prolong his miserable existance .


Harnser .


Agree. Give him everything he doesn't want. That's the point of punishment.

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