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if you could do it all over again..what would you do


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Fighter Pilot,

How cool would that job be!!!


I feel the need...


Yep me too, or commercial pilot would have been pretty cool too. I always fancied the navy but that might be my overarching fascination to find the golden rivet.

Mind you I'm pretty happy with my lot. I've changed career a few times when I got bored and have never been afraid to take the less well trodden path. I think many people (sadly) got too hung up on pensions and job security only to have the rug pulled out on that rather sharply.


I want my son to take risks and experiment, learn (either through education or practical) skills that others will pay him money for. Ideally more than one.

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funny you should say that thunderbird, my young stepson has just finished his chefs apprenticeship and is now doing shop fitting, his mum asked him why? and he said he wants to learn as many things as he can, like he said..he can always get a job cooking somewhere..fair play to him

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Good idea. They seem to have it pretty good. You always get a bonus, no matter how rubbish you are at it.


Well I am one but I would seriously change jobs if I could. The good old days have gone. Most didn't get bonuses last year. Even fewer this year.


I wanted to be a policeman but my eyesight let me down.

Edited by AVB
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I always wanted to be a Alexander Nurse

but even the Army didn't want me!!!

As a small child I always wanted to be a racing driver my Uncle used to race

so I spent many a weekend watching him

would love to have a go at Rally Driving (I offen drop hints at Christmas on this one)

But my dream job would be to work in costume or make up at the BBC :0)


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I feel the need...


Yep me too, or commercial pilot would have been pretty cool too.


I'm one and it ain't that great. Getting up at 4am gets harder as you get older, the long haul guys are away from family half the month and the new guys I sit next to have borrowed over a £100k to train are paid hourly, get no sick pay (so I don't know what physical/mental condition they are in as no fly = no money), v have no pension and poor leave entitlement - yet there is a queue of them waiting to hand over the cash. It's also very fatiguing.


If I could do it all again I'd be an air traffic controller or i'd work with my hands or I'd be a forest ranger in the USA.

Edited by Laird Lugton
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I'm one and it ain't that great. Getting up at 4am gets harder as you get older, the long haul guys are away from family half the month and the new guys I sit next to have borrowed over a £100k to train are paid hourly, get no sick pay (so I don't know what physical/mental condition they are in as no fly = no money), v have no pension and poor leave entitlement - yet there is a queue of them waiting to hand over the cash. It's also very fatiguing.


If I could do it all again I'd be an air traffic controller or i'd work with my hands or I'd be a forest ranger in the USA.


Interesting. A mate of mine flew heavies and retired a whole back. Doesn't regret it but wouldn't want to start again nowadays. He was RAF before.

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I'm one and it ain't that great. Getting up at 4am gets harder as you get older, the long haul guys are away from family half the month and the new guys I sit next to have borrowed over a £100k to train are paid hourly, get no sick pay (so I don't know what physical/mental condition they are in as no fly = no money), v have no pension and poor leave entitlement - yet there is a queue of them waiting to hand over the cash. It's also very fatiguing.


If I could do it all again I'd be an air traffic controller or i'd work with my hands or I'd be a forest ranger in the USA.


I've been a few things, soldier, copper, deep sea fisherman and for the last 20 years working in chemical industry.

I enjoyed fishing the most but politics killed a way of life.

Lifelong ambition was to be a pilot. Got my PPL and wished I had done it earlier and followed through to ATPL. Too bloody old now.

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