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why is GREAT britain no longer great


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It would help reduce crime. Of course it isn't the only answer, but better law enforcement needs to be part of that. That means tougher sentences.

i think statistically speaking its not proven to be a deterant also in the usa it costs more to execute than incarcerate for life. also as stated above the innocent maybe convicted.

Edited by storme37
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Problem with the death penalty is "its final" Dead is Dead :yes: and far too many innocent people go down,and are later released :good:


Agreed BB, and as the chinese proverb goes, "sometimes its worse to live than to die"

If they're wrongly convicted and innocent they get a chance of release, but if guilty I am happy that they have in some cases a lifetime to think about it inside :good:

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The death penalty should only be introduced when 100% proof of guilt is prooved. For example, with DNA, there's 99.999% chance of someone being guilty if their DNA matches a sample taken from the scene of a crime. Or, if someone is caught red handed, who has just murdered someone else etc, then bring it back. Hanging is, nowadays, barbaric, so how about using death by lethal injection?

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To be fair, i think now we have the cures for TB, diptheria, cholera and all the rest, we probably need to reinstate the death penalty to get some balance back and avoid overcrowding.


Can we please cease the monotonous, dull and circular arguments here please. It's a stupid and inflammatory debate with no real solution.


Get on with your lives and quit moaning - That's what makes Britain Gerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

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We need the complete opposite of "firm justice/punishment" because it has failed over, and over, and over and continues to fail. Yet countries which are "soft" (ie , logical) like norway seem to have a re-offending rate half of ours and prison systems that are better financially for tax payers. We need a prison system based on logical thought, not passion or hatred. We need to pull out of all foreign countries (Including non combat ones like germany etc). Stop foreign aid, Sorry people of these countries but we need it. End the war on drugs and legalise all drugs. Increase funding in NHS, Education, Science. Reduce, but not completely remove immigration, we need some immigration as all countries do, Mainly high skilled labour. Remove big bucks from politics, close tax loop holes.


Just a start.

Edited by gazzthompson
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The death penalty should only be introduced when 100% proof of guilt is prooved. For example, with DNA, there's 99.999% chance of someone being guilty if their DNA matches a sample taken from the scene of a crime. Or, if someone is caught red handed, who has just murdered someone else etc, then bring it back. Hanging is, nowadays, barbaric, so how about using death by lethal injection?


And that all assumes the evidence wasn't planted there. 100 percent guilt is nigh on impossible, to have the death penalty you have to accept there will be the occasional innocent that will be put to death, fine till its you.


Anyway I'm with gixer too many moaners ruin the place these days.

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It would help reduce crime. Of course it isn't the only answer, but better law enforcement needs to be part of that. That means tougher sentences.




Funny that death penalty states in the US have much greater crime rates. Works really well obviously. :hmmm:

Edited by guest1957
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I like Britain; beautiful countryside, relatively wealthy, free healthcare, good schools and roads, and a legal system that is so fair it even gives scum like Hamza a fair hearing. Ok, we don't own half the world anymore - good thing too, and we have far to many fatties and moaners but on the whole I wouldn't live anywhere else.


....well maybe Oz, or NZ at a push, but I don't much fancy Spain anymore.

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Country is past the point of no return some towns now look like something out of Pakistan the day I see an ox in the street then I know that's the final nail


The British culture is being watered down until the very word will be banned


I'm glad I won't be alive to see the day when we have president mohamad and sharia law


That day is coming

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We're all doomed Mr Manwearing - doomed I say just doomed!


Oh for Gods sake, we have moved from the current hottest issue where an innocent child has been abducted to the point where some folks are even having a poke at the fat folks on the planet. Get a sense of proportion, this moan on top of moan culture is running away with itself. Everyone wants to blame - well - everything!


I'm surprised it got even further than Henry D's ever so subtle comment at 18 posts.




Pushkin :hmm:

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I help out at my son's school, we run a gardening club where the children get to experience digging, planting...the usual green stuff. Some of the kids really love it and it's usually the more badly behaved young lads that really enjoy just digging a hole. We've now been told that we are not allowed to bring mobile phones onsite when we help out - which means that i now can't help out as i rely on the fact that i am still contactable by work in emergencies.


This is the reason why Great Britain is no longer Great


....because we give too much power to the organisers, the nimbies, the 'we need to have a meeting' types, the health and safety power mad.

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I often wonder if the members who leave snide comments or say stop moaning live in areas affected by immigration


Everyone is effected by immigration. People flock to the countryside to escape the ghetto-isation of the cities and ruin the countryside as a result. I know that is the reason many leave because they say so.

One day history will record that the previous government added 10 million to the population through their open door policy. And it was a deliberate policy. They were trying to build a voter base to keep themselves in power in perpetuity. There will be 100 million in this country within 50 years and we will be as crowded then as India or Japan today. We won't be shooting then. They'll be nowhere to do it and almost all of our food will be imported. We will be a city-State like Singapore.

We don't need to stop mass immigration, we need to reverse it. Send people home.

Edited by Gimlet
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I often wonder if the members who leave snide comments or say stop moaning live in areas affected by immigration


Does Newcastle had a large immigrant population?


As said, everyone is affected by immigration, both positively and negatively but I don't think being upbeat about our country is being 'snide' it's just a counter ballence to the tide of doom-mongers that have been predicting the death of freedom/decency/British culture for decades - if not longer.


Britain isn't perfect, but it's far from being the debauched hell-hole that some on here think it is.

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Does Newcastle had a large immigrant population?


As said, everyone is affected by immigration, both positively and negatively but I don't think being upbeat about our country is being 'snide' it's just a counter ballence to the tide of doom-mongers that have been predicting the death of freedom/decency/British culture for decades - if not longer.


Britain isn't perfect, but it's far from being the debauched hell-hole that some on here think it is.


what I meant by snide comments is the posts picking fault with spelling or grammer just because they disagree

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I Think the word for BRITISH these days is :ENGLISH:::

A Saudi Prince once made a comment on the Telly, When asked about the Barbaric things they do there, cutting hands and heads off in Public,,, Then Commented that with all the murders and rapists and thugs that RUN this country and get let off, He wondered who were the most BARBARIC,, Food for thought that one Eh.:::

I bet the people coming to this country think we are the biggest MUGS in the world, they walk across several continents to get here, yet cannot walk to the Dole office to pick up money they haven`t paid into: Doctors are FULL to bursting with thousands of them lets remember who`s paying for this, and not forget where it is leading us either::

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