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Out and About this Weekend

pigeon controller

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Friday saw us driving around trying to find any stubble that had not been ploughed in, we found plenty of small numbers of birds on hawthorn bushes but very few flighting. We tend to do circular drives so that you do not cover the same ground twice but DB had a hunch about a farm that is down a single track, now we have an agrement that if one of us has a thought about where the birds are we always check it out however bizare it is as this has found us birds in the passed. So we headed down the long track to the farm only to find two stubble fields with birds down. The only problem with this farm is they have a large riding school based in the centre of the farm and they do not like shooting so we went to see the girl who runs the school and she said that we could shoot the small field only. This created its own problems as it is long and narrow and you can only shoot it safely from the one edge and that meant that we were shooting into the sun with the wind in our face so the birds were coming to decoys over our heads. We set up and had some interesting shooting and picked up at the end of the day with eightyfour pigeon and nine crows. We went back to the farm and said that we may be back on Saturday only to be told that as they would be busy they did not want us to shoot.!!!!!


Saturday morning I received a phone call that the pigeons were pulling all the seed out of a local farmers field. When we arrived there were six birds on the field with a load of crows and jackdaws. As I have said before if the farmer calls you have to turn up and shoot so we relutantly set up. We had dumped the crows from yesterday and just had the twelve natural birds which we put out on spikes.As we did not use the magnet the crows came within range and we shot a couple which we put on the field behind us after we had shot approx ten pigeon we set up the magnet this brought more birds to the decoys but made the crows stand off so we had some really testing high shots. We checked the crops on the full birds and found red wheat seed, old barley seed and hawthorns so they may have been in the area but not all on his seed. We ended the day with sixty seven pigeons and twenty eight crows. when we went back through the farm the farmer was delighted with our result as we showed him the picture on the camera. This started us thinking that we may start carrying a bragging book around to show the farmers when trying to obtain new ground.









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nice one mate well shot again, nice hide too, whats it made from if you don't mind me asking.


I'ts based on a MOD eastern block basic camo net 20 years old and i went to an indian fabric shop and bought loads of greens and brown sari material, very cheap and wove it into the main net so i have a summer and winter side. I also dyed string off pallets and attached that to the green or brown side.





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