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Shots to Kills ratio


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Was just curious as to what other peoples shots to kills ratio is.


So lets say your average shots to kills whilst decoying pigeons...... and lets all be honest chaps :)


I was out on Saturday and took 4 boxes or carts with me and had to pack up at 2 o'clock when I ran out :(


For my 100 shots I picked 72 birds so 72% kill rate working out at 18 kills for every box of carts so 18/25


I know you could argue varibles like 2 shots at one bird but 2 birds with one shots works in your favour so lets just go with the average.

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This must vary greatly depending on how the pigeons are behaving if they are decoying well then most will be taken at between 20 and 40 yards in which case a ratio of 1 and 1/2 to 1 or better is about the average but if they are skittish and wild and not decoying then the average will be a lot worse I have had days where I have shot a good bag but had hardly any at all come into the decoys having to take wide and high birds the average sometimes then goes down to 3 to one or sometimes worse maybe I am just ****.

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To use an old expression you have....'shot your own fox'. There will be very few people who could claim such a high shots to kill ratio as you have stated for yourself. I have never achieved that sort of figure even on 'good' days.

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When decoying in decent weather (not blowing a gale ) then I would say around two birds for each three shots on average , sometimes better and plenty of times worse .

I have been plenty of times and killed 20-30 without a miss only then to miss a few on the bounce , most times I have a good bag I will have a red hot spell interspersed with a awful one !!

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Was just curious as to what other peoples shots to kills ratio is.


So lets say your average shots to kills whilst decoying pigeons...... and lets all be honest chaps :)


I was out on Saturday and took 4 boxes or carts with me and had to pack up at 2 o'clock when I ran out :(


For my 100 shots I picked 72 birds so 72% kill rate working out at 18 kills for every box of carts so 18/25


I know you could argue varibles like 2 shots at one bird but 2 birds with one shots works in your favour so lets just go with the average.

usually 2 birds for 3 carts on average, but have had days were i will only miss only or 3 or 4 shots all day, 3 years ago i fired 100 carts for 88 birds down but only picked 81
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If I go out tomorrow and only shoot 1 bird with 1 cartridge can I claim a 100% record?







As has been said above we all have good days and bad days.


As has also been stated, some days the pigeons seem to really want to come in to the kill zone.


I have had days when I've shot 70 + birds that were hell bent on joining their friends on the field in front of me for a similar number of shells used.

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I never bother about shot ratio only about getting my pattern right and the birds coming in to it, thats my enjoyment, although normally one goes with the other . That as been very difficult the last few weeks but hopefully I am a

learning a little more each time even at my age.

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I think i need a lot more practice at shooting looking at most of the above posts. ;) If i average a bird for every three shots i am well chuffed. ^_^


As long as you are SAFE and keeping the farmer happy, then it doesn't matter!

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Any one can shoot pigeons but not everyone can decoy them.


Quite true

There are days when you just cannot get them to play the game , but the days you can decoy them just as you like are the days when you should be getting a good shot to kill ratio .

But as said by others the main thing is just get out there and enjoy your shooting, I mentioned on another thread that my best friend averages around 14 -1 when he comes out with me , but he enjoys it equally as much as me ----------even though I do rib him just a tad :lol:

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well I don't shoot from a comfortable chair etc. but wildfowling last season I got 1 - 4.33 shots. Shooting in the dark often off my knees in a muddy gutter is about as good as it gets, I aint that good with a shotgun never have been. I know some who do better, some who do worse - wasn't totally happy with my performance though I am blaming too much distraction concentrating on the new dog :innocent:

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Any one can shoot pigeons but not everyone can decoy them.

That's funny, i would have said the opposite was more true. I think anyone can get a few pigeons to come to decoys (not all the time, obviously) but not as many people have the knack to shoot them consistently. There are certain ways that pigeons behave when coming to decoys that can be learned, which makes shooting them much easier.Something i like to do is make a pigeon flare when it's coming head on to me, as i like to take them crossing.


When birds are decoying ok, i can achieve a ratio of around 1.2 shots per bird. I start getting annoyed if this slips to below 1.5.

For flighting stuff it could be 2-3 shots per bird.

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