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Is shooting over stubble illegal

magoo the noo

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Hi all, I went out this afternoon shooting over wheat stubble. Set up pattern which included a magnet. Shot 8 in about an hour, when a guy turns up (who shoots the same farm) told me its now illegal to shoot over stubble, especially with a magnet. I said I was shooting vermin not crop protection.

He was cool about it, but said be aware it's illegal ?


Regards James

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seems to be a bit of mis conception over this one. the general licence states woodpigeon can be shot when causing damage to crops and seen as stubble is not growing crop then i suppose do gooders etc could dispute the purpose of shooting them. i certainly cannot beleive it is illegal in anyway. any farmer will agree it's good time to make a dent in the pigeon population while the birds are feeding heavily and young birds are about. crack on i would say. :good:

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Would it not be the case that under the general licence you can shoot vermin to protect crops.


If the crops aren't there anymore then there could be a point.


Not sure, just speculating :hmm:


But the next crop is going in soon, and the seed / seedlings could be battered by the pigeon, crows etc.


Let the B S peddler be as careful as he likes. You fill yer boots.



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I said I was shooting vermin not crop protection.



Regards James


I would just advise to be careful not to repeat that bit again.


This question always comes up at stubble time - but this year it seems there is a bit of a campaign around. Started by one of the anti organaisations maybe?

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I think I might be treading on his toes. The farmer gave me & my pal permission to shoot over his land. I think this guy is a bit p****d about it. But need to be sure I'm legal. He mentioned did I have a vermin license ?

did he also ask if you knew where he could buy a tin of striped paint or a left handed screw driver? :D
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Vermin are shot under the terms set out in the general licence. You do not need to apply for one.


"Prevention" is the key word when shooting over stubble fields.


We know the field will soon be drilled and we know the pigeons will hammer it, so you are preventing the birds from causing the dammage. Just the same as roost shooting, your intercepting the birds to prevent further dammage to crops.


The man your speaking with clearly knows nothing, read up on the rules of the general licence and next time you see him, fire some questions his way....

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Would it not be the case that under the general licence you can shoot vermin to protect crops.


If the crops aren't there anymore then there could be a point.


Not sure, just speculating :hmm:


This seems to be the attitude of Hampshire Police. when asked why you are shooting you have to state the correct purpose under the GL. A shooter was successfully prosecuted for shooting Canadas on a golf course when he stated that he was shooting vermin without stating it was related to control of disease etc...

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This seems to be the attitude of Hampshire Police. when asked why you are shooting you have to state the correct purpose under the GL. A shooter was successfully prosecuted for shooting Canadas on a golf course when he stated that he was shooting vermin without stating it was related to control of disease etc...


come on then lets have a confirmation of that one, canadas are as an invasive non native species on the part of the GL where you don't have to proove damage.


With regard to this case the technicality is correct as would be the question have you tried non lethal means of deterrent first? In practice everyone does shoot them but its a shady area but one that is unenforced.

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Hi all, I went out this afternoon shooting over wheat stubble. Set up pattern which included a magnet. Shot 8 in about an hour, when a guy turns up (who shoots the same farm) told me its now illegal to shoot over stubble, especially with a magnet. I said I was shooting vermin not crop protection.

He was cool about it, but said be aware it's illegal ?


Regards James


Well, just my two pennies worth, and with the absence of our learned aide to guide you....


You should of realised that 'talking' wasn't going to solve anything, the time had obviously come to engage the knuckles.

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