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is this the worse pain ever..?


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I shouldn't have took the mickey earlier.


Wrenched my head and neck at work this afternoon walking into a low unseen overhead pole in hard hat.


Medic at work insisted on me being seen by A & E went to local walk in centre after work for emergencies and such, now been laid on a hard trolley in a collar with my head and shoulders taped down so no movement,waiting for Ambulance transfer to Hospital for X-Rays and Proper Doc to look at me.Only been laid here 31/2 hours waiting after being told it will be here within the hour :lol: oh how I laugh at the time.



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Not the skin, but the little bit underneath that tethers the skin to the tip ~Now THAT IS worse than childbirth !!


I believe you are referring to the Banjo. Yes, I concur. Any injury to the banjo is to be avoided at all costs. What if it snapped? I wonder whether any PW members have ever broken their banjo?

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Absolutely, worse than a punji stake trap, a few years ago I jumped the last couple of stairs going to answer the door and landed full weight on a 2x2 blue brick.....


I seriously nearly ******* died from the pain, it was that bad I couldn't even scream, I was off work for a week and had months of physio for soft tissue damage on the ball of my foot.



did a similar thing,came down stairs in the dark and stood on a 3 pin plug with the prongs sticking up



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Cluster headaches, feels like a flaming icicle shoved through your head and makes you seriously consider dashing your brains out against the nearest wall. Every day at least once, could be 3 or 4 times, lasting for hours.

i have to agree , 100% of women that get cluster headaches report that the pain is worse than childbirth . :sad1:

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broken rib,laugh ,cough or sneeze shooting pains ,yee haaa

just getting over these at the moment, two days after it happened trying to swallow a cocodomol ( like a piece of school chalk ) got stuck in my throat had to cough to remove it, ******* hell I was on my knees tears strolling down my cheeks, not funny
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