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ok was on my way to my permission this morning and decided to stop and video the commotion i witness every day


these rooks are now out of control and the council are just ignoring residents complaints


the noise from them has become virtualy unbearable to local residents, they have asked me to shoot them but because of the close proximity to the road this cannot be done or can i be granted special permission to sort them out because they are breeding at an unbelievable rate,they will soon take over the whole place


the fouling off them is all over the place and residents have had enough,only problem is ,there is the odd bird lover who says leave them in peace,


any ideas on what i should do next as i dont think the local council just realise just how bad the problem has become now


any suggestions or help on any ideas would be grateful,,,,,cheers Evo




Edited by evo
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a good air rifle mate, and find out where they roost, get there early before they leave the roost and pop them off,or pop them in the non bird lovers gardens. Not saying your wrong mate but in the vid they sound like jackdawes, i have been known to be wrong though ha ha,


atb mate



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they are mainly rooks bud ,but there are jackdaws and crows also,,millions of the things,only problem is, is where you see the birds landing in the trees is where they are roosting,and it is less than 50ft from the centre of the highway also you could not guarantee where the pellet would land, people are now fed up with them and i am being asked all the time will i shoot them but when i explain why i cant they think i,m being funny and just dont want to do it,,


i would love to do it but dont want to break the law

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These birds must feed somewhere. You could try flight-lining them I suppose but if you haven't got access to where you need to be that will be difficult.

Do they nest nearby or is it just a roost site? If its the latter how about banger ropes before and after the time they come in. Might make them move to another place which could be shootable.

Having said that the other suggestions are all good IMO. Remember its only illegal to shoot near a public highway if you spoil the enjoyment of the highway for others or put them in danger. The other thing is of course, having the permission to shoot where spent shot or pellets may land.



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deffo ladder traps would be the way to go, get each home owner affected to give you a tenner or so, then make up two or three ladder traps, to put as close to area as possible, different back gardens??


stick a shot rabbit in each for bait, and a bowl of water, check every 24hr and your within the law..


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Ladder trap definately - we killed 150 in a season - still more to go but Rooks aren't a problem as they are a grassland bird and eat worms slugs and other pests - easily distinguished just let them out. If there are too many, thin them out too.

The vast majority of those birds are jackdaws - from the calls and the flight pattern alone. The Council wont bother so ladder trap in a local open space but concealed from general view and a bit of roost shooting with an air rifle under a full moon.

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the ladder trap sounds a great suggestion,, but the air rifle i think is a no no, these are nesting 300yrds from where i took this video but again this is in a wood directly next to the road and i would not be able to use a rifle because the pellet would be leaving the boundary


i think i will build a ladder trap and put this out the way of prying eyes ie the public and see how we go

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The law does not state you cannot shoot within 50ft of the centre of the highway...it states that it is an offence only if passage is interrupted, injury or damage is caused (wording to that effect) so maybe you could work something out? Discuss it with the local council, offer your services and I am sure with some negotiation something could be arranged whether that be a 60-100ft perimeter established around the tree on the pellet landing side?

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we have a big rookery.. traps, decoying, flight lining and roost shooting is good sport but mainly doesnt get rid of many, i havent been to do much work around the rookery for a while ( changed hands recently ) but its right by a road, but the far edge of the wood isnt to close. the most effective method over the years we have found to roost shoot them with air rifles with 2-4 of you going at a time shooting away from the road, you can really get some big numbers down. Trapping has also been very effective. Its right by my house and they make that same bloody racket every morning and night.. might ask about going again soon

Edited by demonwolf444
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jackdaws don't usually nest in trees, sometimes in holes in trees but not a nest built up high, that'll be rooks and they can make a right racket first thing in the morning, only realistic way to deal with that sort of problem is to remove the nests


if so ask the residents to put a few quid in a pot and pay for a tree surgeon to climb and distroy the nests, won't take long and will be hassel free from a shooting point of view


nests can be destroyed by shotgun but it takes a few shots and a day of wind to clear them, we did 36 nest in a local anti's back garden (yes thats right, lovely cuddly fox has his 'house' in her garden and a badger they feed from a bowl!, don't like shooting things because we don't agree, but please do something with these crows they wake me at 4am!!), took a slab and a bit of shells and full choke through the semi, mate one side and me on the other timing our shots together!


coupled with the ladder trap to sort the jackdaws you should be the local hero!!

Edited by Paul223
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Ladder trap will probably be the way forward, possibly even siting 1 at the nearest farm yard as well at this time of year they quite often hit farm feed/sheds silage pits. Possibly if u ask whoever has the shooting rites on the ground where pellets will land i can't see them really objecting.


Finally as i'm sure u all know afore u set a ladder trap or use the general licence to shoot anything on it u should always check it, (possibly in eng u are meant to have read it, changed wording up north this year to understood it) it does change from year to year and jist because something was legal last year does not mean be legal this year.

In scotland to operate a ladder trap/larsen u have to register with the local police and put an ID no. on the trap along with the Police's phone number so if any problems they can trace trap to u, the same is now happening with snareing althou a bit more complicated as u have to do a course

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