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Union, should I join or not?


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I have been at my compnay for nearlly 3 years now, and things are great, but it is (and the industry in general) quite Union'ised. I have not been pressured or forced to join but others have said you never know when you might need the union.


I have never been in one before of felt the need, but just think like insurance is it beter to be in than regret.


Been told it is 0.055% of Gross salary?



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Been in lots of unions and quite militant back in the 60/70s.


Unions are about the notion of counter-veiling powers. :/


Do you think nowadays that management are in charge or the direct labour force, which is a variable expense?


Do you have aspiratons about progression to management?


Even NuLabour distance themselves.


You decide, but I got out years ago. But be very tactful.

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Yes...the way of the world I'm afraid.


If you have aspirations and ambition you will be tempted to rat on your brothers and that will cost you...but what pays for your kids' bread???


And then there are ethics and morality.




Join up, its worth it just for the legal representation in the event of an accident.


Accident...HMMMM ... and if you have a grievance.

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I think the days of the union have gone. there is too much legislation and protection in favour of employees. My opinion is do you job, be straight and be the best you can be - only a fool will loose such a guy. In fairness its the employer who might benefit from a union :rolleyes: Be tact full though I have made that mistake telling the shop steward were he could stick his union :whistling:

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I think the days of the union have gone. there is too much legislation and protection in favour of employees. My opinion is do you job, be straight and be the best you can be - only a fool will loose such a guy. In fairness its the employer who might benefit from a union :rolleyes: Be tact full though I have made that mistake telling the shop steward were he could stick his union :whistling:


That is my view above, I am about 80/20 to join

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Put it this way: I've been in unions since I was an apprentice - many- many years ago. Haven't even been in the trades since 1977ish but have been in management most of the time since then - and I would not be without a union - ever! There are too many people willing to accuse you one way or 'tother of something and Management are almost hide-bound to follow through on that as if you had been guilty of what ever it is. They will tend to follow the most populist view (guilty) regardless of how solid your evidence to the contrary is. The reason for that is all the policies and procedures they have to follow to keep their own ***** in the clear. Join the union - look at how little it costs you each month. And if you don't like the way some of the union folks run the branch - then get involved and educate them better.


Okay Brothers :yahoo: No. I'm not a militant member of the union - I just believe in the strength of the many as opposed to the strength of the one in isolation.


Rock on boys and girls. :good:


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I was in a dreadful job until very recently where the management were dreadful and treated the lads like ****. Lies about wages, changing shifts at the drop of a hat, supply of inadequate PPE, poor welfare facilities and consideration and so on. Just the worst firm I've ever worked for. GMB did precisely nothing. A waste of £11+ pcm

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I would say join over they years unions have done much to help working people to have better working conditions and decent pay without them do you think that the people in charge would give a toss about the likes of you and me all that you have to do is look at how people in this country had to work for little more than food and a bed.


In todays world unions are only as good as there members and they need all the good people that they can get if only to keep the hot heads in check .

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I was in a dreadful job until very recently where the management were dreadful and treated the lads like ****. Lies about wages, changing shifts at the drop of a hat, supply of inadequate PPE, poor welfare facilities and consideration and so on. Just the worst firm I've ever worked for. GMB did precisely nothing. A waste of £11+ pcm


So you are saying that the union did nothing to help you being in a union is not like buying a loto ticket every week and hopping that they will solve all of your problems it is you the members that have the power not some union official in London he will not step in if he thinks that you are not going to back him up if it comes to the crunch.

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I think trade unions today are far less militant than the unions of old. Im a member of Prospect union, and a union rep. Whilst we do have the odd falling out with the company, we certainly work very close and attempt to secure the jobs of our members.

I look at membership as an insurance policy, pay and hope you will never need to claim, however if you do, you know you have a wealth of experience to support you.


In my opinion join, if you dont and at a later date find you need them it will be to late. As it is unlikely that unions will represent you if there is already a case progressing.

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I was in a dreadful job until very recently where the management were dreadful and treated the lads like ****. Lies about wages, changing shifts at the drop of a hat, supply of inadequate PPE, poor welfare facilities and consideration and so on. Just the worst firm I've ever worked for. GMB did precisely nothing. A waste of £11+ pcm



A union is only as good as ....The body of workers in the company.

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Where would Coal Mining be if it weren't for the unions?





The unions have been responsible for a lot of job losses and would never join one, Where do your donations go ?, to the fatcat union leaders on over a hundred grand a year, and not forgetting supporting the Labour party. Your choice though. :no:

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