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A bag of geese found dumped in field in Orkney !

Pole Star

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I am not sure if flightless geese are going to be worth eating. Moulting and replacing flight feathers takes a hell of a lot of energy and freshly moulted geese are usualy in poor condition. I should add that I have handled 100s of them while goose ringing.

Edited by anser2
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in that case the geese shouldnt be culled when moulting only when they can be used for food .


i realise that through the moulting period is probably the best time to cull but in this day and age when shooters try to justify the sport (apart from people who dump stuff in hedges) by game to eat etc the authorities should be doing there best to do the same

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Fully with Pole Star on this one, his OP is obviously about a number of geese being shot and dumped.


Something which has plagued goose shooting in Scotland for years, guns going up there, enjoying a days decoying, usually taking a big bag (bag as in the number shot), then wondering 'what the hell are we going to do with this lot?' So some, or even all, are put into the nearest ditch to rot. A total waste of good meat and not something any decent sportsman would ever condone. If you just want to shoot stuff stick to clay pigeons.




Bang on pal

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Sorry Pole Star but you were on a hiding to nothing with your post and subsequent retort. The post did not contain very much information and your reply was guaranteed to elicit obtuse responses.


No right minded sportsman would ever discard a bag of geese as described, though I understand that it does happen and the practice should be frowned upon. The most likely source of information about this will be the locals and more specifically goose guides who may themselves may not be responsible but they will almost certainly be able to find out who was.

Sorry JDog that the post did not contain a lot of info but yesterday I had to rush off to Kirkwall Sheriff court in a case I with Italian Wild Meat Collectors & Exporters & I am now off to see how the proceeedings go in court between them & the RSPB ! watch this space & keep an eye out for your copy of the shooting times coz its coming soon ! . Good Luck Pole Star :good:

Edited by Pole Star
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The news update is that it was approxiamtely 40 graylay geese who had been shot and tied into pairs.


There don't appear to be any laws broken save for those in relation to littering and environmental health.


David Brown from the local environmental health dept. said “The geese have not been de-breasted, which often happens when they are shot to provide meat, and appear to have been shot quite recently,” and “Left in this way, they could have attracted vermin and it is disappointing that whoever did this did not find a more responsible way of disposing of the birds.”


I'm glad to help out with some better detail and more information :yes:


If it had not been for a pressing court hearing with a criminal case smart A... I would have had time to get it But thanks anyway :good:

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Sorry JDog that the post did not contain a lot of info but yesterday I had to rush off to Kirkwall Sheriff court in a case I with Italian Wild Meat Collectors & Exporters & I am now off to see how the proceeedings go in court between them & the RSPB ! watch this space & keep an eye out for your copy of the shooting times coz its coming soon ! . Good Luck Pole Star :good:


I knew it, this thread just had to get around to those pesky Italians sooner or later , shame the wild food collecting Italians did not come across the bag of geese it would have saved all this trouble !!

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I have Italian friends they love the country side and know how to shoot so do not tar them all with the same brush :good: their is good and bad people in all nationalities :good:


Exactly...Just because you are a Leeds fan doesn't mean you all go round punching goalkeepers :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Humour me, where's the illegal bit precisely? Are we talking littering or a bag of Brent Geese?



It's not a question of legality, its more one of morels. What happened to one for the pot? Leaving birds like this ( if they were left rather than forgotten) looks bad on our sport and gives fuel to the anti's. Also it's a waste of decent meat!

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I am all for shooting in moderation , but goose bag limits would open a can of worms that would be hard to shut. My personel bag limit varies between 2 and 6 depending on how many geese I have shot recently and how far I have to carry them. But thats my choice and i would not welcome the police laying down the law here. Next thing it will be legal limits on the number of woodcock or duck that can be shot. Legal limits is a road i would not want to go down.



Edited by anser2
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high time we had legally enforceable bag limits for geese, it's been illegal to sell wild geese for years.


Maybe a ban on irresponsible, greedy overseas shooters would be of great help.


Will that include all the bad sports from down south who had nothing to say but a slagging for this post


I am with anser2 regarding the bag limits most of us have our own limits as do most of the responsable goose guides on Orkney and other parts of Scotland. They do not get paid by the bag amount but by the outing. If you do not shoot anything you still have to pay them for there services.

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I am all for shooting in moderation , but goose bag limits would open a can of worms that would be hard to shut. My personel bag limit varies between 2 and 6 depending on how many geese I have shot recently and how far I have to carry them. But thats my choice and i would not welcome the police laying down the law here. Next thing it will be legal limits on the number of woodcock or duck that can be shot. Legal limits is a road i would not want to go down.


Good post.

I think those that are taught the ways of fowling in a proper way will be responsible enough and have enough respect to have their own bag limit depending on alot of different things (location, population, weather etc)

Unfortunatly their are too many who just see thousands of geese coming over here in the winter and get carried away and play the numbers game.

I would not like to see a law determining bag limits.


its a shame we have a few that do these stupid things that jepordise (sp) it for the rest of us.

it shows a lack of respect for the land, landowner and most importantly, the geese in question!


maybe no law was broken but as has been said, fuel for the antis..we all get tar'd with the same brush!

Edited by TJ91
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Why oh why do farmers think they have a god given right to destroy things that interfere with their businesses? Geese, baders, all sorts of other wild life from pollution from fertilizers, persticides, herbicides etc. etc.




whats baders?


good job all them crops provide food for so many animals that dont get destroyed, thers a balance, we try maintain by shooting some animals

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