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A Maze ing stubble again.

pigeon controller

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Started the day with some intel from Bunny_blaster on some rape fields at 08.00 , when we got to the fields there were about twenty birds on the deck with others dropping out of the woods. Went to the farm and as it was a shoot day we were requested not to shoot. So moved on out to another rape field of ours when we arrived four birds on the deck none joining watched it for twenty minutes nothing comming in so left it. picked up on a flight line to a field of rape stubble which is taller than the seeded rape, this had about two hundred on it and more joining. Drove down the long drive to the farm and noticed all the shoot vehicles about , drove into the yard and the farmer came over to the disco and we asked about shooting the rape stubble but as it is next to the big section of woods he asked us to give it a miss this week. So we drove back to the maze stubble we have shot over the past three weeks. We set up and the birds were very spooky and would not decoy at all just passing over high but within range. We ended the day with eighty five pigeon and two crows.



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Good effort. Your usual perseverance paid off in the usual succesful way.


By the looks of the maize stubble it has been cut a long time and there may not have been much feed value on the ground which might explain why the birds would not commit to the decoys.

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Good effort. Your usual perseverance paid off in the usual succesful way.


By the looks of the maize stubble it has been cut a long time and there may not have been much feed value on the ground which might explain why the birds would not commit to the decoys.


There are lots of full cobs all over the field , the farmer has cattle and sheep on other fields . The farmer says we are the only shooters but when you talk to the local fishermen they say its shot all the time.

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