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Back tracking on your permission

here iam

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That sort if behavious is inexcusable! In my opinion he should be named and shames if he is a member on here.

I have taken many members out on my permissions but have always made it quite clear that it is not an invitation to come and go whenever they want nor would it be acceptable to go behind my back and try to get permission themselves - Not that it would work as one lad (Not a member) found out, the farmer told him exactly where to go and let me know too!

If anyone is good enough to invite someone on to their permission who is short of permissions themselves and that person tries that sort of trick they deserve to be named and shamed to minimise the risk of them doing the same thing to other members that might be willing to help them out!

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I took a lad to a perm I had in Malton, me and my father had known the farm owner for years, any way I take this muppet to York and give him the spiel bout my perm your a guest etc etc blah blah blah, he only phones me up the day after asking if he can borrow my deeks, I says course you can mate have you got some new land to shoot on well done nice one etc, ,eeeeerrrrrrr no he replies I was gonna take my brother upto York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well you can guess the rest lads, I wouldn't give him the steam of my carp now,


Name and shame the scum, it takes us lads years and years to gain our perms,





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There are sometimes two sides, though I have enough shooting so never have taken up the offer but I've been with people got chatting to he farmer and been told to come whenever I like. Obviously I wouldn't but its hard if you have no ground to pass up offers. Sometimes farmers are just too glad to have people protecting their rape as its cheaper than gas guns and bangers

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There are sometimes two sides, though I have enough shooting so never have taken up the offer but I've been with people got chatting to he farmer and been told to come whenever I like. Obviously I wouldn't but its hard if you have no ground to pass up offers. Sometimes farmers are just too glad to have people protecting their rape as its cheaper than gas guns and bangers

You are quite right there al4x. However there is a big BUT! If this were to happen (And I'm sure it does occasionally) surely it would be nothing short of good manners and courtesy to have a chat with the shooter that had invited you out initially on the permission and explain what had been said and that you would like to take the farmer up on the offer! This surely would be the building block for better relationships with other shooters and a chance to share and obtain more permissions in the long run rather than going on there without a word to the shooter that had initially helped you out!

Let's all remember that good manners cost nothing but can make one hell of a difference!

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As someone who doesn't have any land to shoot on I rely on the kindness of others, this type of behavior only makes it harder for people like me to get outings. Name and shame the bad ones but also let people know which guests you take out who can be trusted. That way others may offer them a day.

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I got a couple of my perms from I chap who is now a very good friend I met on a certain hunting forum. He introduced me to a couple of farmers and got there consent for me to shoot there.


He has many more perms that I shoot with him and am on first name terms with the farmers and I wouldn't dream of going there alone or approaching the farmers and am sure in a couple of instances I would gain permission to shoot!


Seems mutual trust is becoming a thing of the past. I also helped a neighbour gain a little air rifle perm. What comes around goes around.


Name and shame I say, even if the farmer approached him to shoot, it was him who took him up on the offer.



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A chap in my village was kind enough to take me to a couple of his permissions, had some I the best pigeon shooting iv ever had!

I picked up a new permission with large woods and loads of arable land.

The chap who took me out has 1000s acres of permission and often takes people with him but even so, he was the first person I phoned to tell of my new permission and invite out, and he was well pleased, said of all the people he has taken out I was the first to give an invite back to him!


Would never dream of stabbing someone in the back, who had helped me with skills and given me the best shooting I ever had!

Name and shame.

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I'm out with a very kind pw member tomo who offered to 'show me the ropes' as it will be my first time on the pigeons. even if i dont see a thing it will be worth it. idiots like the one who has not yet been named will ruin it for us newbies trying to break into this great sport.

Oh and i feel like its going to be xmas morning tomo, is that bad? proper excited like a little kid, im 30! lol.

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Reading this has really made me consider the trips I have been arranging!


If I should find that someone has gone behind my back that would be the end of it, I've met some very nice genuine people through the last couple of months.



Really should name and shame this guy!

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*****, had same thing happen to me had 250 acres great for pigeons with a small wood where you could do a box of cartridges in an hour roosting , but the best bit was a 7 acre lake which was great for ducks and it didn't cost a penny. Got someone i had known for a couple of years through shooting so he wasn't a mate as such permission to shoot rabbits (he said he was only interested in them). To cut a long story short he approached the land owner and bought the shooting rights for himself. IM still in contact with the Tennant farmer who wasn't very happy about the situation as he don't like him much so in time i think karma will cath up with him. Definatley some proper w anchors out there.

Edited by shootnfish
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The person re sponsiable will know who he is with out naming :good: we would like to close the matter at this Lads :good:


Thank you for your feed back and keep looking over ya shoulders :good:

naming and shaming is your choice and your decision has to be respected , but , he may well take others up on their kind offer of free shooting and do the same thing to them , worst case scenario is that he goes out with someone that only has a single permission and takes it from them , maybe it is their only permission for fac and they ultimately lose their fac as they have no permission , giving the local lads the heads up really is the right thing to do mate :good:

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Someone I know, asked me to sign his shotgun cert application,

then can I take him game shooting, took him once as I had a spare guest place, next time we shot he turned up, uninvited, saying he would beat,


so why are you holding a shotgun??


I introduced him to one of my farmers and got him a day on two fields on pigeons, then he turned up with his mate, both to shoot,


he wont be coming anymore, and its the last time I try to help someone.

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thats shocking and OP should name and shame to help warn other members, the only way id find this fair is if OP wasnt doing his job but that doesnt seem like its the case here


would love to see the member own up and explain

Edited by maxus77
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thats shocking and OP should name and shame to help warn other members, the only way id find this fair is if OP wasnt doing his job but that doesnt seem like its the case here


would love to see the member own up and explain


so would every member on here, but certainly doubt that will happen

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Should name and shame so others don't fall into the same trap and take this idiot out. People don't have to take you out, they do it out of pure good will, it's the ultimate insult to try to poach the land. People work hard for their perms and it only takes 1 clown to mess it all up. Where's the respect gone these days....

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I do take people out on my grounds to give them a bit of sport and where needed some advice. I have taken a few members from PW out and try my hardest to look after them and give them a great shooting experience which in a lot of the cases includes a nice breakfast at the local café between moving from one ground to the others. I do this because I know that it is hard to get shooting for some and the other is that you would like the favour to be returned (not the breakfast) and hopefully get an invite out to their ground. Sadly this does not always happen but it does not put me off, it gives me great pleasure to see someone enjoy the day that I provide.


I do however think that we, the guys that do give others this opportunity should rely on each other to be kept up to date with anyone who has the neck to partake in such underhand activities. These people do not deserve any further invites from members who are not in the know. Name this person, do not allow him to do the same to others as he has with you. :good:

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The person re sponsiable will know who he is with out naming :good: we would like to close the matter at this Lads :good:


Thank you for your feed back and keep looking over ya shoulders :good:

The only comfort I can find in your decision not to name the sleaze ball...is that at least I know he's in Yorkshire not Sussex!


It is a worry, but yu have to trust that your farmer will do the decent thing.

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