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Its only Pain

jonno 357

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After several weeks on the physio table recovering from a torn scapular I went and fractured my left thumb on Saturday morning :lol:


I'm begining to think I am a bit accident prone


Last 11 months history


Fracture to 3rd Metatarsal


Torn Scapular


Fractured left thumb


Thats just in the last 11 months :lol::shout: Roll on 2007



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I know how you feel mate, in 1997 I shattered my collarbone and broke my shoulder playing ice hockey, spent weeks in hospital and caught a chest infection in there. Ripped an intercostal muscle coughing and eventually made it out after 6 weeks. 3rd day out of hospital I ripped a load of ligaments in my foot slipping down a grassy bank in a park and re-injured the rib muscle :good:


I was pig sick of injury :good: Touch wood not had much serious since then :good:

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1998 - deep glass cut to hand

2000 - broken wrist

2001 - Ill with virus

2004 - cought my hand on barbed wire whilst trying to slow down. Grabbed it with my hand while moving, didnt see the barbs. Ouch.. more Tetanus please

2005 - dislocated shoulder in bike accident (motorcycle)

2006 - dislocated shoulder climbing accident


Now fairly fit and strong :good: hope it stays that way

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Ahhh I like this thread.....



Multiple split head opens from various bangs and bumps....


Window closer hook through bottom of chin......nice..


Slit wrist - accident whilst cutting plug flex with a stitch cutter scapel blade...........loads of claret.....


Bacterial Infection to the chest - led to a pusseous sore developing and "eating" about 1 inch deep or so.....Had to be pulled out with a big set of tweezers.....yum,,,all nice and green....left a nice scar...all nice and circular...........was often used as a chatting up point with the ladies.......of course.....its a bullet wound love.....


Ohh...good one - glass bottle into the knee cap, removing large lump of flesh and LOTS AND LOTS OF CLARET, done whilst diving for a football on the park.....



Broken wrist when punching a punch bag..........I was p1ssed......


Broken ankle when going out on the lash in newcastle........ended up strapping it up with zinc oxide tape and tubigrip......downing a load of pain killers,,,,,,,,,,going out on the lash..........driving back home the next day.....about 150 miles.........then going to casualty...... :good::good:


1 night stay in hospital after getting a right good shoeing on a night out........there was 5 of them.......at least I managed 1......


Knee injury whilst trying to wakeboard........ended up with requiring an operation for a damaged ligament.


Bunny injury to finger - whilst chopping off its feet.....Im sure you can imagine..


Fishing injury to finger whilst winding up for a big cast and the hook being caught in the roof of the bivvy....needless to say the line went taught.........finger went down the line.............even better it was braided main line............Nurse.................superglue and electricians tape saves fingers in the depths of france..


Gun injury whilst stripping the rifle stock with wire wool....but we all know about that one...



Think thats about it................for now.... :good:

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I landed on my wrist yesterday. No clay bashing this weekend. :good: We had just slaughtered a team of year 7 girls in our lunchtime dodgeball league and then I was going to see our head of year to discuss the disappearance of my friends bag at breaktime. :good: I then noticed upon approaching his office as we went to sort our ties out etc so as to look mildly presentable that I didn't have my tie. I ran back to the changing rooms grabbed my tie and promptly slipped over and landed on my wrist which was bent backwards when landing on the hard floor. :good: I had struggled to keep my balance as I had my heavy bag on and P.E kit in my hand. Needless to say punching the boy while I was still lying on the floor who had decided to start dragging me around the changing room floor by my bagstrap did nothing to help my wrist! :D I've got inter tutor rugby on Thursday... perhaps I should strap it up before the game. :good::D


FM :)

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I landed on my wrist yesterday. No clay bashing this weekend. :good: We had just slaughtered a team of year 7 girls in our lunchtime dodgeball league and then I was going to see our head of year to discuss the disappearance of my friends bag at breaktime. :good: I then noticed upon approaching his office as we went to sort our ties out etc so as to look mildly presentable that I didn't have my tie. I ran back to the changing rooms grabbed my tie and promptly slipped over and landed on my wrist which was bent backwards when landing on the hard floor. :good: I had struggled to keep my balance as I had my heavy bag on and P.E kit in my hand. Needless to say punching the boy while I was still lying on the floor who had decided to start dragging me around the changing room floor by my bagstrap did nothing to help my wrist! :D I've got inter tutor rugby on Thursday... perhaps I should strap it up before the game. :good::D


FM :)



Look on the bright side FM....you can still type OK.......

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Millomite, surely your constantly knackered shoulder plays havoc with the shooting?



No mate it's fine. I shoot 36g Rottweil all the time and it doesnt bother me.


It's rotation and overextension than makes it come out.


You're not going to like the arthritis when you get a bit older, though :good:



Ah well, it'll be reet!


Seriously though, I am dreading it. It's bad enough when I wake up in the morning now and I'm only 22


Way he's going getting older won't be a problem :good:





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"PAIN" you lot were lucky you wern't sons of my DAD :D but were not going there :good:



I became an Electrician, flying across rooms, getting stuck until the slack on the cable run out & pulled out my hands. Broken limbs & large gashes from Football. Just spent 3 1/2 weeks in bed with prolaps disc's in neck & spine. Split foreskin from being to agressive :good: (can i write foreskin?)



But as the old saying goes "A LITTLE BIT OF PAIN NEVER HURT ANYBODY" :good:



peltman :good:

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I've been fairly lucky in life really, no broken bones. I hit a rotten branch with a machete once and it went straight through and into my left leg. I also fell off a wall which had a nail sticking out of it, which stuck in my arm and ripped a good hole in it as I went past. I got a hernia lifting big rocks when I was 5, and last of all, stuck my finger in a hedgecutter a couple of months ago and chopped the end off (no bone luckily, and it wasn't my trigger finger :good: ). The closest shave I have had was clipping the top of my knuckle with my top handled chainsaw at full revs. It only cut a tiny U shaped piece of flesh out, a bit like the rear sight on a rifle. I was bloody lucky I moved it quick, could have taken half my hand off :good:

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