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I have a friend who runs a hedgehog rescue centre / sanctuary in East Yorkshire. She does this out of the goodness of her heart, has given over most of her garden, and several sheds, and is not supported by any charity! She funds it herself other than the donations she receives from generous people. Over winter she had 118 hogs at the peak! She has hedgehogs available to be re-homed, if anyone has a patch of garden or land that is suitable, please P.M. me, and I will pass on her mobile number. Hedgehogs are in decline, and need all the help we can give them! She would appreciate a donation, but this is not essential. Re-homing is! Plenty of plans and ideas to build a hedgehog home available on the 'net. They are threatened with extinction within our lifetime unless massive help is given.


The benefits: Apart from a warm feeling of having done something worthwhile, you will have less slugs and snails in your garden!!! But don't feed them bread and milk! Dog food is good, with peanuts, sunflower seeds or meaty morsels.


Come on now, you know you want one! (or two...) :yes:



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I haven't seen a hedgehog for years. There used to be loads every summer, and you'd see squashed ones on the road - hence the Not the Nine O'Clock News truckers sketch- all the time. I suspect urban foxes have something to do with their decline locally?

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I haven't seen a hedgehog for years. There used to be loads every summer, and you'd see squashed ones on the road - hence the Not the Nine O'Clock News truckers sketch- all the time. I suspect urban foxes have something to do with their decline locally?

Foxes aren't the reason. As with most things loss of habitat is the main reason for the decline. Add that to numerous roads (their worst enemy) and you have a decline.


Hedgehogs are now on the UKBAP (UK Biodiversity Action Plan) and should be encouraged wherever possible :)

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To me the decline in hedgehog population seems to be linked with the increase in the population of badgers. They share a similar diet for one, and secondly badgers are the hedgehog's only significant predator in the UK excluding deaths caused by humans, cars etc.

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To me the decline in hedgehog population seems to be linked with the increase in the population of badgers. They share a similar diet for one, and secondly badgers are the hedgehog's only significant predator in the UK excluding deaths caused by humans, cars etc.

to me there is nothing more upsetting when driving to work on a morning than seen a run over hedgehog in the road :(
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I have seen LOADS of hoggies on the way to and from work over the past few year. They are great little characters. I found one with his head stuck in a bag of walkers ready salted crisps one night :lol:


You could hear him munching the crisps! It was fab. I waited till he finished and binned the bag.


I.see.them on a regular basis.


Unfortunatley My garden in 11 foot wide and only 28 feet long so not big enough for hoggies :no:

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I don't like em whilst I wouldent kill one I don't like em. the hedgpig trapping on the islands uist is it? I went for a interview and when they asked me where I would suggest realising them I said " between the island and the mainland" I didn't get the job.

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We used to have up until around 5 years ago regular nightly visits by multiple tiggywinkles, Now we only ever see one occasionally.


Does not seem to be any reason for their decline, no badgers or foxes, up here I think in part at least it may be due to the last few years unsettled weather. Winter is cold warm cold warm cold cold cold. So maybe they are not getting a proper hibernation.


First verse of Mrs S' poem about hedgehogs


"There's a hedgehog at my back door

He's got a knife and fork

He likes a piece of garlic bread

And a tasty slice of pork"

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Plenty of hedgehogs in my garden, they get fed with mealworms every night.


One particular farmer I shoot for is always bemoaning the lack of hedgehogs there but he does feed the badgers at his back door so maybe not surprising.


He would be glad to see several released there but I don't know if the badgers would kill them?

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Although I would never kill one I would always remove them from my garden and certainly wouldn't be encouraging them. They are absolutely riddled with fleas and ticks and anyone who keeps dogs or any other animals for that matter should avoid them. There are actually people that keep them in their house! Turns my stomach!!

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